Team Security: 2021 in Review

This is definitely something we would like to work on - raising awareness regarding those cases and removing this aura of unnecessary secrecy that surrounds Team Sec. This is not something that is done in one day though, but hopefully we’ll be able to change that.

Everything that you said is legitimately very important to say many times in a row and hopefully new and old players will hear that.

As we mentioned in our panel on fanfest - buying from the third party websites is not supporting the small player business. Those are organized groups, they do lots of credit card fraud, they hack accounts, and who knows, maybe some day an ISK buyer will end up buying injectors that were taken from his friends SP.

The choice of buying or not buying ISK aside seems easy now, so we would like not only to stress the inevitability of consequences, but also share the origins and sources of those funds.