Testing the RAM Vacuum known as EVE

I made a bash script to monitor my RAM on the little 8 GB box.

#Fetch the PID of the game
GAME=$(pidof -w exefile.exe)
#Wait for the game to start up
while [ -z $GAME ]
	MEM_TEST=$(free | grep Mem | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 7)
	sleep 0.5
	echo $MEM_TEST
	GAME=$(pidof -w exefile.exe)
#While the game is running monitor memory available
while [ $GAME -gt 0 ]
	MEM_TEST=$(free | grep Mem | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 7)
	#Terminate the game if or when Memory is under 512 MB remaining
	if [ $MEM_TEST -lt 500000 ]
		kill $GAME
		echo "Available RAM "$MEM_TEST
	sleep 0.5
	#Use for terminal display of memory in kibibytes.
	echo $MEM_TEST 
	# Remove comment tag (#) below to save a log file.
 	#echo $MEM_TEST >> memory.log 

I use this to prevent my PC from locking up while playing EVE. It mostly does this when I enter or exit Jita with the Launcher running. I have noticed a large memory drain when I toggle the in game audio option as well. Anyone who uses Linux should understand this script without the comments. Also kibibytes is technically not kilobytes, you can look that up on your own. I hope you find this useful.

Fly safe o7