There are already rumors that players have looked at the game files and the future of new ships and mining ships and drones, according to them, will be bad. Maybe you don’t need to touch the miners at all? They already had a lot of useful ore taken away from them in the hyseks. Not everyone likes to fly through low sectors and zero sectors to fight. Give people the opportunity to play the way they want.
We all need negative nellies to extract salt from so there will never be some bad change to mining, just the opportunity to allow others to play the way they want.
Those who spread rumors are fools and those who believe rumors are idiots.
What the hell does that mean anyway? What game files? What players?
The only game files that were found, were pretaining all the mining ship changes that went live yesterday. What else are you talking about? Maybe provide a source and what changes you are referring too.
Rumormongering is not allowed here.
The future of miners is that they (currently) suck a little less, but still generally suck (compared to what a career once was).
If they buff mining, more players get into it - players make less overall income.
If they buff mining and make ore scarcer - some players make more income, others less.
If they just make ore scarcer - a few players make out like bandits while most miss out.
Is this another thread where some miner cries about losing some dusty 200 million ship that he flew for four months and made zero profit on?
■■■■ like that pisses me off considering after brokers fees, corp taxes etc I lose billions.
I didn’t get to even fly a ship.
I don’t get to cry, why should you?
No it isn’t. I know it’s hard but try to read the O.P
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