Testing the RAM Vacuum known as EVE

I made a bash script to monitor my RAM on the little 8 GB box.

#Fetch the PID of the game
GAME=$(pidof -w exefile.exe)
#Wait for the game to start up
while [ -z $GAME ]
	MEM_TEST=$(free | grep Mem | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 7)
	sleep 0.5
	echo $MEM_TEST
	GAME=$(pidof -w exefile.exe)
#While the game is running monitor memory available
while [ $GAME -gt 0 ]
	MEM_TEST=$(free | grep Mem | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 7)
	#Terminate the game if or when Memory is under 512 MB remaining
	if [ $MEM_TEST -lt 500000 ]
		kill $GAME
		echo "Available RAM "$MEM_TEST
	sleep 0.5
	#Use for terminal display of memory in kibibytes.
	echo $MEM_TEST 
	# Remove comment tag (#) below to save a log file.
 	#echo $MEM_TEST >> memory.log 

I use this to prevent my PC from locking up while playing EVE. It mostly does this when I enter or exit Jita with the Launcher running. I have noticed a large memory drain when I toggle the in game audio option as well. Anyone who uses Linux should understand this script without the comments. Also kibibytes is technically not kilobytes, you can look that up on your own. I hope you find this useful.

Fly safe o7

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Yesterday CCP updated the software to 1.7.1 and of course the update caused havoc to ensue on my end. No problems, only solutions here.

Since I was already having issues with Wine directing traffic I took this opportunity to do a complete reinstall of the game system to the new 2 TB WD Black HDD. Why a HDD and not a SSD? Well I picked it up super cheap, prices are dropping on these spin drives as SSD become more popular. Right now you can find 4 TB WD Black drives for as low as $90 US. I was tempted to get a 10 TB for under $170 US. Seriously other than running a rogue video server, I wouldn’t know what to put on it. I settled on this 2 TB gaming drive for $30 US.

I downloaded the eve-online-latest+Setup.exe file from the site and got started. Entering terminal at my download location;

$ WINEPREFIX="/media/sysop/Chamber/.EVE" wine eve-online-latest+Setup.exe

The prefix points to the new 2 TB drive which I named Chamber on my system. I format all my drives with Journal EXT 4 by the way. The .EVE is a hidden directory/folder holding the wine virtual drive information.

Once you finish installation Eve should be found within that hidden folder.

$ WINEPREFIX="/media/sysop/Chamber/.EVE" wine cmd

Will take you to a z: drive prompt within your home folder. When I type the DIR command;

11/20/2024  06:09 AM    <DIR>          .
09/06/2024  01:48 AM    <DIR>          ..
11/19/2024  07:27 PM    <DIR>          Desktop
11/20/2024  06:05 AM    <DIR>          Documents
11/19/2024  07:26 PM    <DIR>          Downloads
10/30/2024  08:04 AM    <DIR>          Music
10/29/2024  07:10 PM    <DIR>          Pictures
06/03/2024  06:02 PM    <DIR>          Public
06/03/2024  06:02 PM    <DIR>          Templates
10/26/2024  09:21 PM    <DIR>          Videos
       0 files                        0 bytes
      10 directories     18,428,395,520 bytes free

This shows 18 GB free in my home drive. Changing to c: drive will show me;

Volume in drive c has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 4300-0000

Directory of c:\

11/20/2024  05:04 AM    <DIR>          EVE
07/01/2024  06:41 PM    <DIR>          Program Files
07/01/2024  06:43 PM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
07/01/2024  06:41 PM    <DIR>          ProgramData
07/01/2024  06:41 PM    <DIR>          users
07/17/2024  06:33 AM    <DIR>          windows
       0 files                        0 bytes
       6 directories    1,479,437,291,520 bytes free

Type EXIT to return to the Linux $ prompt.

Obviously I have more than just Eve in there. But this is virtual drive is where I can find the game files. Now the wine reports the true drive size to the game and I won’t be told there is no room.

After complete install, the launcher should work from the desktop icon shortcut.

System Information
HP 6200 Pro SFF
Intel(R) Core™ i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 710
Manjaro OS
XFCE desktop
Wine version 9.16

Fly safe o7

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What’s the RAM usage of wine like when eve is running ?

2.5 GB per client at start ; increases to … what, 10GB ? per client after a few hours

After logging the toons (nothing else done, minimized the games)

opened the industry window, listed jobs and BPs

waited a few minutes, looking at inventory, simulating fits

after 95 min :

after 132min :

I have similar experience, I have no idea why EVE on wine chews up so much RAM, its really irritating and makes me wonder if its an issue that is being papered over by windows that hides some awful performance bugs.

The answer, my friend…

@Eloken_Toralen all of the Wine processes in total are 236 MB. Meanwhile the launcher is showing me 7 processes - yes just for the launcher - totaling 2,982.7 MB.

Now I start the client and shut down the launcher…

Now at the character select screen no launcher running. Eve is holding at 1.8 GB + 33 MB for the crash handler, while all 8 of the Wine processes are still at 236 MB.
After loading into a character in dock. Eve jumps to 2.2 GB.
After the character undocks, 2.9 GB.
After the first jump from Rens to Frarn 3.3 GB.
Only minutes later, jumping to Embod, 5 jumps from the start 3.5 GB.
Back to character select screen Eve holds at 3.4 GB whereas before this was only 1.8 GB.

As you can see the game retains the RAM used and no longer needed for that character. When I logoff and return to the character select screen, why isn’t the memory freed? Returning to the game with another character it jumps back to 3.5 GB. As @stefnia_Freir showed, the longer you play and the more you do, causes more RAM used and little to none freed.

One of my friends asked me, if the script was dangerous by killing the game couldn’t I lose a ship? If I lock up in Jita and have to reboot the system, I might lose a ship either way.

Fly safe o7

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