TC-KL [TIKLE] is now recruiting again for AUTZ pilots

Ill bump you if you dont mate… be careful

I agree remembering to bump is HARD

Bump time

Lets see this back at the top, need more pilots for dank kills! (Also fight us TW, we want to show you our appreciation with our guns <3)

Up and up she goes

Matt wants more recruits, so up we go

Moar recruits so we can have more fights like this:

Back to the top for our recruiters!

That was good dread fight… we fight 2 to 1 and still have good fight! Come join for fighting shenanigans!

Up and up and up again!

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According to Legacy, we are now goon pets :slight_smile:

Up to the top again as Legacy hates us apparently…

Still recruiting the toughest pvp krabs in the south! Hit us up to join.

Apparently we are low sec pvp’ers as well now…

Come join the fun

PVP is anywhere in EVE… come join us for shooting ships!

Iamthereaper will be the personal escort… I mean point of contact for everyone <3

Come join TIKLE and you too can fly your Dreads to Valhalla

Up and up we go for the weekend scrub lords!

Join TIKLE they said.
You can kill supers they said…

Video coming soon