The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

In honor of the coming month anniversary of this thread I will say absolutely ganking is good.

Ganking gives otherwise mundane and boring activities in high sec a hint of adventure and excitement. Mining and hauling goods around would be mind numbingly dull without it. The truth is high sec is already so safe and trivially easy. Ganking is necessary for the game to continue and survive. Ganking is the first introduction into PvP and should be the reason why the new bros learn basic skills of situational awareness. Players need ganking in the same way that kids need to occasionally get colds and scrapped knees to make them tough enough to thrive in a competitive world.

(edited caus I spel gud)


@CCP_Rattati ?

Here are a few clues for research purposes:

  • Instadock station bookmarks
  • Instawarp gate bookmarks
  • Drag mining an orca/hulk fleet
  • Setting standing with alliances and watching local
  • Tanking your blockade running instead of cargo expanding it
  • Dscan (but it’s usually too late by then anyway)

Sadly as you’ll find, people cannot be bothered to learn the ways.

They simply want full immunity because they cannot learn.


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  1. Where possible, carry with you a range of fittings for your ship…in your cargo hold…that you can easily stop in a station and swap to. That would include things like inertial stabilisers for faster align, if your route has some particularly dodgy systems you want to get through quickly. My ships often carry multiple fittings. It’s one of those ’ gosh…why didn’t I think of that’ type things once you start doing it.

  2. If you are in a combat ship, pre-heat your weapons in highsec the minute you enter a dodgy system. If you encounter gankers you’re not gonna have time to worry about burning out your weapons.

  3. Although some systems such as Uedama are unavoidable, others ( 0.5 Balle for example ) are entirely avoidable and if it shows up on your route you can simply click the little yellow icon and select ‘avoid’ and a new set of systems come up. In fact using this you can get all the way from Amarr to Uedama with just one 0.5 system ( hint…you go via Sarum Prime ).

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They destroyed my ship using dark arts against Concord.
They called me “miner” and for some reason I did not like it.
My orca was destroyed by a bunch of cheap catalyst.
They had -10 security status “for the luls”
They did it for fun and griefing, not for isk!
Then I got invited into a channel.
They offered me a mining permit.
I got angry and insulted them (and their families…).
Because nothing was left in my wallet.
Or thats what i told to them.
I uninstalled the game in shame.
They called it victory!

Please @CCP_Swift you have to solve the Ganking Problem! You know that they forced me to become salty and mad! It is not my fault! Can someone reimburse me please it is not faaaaaaaaaaaair :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

You lost me at dark arts against Concord.

He’s saying that gankers have hacked the game and are making use of exploits.

What he didn’t include is that gankers kick puppies, drown kittens and push over old grannies in the crosswalk.

Dark Arts really requires it’s own blog page wouldn’t you say to include actual New Eden related actions as not all gankers are like that outside of EveOnline.

Not according to some knowledgeable individuals who are experts in the subject and have definitive proof that all EvE gankers are horrible sociopaths.

Lol. It’s amazing how many people don’t realize that the time to make a move for a gate is when all the gankers are flashing red. The flashing red means they are still criminal from a prior attack and cannot even undock without being Concorded ( though this very thing is often used to pull Concord ). It’s not that they can’t form a fleet and attack you during that stage, but that if they’ve pulled Concord to a station they’ll be blapped the minute they leave it, and if they’ve just ganked at the gate you want to go through then Concord will still be there and blap them immediately. That’s the time to make a dash for it.

I often see ’ gankers flashing red’ intel reports…as if that was the danger time. But it isn’t…if gankers are in the system that’s the least dangerous time.

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Well… there is a simple solution to set the record straight.

Perhaps you can request that the Dark Witch of Arts submits her blog page for clarification on what is and what isn’t right or wrong with ganking.

cleaned up off topic, and inappropriate posts… reminder:

1. Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

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Thanks for cleaning that up @ISD_Drew


What did I miss?

Just some dude trying to troll.

Posted a couple of my more interesting loss mails,

  1. lost my jackdaw to a thrasher and
  2. lost my confessor to a skiff,

Both in low sec. And had this expectation that I’m supposed to be embarrassed by this because… I wrap my identity up in my EvE online performance? I donno. :man_shrugging:

Then when he failed to troll me there he went on to make this really bizarre claim that those losses drove me to high sec ganking because “I suck at it.”

But both those losses occurred more than a year and a half later after I left my high sec ganking career (or at least where I made highsec ganking the main activity)

It was an absolute logical mess. Just vitriolic nonsense to flame, troll and try to shut the thread down.

But Drew was on top of it pretty quick! Thank you again mate!

Damn, someone give Drew a medal.

