Yesterday CCP updated the software to 1.7.1 and of course the update caused havoc to ensue on my end. No problems, only solutions here.
Since I was already having issues with Wine directing traffic I took this opportunity to do a complete reinstall of the game system to the new 2 TB WD Black HDD. Why a HDD and not a SSD? Well I picked it up super cheap, prices are dropping on these spin drives as SSD become more popular. Right now you can find 4 TB WD Black drives for as low as $90 US. I was tempted to get a 10 TB for under $170 US. Seriously other than running a rogue video server, I wouldn’t know what to put on it. I settled on this 2 TB gaming drive for $30 US.
I downloaded the eve-online-latest+Setup.exe file from the site and got started. Entering terminal at my download location;
$ WINEPREFIX="/media/sysop/Chamber/.EVE" wine eve-online-latest+Setup.exe
The prefix points to the new 2 TB drive which I named Chamber on my system. I format all my drives with Journal EXT 4 by the way. The .EVE is a hidden directory/folder holding the wine virtual drive information.
Once you finish installation Eve should be found within that hidden folder.
$ WINEPREFIX="/media/sysop/Chamber/.EVE" wine cmd
Will take you to a z: drive prompt within your home folder. When I type the DIR command;
11/20/2024 06:09 AM <DIR> .
09/06/2024 01:48 AM <DIR> ..
11/19/2024 07:27 PM <DIR> Desktop
11/20/2024 06:05 AM <DIR> Documents
11/19/2024 07:26 PM <DIR> Downloads
10/30/2024 08:04 AM <DIR> Music
10/29/2024 07:10 PM <DIR> Pictures
06/03/2024 06:02 PM <DIR> Public
06/03/2024 06:02 PM <DIR> Templates
10/26/2024 09:21 PM <DIR> Videos
0 files 0 bytes
10 directories 18,428,395,520 bytes free
This shows 18 GB free in my home drive. Changing to c: drive will show me;
Volume in drive c has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 4300-0000
Directory of c:\
11/20/2024 05:04 AM <DIR> EVE
07/01/2024 06:41 PM <DIR> Program Files
07/01/2024 06:43 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
07/01/2024 06:41 PM <DIR> ProgramData
07/01/2024 06:41 PM <DIR> users
07/17/2024 06:33 AM <DIR> windows
0 files 0 bytes
6 directories 1,479,437,291,520 bytes free
Type EXIT to return to the Linux $ prompt.
Obviously I have more than just Eve in there. But this is virtual drive is where I can find the game files. Now the wine reports the true drive size to the game and I won’t be told there is no room.
After complete install, the launcher should work from the desktop icon shortcut.
System Information
HP 6200 Pro SFF
Intel(R) Core™ i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 710
Manjaro OS
XFCE desktop
Wine version 9.16
Fly safe o7