Thank you, CCP, for this awesome new release!

Can you give me examples? :smiley:

From my perspective “luck” doesn’t have much to do with it …
… except for the fact that there’s no apparent strong group in our spot.

We just failed to do what we should have done, because we got lazy and too uninvested.
I don’t consider it luck that we planted ourselves into the system of our choosing.

I’d like to know what you think. :smiley:

You had no solid idea what CCP’s plan was. It turned out that CCP’s plan benefitted you strongly.

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I don’t know how to define “solid”.
From my perspective things were predictable enough to act on them.

I knew that grinding standings was really important for an unknown reason.

CCP put a lot of emphasis into it, which I’ve noticed …
… but I’ve lacked the brain cells to understand that there must be actual importance behind that.

“Choose a side” could not have been just a temporary gimmick. The emphasis made that clear enough. With EDENCOM the first sign of a big scale “red vs. blue” scenario came up. We knew that the systems will be locked out from the rest of the game, because we knew that the stargates would go down.

It was obvious that CCP favoured the triglavians simply because they required them to progress. Siding with EDENCOM made no sense whatsoever when you cared about the game not being stagnant and stale anymore. I’ve always considered EDENCOM to be “representative” of farmers and carebears, while the supporters of the triglavians wanted the game to change. A clash of ideologies. Those who want things to be easy, boring and feel-good and those who want things to be challenging, aggravating and … uh … idk, off-pissing. lol

CCP made it clear, time and time again, that the triglavian storyline is the direction the game is heading. It was a no-brainer to sit in these systems and see what’s happening. We even brought cyno support, just in case that works.

I don’t understand what you mean, when you write “benefitted strongly”. We’ve anticipated something blatantly obvious, namely being the fact that the invaded systems will be cut off from the rest of the game. It wasn’t rocket science to figure that one out. For those who failed to realize it earlier, the mail suggesting evacuation of all assets from invaded systems must have made it abundantly clear that these systems are going to be cut off.

You can go through my posting history. I’m aware that it’d be a pain in the ass looking for the relevant information. Whatever you can find that I’ve written before the release is now even more likely to happen:

They’re an empire and here to stay for a long time.
The NPE will be centered around the EDENCOM vs. Triglavian storyline.
They will have their own agents with their own missions.

I still can’t be 100% convinced they will turn into a playable race …
… but there’s more hints for it than for the opposite.

Triglavians, thanks to the Proving Grounds**, will eventually become formidable PvP opponents finally bridging the gap between PvE and PvP, which is what CCP has been after for a long time now.

Luck really had very little to do with it and your one-liner does not actually give any good examples at all.

We’re now in the pioneering phase of this new empire space … and it’s ■■■■■■■ awesome! :smiley:

**(These Arenas are like laboratories, where the players act in specific manners under certain conditions. It’s pretty much perfect for feeding an AI, teaching it how to fight like real players)

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You love what CCP has done. I am not disputing that. You think it was done because it was smart and wise, and good for the game. Maybe. But how many times has CCP had an opportunity to be smart and wise, and not done so? I don’t want to argue with you, I just think you should be a little bit more humble about telling everybody about how smart you were, just because what you thought would happen actually happened. Some people made different predictions. Just because those predictions turned out to be wrong doesn’t mean they were stupid predictions. We were all working with limited information.


You know what …
… I’ll send you the response as a mail within the hour.

Now back on-topic please.

besides that people will do their jobs
a doctor will not become a lawyer because he found information that layering is the new hot thing
for example I’m a amarr soldier , fw dude
even if i had perfect information about it i would not have joined the trigs or farmed standing because , well its not my job, its not what i do , or what i like… who will shot the dirty minmatar?
so … wen ccp say choose a side
i said NO
what for?
this is stupid …
maybe I’m being punished by my insubordination
but ■■■■ it… ill not pretend i love the new ■■■■ content , or will become a PVE player just because is the new hot thing
i can pick a ship and shot drones for a week if i find its good for me, but thats is … no more … i don’t pay 1.3 billion isk a month to do tings that are boring IMO

miners didn’t participate of the invarion … they continued to mine
pvper didn’t participate to … they kept pew pewing
crabs do not either , they were to buzzy crabing
market guys , well they couldn’t make it … they had to fill orders
well thats my point beaten to a pulp


Man, this release is truly remarkable!
I didn’t think you had such a whining crybaby in you!

Thank you, CCP!

:frowning: :disappointed_relieved: :cry: :sob:

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Honestly, I think you’re putting too much emphasis on your so called invididualism.

I understand that you don’t want to do PvE, but try seeing it from different perspectives.

Me and Pedro literally suicide ganked a drifter to find out if it gives us standings.
It was suicide, because he had lots of other Drifter friends around him, defending him.
That was pretty exciting actually. A close call. Not just some random PvE.

Now there’s a new empire in this game, with new rules and mechanics. It requires killing NPCs to aquire standing. As someone who refuses to work (by grinding), I understand your objection, but see it from CCPs perspective. What else could they have done?

They still have to provide some level of consistency between empires …
… but it’s still an improvement, because it’s not missions.

To grind standings in TSpace, one has to kill roaming fleets.
And they’re not like mission NPCs either. They’re much smarter than that.

They’re challenging!

You don’t back down from a challenge, do you?

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i think ccp is doing guided content and making npcs to important
but I’m tired of talking about it
ill continue to play
its old news
I’m happy for the people who like it


I forgot, I’ve owed you a Like.


Dept paid. :slight_smile:

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have one to
:heart: gave to few today

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You must be talking about eve echoes haha.

“You must kill 600 wild boars before you may enter this realm.”


I like the new drone shooting content.

Gotta say, they’re cute little buggers …
… unless it’s 30 of them …
… all at once.

Actually I like the whole roaming fleets and “random” encounter mechanics as a whole.
The Triglavians are patrolling their space!

I can see how people will eventually fight alongside NPCs.

It doesn’t actually feel this way at all. I’ve only ever played one other “MMO”, ArchAge, and there were limits based on your levels.
That was bothersome, especially because it was too easy shooting NPCs ten levels above you.

This is actually scary!

I need to kill 633 more boars to get to 3.0 crazy
And no point in killing a whole fleet as it only counts as one standing tick of 0.003
Have to go kill 1 of them then come back for another after i get the standing tick. Seems crazy to me

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So now they have basically merged XP and Rep and you get them for shooting npcs.

The final transfer of power is among us and even Mission-haters are cheering for this like its the second coming.

Man, they really know how to train people

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I’ve seen people say that the standing bar is set to limit the amount the players in there, so things will progress slowly and they will get the time to tinker with it.
I’m personally in favor of that idea, since Provchen doesn’t hurt me
guess who’s hurt the most? Haulers, Jita-Amarr is 40 jumps now
I wonder if that’s also intentional

It’s quicker now to just send items to Renns than it is to Amarr and Renns the price mark up is worth it.
They pay almost double the cost if it is in stock there.

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