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HHH Is the heavy drone bunnie, you will be assigned all the medium and heavy drones in fleet. You’re kill order is very simple.

FC orders > Untagged Romi > Untagged Battleships > Reverse number order.

Pro tip: Heavy drones are very slow to move around so you don’t necessarily have to follow the kill order, always follow FC orders though. Say there’s been a new spawn and the untagged Romi burn 40+ km away. Yet tag 9 is a big fat battleship and it’s sat right next to you. Instead of having the drones burn 40km and not firing for a good 40 seconds chasing a Romi just shoot tag 9 instead. Eventually someone will pull aggro and the Romi will burn back. Just use a bit of common sense when selecting targets and make sure you get the untagged killed before CQC run out of numbers.

Another good tip is sometime there will be two Heavy drone bunnie .If you assign your drones to the other one you can see what they are firing at when they aggress a target as your drones will attack it. Then you can both work together to kill of the Sansha much faster with one massive drone ball of death.

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