Tell me why structure explosions are harmless

No. Space is vacuum so there is nothing (no air) to stop pieces of debris from accelerating away from the point of explosion so pieces of debris travel with a high velocity and thus makes impact with objects like you ship at a higher velocity transferring more kinetic energy to the object resulting in higher damage. The rapid depressurization of structures like star bases also adds additional energy thus velocity to the pieces of debris.

It’s not like a submarine underwater that implodes because of higher outside pressure. Pressurized space structures exploded are more like balloons that pop due to a lower pressure surrounding them.

Because CCP’s failure that is their servers can’t handle harmful AOE explosions.

I don’t buy that, as most actual ‘effects’ are done on the client rather than the server. The explosion you see when a npc pirate ship explodes will not necessarily be exactly what I see nearby. All the server actually needs to record is the damage and positions. For a single point explosion that’s really not hard to calculate…f = mv type stuff. But the actual visual effects for it can all be done by the client.

That’s how most MMOs work. Stuff that is important to be consistent is done on the server. Stuff that can vary according to perspective is done on the client…that’s especially true of visual effects.

I think this is actually a good idea.

Every dying ship should have an explosion. It could be coded just like a smartbomb, which activates at the moment of ship destruction.

100% incorrect. But space is a lie anyway.

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Tell that to the supernova that destroyed my home planet (in real life, not in game).

Actually the proper term for outer space was originally plural, ‘spaces’. The star trek original series theme they just said ‘Space’ and it caught on. Explosions are inverted into non-vacuums in spaces which is why they get shot on outside of ship and it inverts and blows up into the bridge instead of outside
Physics is pretty couterintuitive which is why later shows and games after original star trek and the 3 actual real star wars movies started taking on inaccuracies cause what you think is common sence is actually reversed because of the effects of dark matter in outer spaces (which is why space is dark even though common sense tells you it should be light because of the sun out there)

No, it’s not.

They can’t prove that “Dark Matter” exists, so…it doesn’t.

Please tell me that Star Trek isn’t your only source of information.


All damage calculation and ship movement calculation is done server-side, not client-side. That’s why those activities are server-tick-bound. The servers struggle with calculating AoE events in cluttered spaces (see the records of node deaths caused by use of ECM or SB during null war engagements, even with the combat system isolated to its own server node for maximum processing support).


Dark matter is what old physicists invented when observations disproved their theories. Rather than change the theories, they decided that the observations were wrong and some invisible substance could be added to their equations to make them work.


:rofl: Thank you so much for the laugh! I needed that.

The answer to this question is: High-Sec.
Imagine you destroy a structure, which then destroys a neutral player. Result: Either you get Concord killed or it will be a security hole to kill players in High-Sec without being punished.

Both are bad options, so the remaining solution is to remove damage from structure explosion.


No exploding objects in EVE deal damage to their surroundings, unless the object is a weapon.

Structure explosions, ship explosions, asteroid explosions… they all look pretty but are harmless to everything else.

It could be interesting to add area of effect damage to these explosions, but as @Meditril correctly noticed: indiscriminate explosions will get you CONCORDED in high sec as an exploding ship or station will often hit an illegal target and get your entire structure bashing fleet killed by CONCORD even though you were attacking a legal war target.

There is a solution though: add structure & ship explosion damage, remove CONCORD.

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These types of explosions are typically harmless to military vehicles because distant objects designed not to explode deal much, much less damage to armored targets than things that are purpose built to explode and/or inflict damage. In realistic terms, these objects are likely to break up when they lose their structural integrity without much fanfare.

The explosions look magnificent for the same reason you can hear them in the vacuum of space. It’s just cooler that way and realism be damned (for the sake of things that do not have any tangible effect but to look or sound good).

People losing a fight either inflicting punitive damage on the victors or accidental damage to their allies sounds like a terrible idea to me, though, regardless of how it is justified, but using the exaggerated visual effects as the rationale for why this should be a thing especially doesn’t work for me.


Code. The damsel’s mission structure does damage upon popping. Enough to destroy drones too. Personally I think the amount of damage it does to a battleship would be sufficient when in range of structure explosions AND ships.

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It’s only punitive to the people who don’t know how to mitigate or avoid the damage.

How many threads in here are chastising dummies for not playing smart? Pretty much every second one these days. And now you want to reverse that EVE dogma?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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It’d definitely change up the blob warfare.

We saw CCP clearly inspiring themselves from it with the Triglavians and their use of suns, and even the esthetics bringing up Shivan nostalgia, but, as usual, an unfinished project …


You are confusing calculation with display. The server maintains the ‘true’ position, damage, etc, of every ship. But the entire scene in front of you is not being transmitted every millisecond by the server, just the limited data that needs to be consistent across all players. The actual visual effects are entirely client side. When a ship explodes, the detailed graphics for that explosion are not sent…all that is sent is a signal to ’ explode ship x ’ and let the client deal with how that explosion is depicted.

If there’s an MMO with 40 people dancing, what each person sees on their screen…the syncing of the dancing…will be different. Client-side, you can even end up out of sync with everyone else. Not everyone is seeing the same thing. Sure, the server knows exactly where you are…your ‘true’ position…but it does not bother with every little detail of where your arms and legs truly are, which is all client side. That is why most lag in MMOs is graphics on the client side.

Ship explosions are an easy calculation. Heck, its just a case of applying the inverse square law and the distance of other ships. It’s a piece of cake…microseconds…compared with something like Universe Sandbox, which even on a single client can calculate the n-body gravitational effect of several dozen bodies on each other ( for every single one…calculating all the others ) in real time pretty quickly. The calculations are fast…it is the display that slows things down.

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I’d pay money to have my kill-mail showing that I was podded by a steering wheel…

“I was just flying along, minding my own business, when, out of nowhere, a gdamn steering wheel hit me in the head!”