Tell me why structure explosions are harmless

There’d be a rush for Arbalest Steering Wheels at Jita.

Zero argument that the graphics are easily calculated. But, this statement is where we disagree:

Emphasis mine.

Multiple instances of reinforced node deaths due to AoE application (damage or modifiers, not visual effects) would indicate you are dramatically oversimplifying the complexity of AoE effects in crowded combat scenarios.

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Why are people pretending Smart Bombs don’t exist in the game. I’ve been in mobs with a hundred ships firing them off.

Complex or not, THE CODE IS ALREADY THERE! The server can handle it. It’s the entitled whiners that can’t.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I’m not saying the code isn’t there. I’m saying the statement about why it was turned off was accurate, which Cilla doubted. The servers may now be robust enough to handle this again - only CCP can say on that front, because they would be the ones able to performance test against unreinforced nodes with a wide range of scenarios. But server performance is why it was disabled in the first place, and it is still something EVE’s servers struggle with in large PvP engagements.


My point is that AOE effects are simple compared to something like gravitational effects in Universe Sandbox that even a modest PC can handle. Imagine you have 30 planets, and for every single planet you have to work out the gravitational effect of all the others. That’s like 30! ( 30 factorial ) calculations ! A huge number. There are various algorithms that simplify what is known as the ‘n body problem’ and give a good approximation…but if anything involves massive CPU calculations this is it. And yet a single PC can handle it…and I’ve even had 30 planets interacting in Universe Sandbox.

By contrast, AoE is a piece of cake. Just calculate what objects are within the specified ‘area’. Simple trigonometry. Even if you add in the inverse square law for extent of damage…that is not hard to calculate, computers are excellent at square roots. The reason it may all get laggy when you have 200 ships all battling it out has more to do with your computer displaying the effects than it has to do with the server calculating them.

What are we even arguing about? Ship and structure destruction doesn’t cause splash damage. Nor should it. Nor has it ever.

I want to be able to overload a star and make it go supernova.

I think it’s being quite reasonably argued that it should. It is just anachronistic that a ship can explode and cause zero damage to surrounding ships. Of course, those who like to fight at close range wont like such explosion damage…which I suspect is the main reason some don’t like the idea.

I didn’t see any reasonable argument like that in this thread. Just a bunch of theory-crafters that want to monkey with the game for no reason other than perceived “realism.”

There are structures right now in the game that do though. I guess you just don’t pve. When did the lvl4 version damsel in distress come out? That one has always did splash damage when you blew up the hub and I remember it destroying my drones before the 2010s.

The effects od dark matter render your assertion incorrect.

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It has more to do with questioning the validity of whether the realism is left out of the game because the servers can’t cope…or because realism would affect the balance of play.

I suspect the real ‘complication’ lies not in graphics or server time, but in the finality of combat outcome. If I destroy my ship, and in the process destroy the enemy ship…who is that a kill for ? Current play has the first person getting to zero ship structure being the loser. Self destruct having a damage effect would complicate that somewhat.

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Why don’t we start with something simpler… like why we bounce off of jump gates, but we can fly into the center of planets?

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Within 20 minutes of CCP making that change someone will blow up an Orca at the Jita undock which will cause a chain reaction of other ships blowing up and the absolute deluge of complaints and whines on this forum will immediately overwhelm the website. That’s why they won’t do it.


It’s because the ships are made of an exotic material called “Handwavium.”

As I’ve mentioned before, this fantastic material allows for all sorts of physic defying phenomenon to occur to whatever it is used in and/or made out of.

That would be so incredibly awesome. We must have this in our game. Why can’t we have things that make us happy this is game not IRL


Excellent ! Make it so !

Yup… just imagine the following situation: high value freighter is autopiloting through high sec and gets bumped off gate. Ganker crew not only brings 50 catalysts, but also warps 50 fresh pods onto freighter. Freighter explodes, killing 50 pods. Freighter pilot is now -10.

Or do you want a big explosion that magically only hits “bad guys” by your definition of “bad guys”? How is that realistic?


gasp! how could you suggest such a thing? You ebil ebil, horrible nasty person you!

That poor poor afk freighter pilot doomed to a security status of -10, now having to pay out isk to bribe CONCORD with those clone soldier tags to fix it all because the player wanted to watch Netflix instead of interfacing with the game. The horror! Don’t you ever suggest that a player should actually “play” the game when they play it again. The shear nerve of you!

Queue existential dread and ennui.

I want little explosions to do splash damage against the freighter.


Large explody explosions against those wayward pods, CONCORD ships and any other ships that just happen to hanging off the gate at the time of explody explosion time.