The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

…or win the lottery while eating a delicious dolphin burger. :blush: :innocent: :yum:

Or win the lottery then eat a delicious dolphin burger.

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I have been to the edge of known space and back. Flown in all of the levels of security. Dined with people obsessed with triangles. Eaten in holes in space. And I have heard the whisper of the cosmos.

What does it say pray tell?

Arm thyself brethren. With knowledge. Do not weep and cry and tear your clothes, imploring your overlords, who are in love with geothermal energy, to save you.

Learn the feint within a feint within a feint. Learn that the killing edge is the mind.

Ganking is merely a tool. Tools aren’t inherently bad or good. They are what purpose they are used for.

Learn how to do it. Learn how to evade it. Learn how to survive it.

Do not give in the cult of victimhood some preach here. They only do so for their own gain.

Arm yourself capsuleer. Learn how to move within this universe. Accept that death will always find you, and it will always be your fault. The key is, learning from that death to learn how to evade Him better. Until he becomes only a distant acquittance, and not a close friend.

Learn that the frontline is everywhere. Embrace it. Live it. Don’t cry or whine.

Fit up, fleet up and fly out.


An even better philosophy is to regard every ship as lost the minute you undock it. If a person cannot afford that loss, and do not have the ISK to replace it, then they should stick to lower cost ships until they can. What one can afford to lose should scale up as one has more ISK. But all too often people get ganked in ships that are their entire ISK worth…which is just silly on their part.


What have you started.

Can i be judge of the funniest version

It would be a lot funnier if Eve was like this… ( watch to the end )…

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You want EVE to be like Oblivion in very easy mode?

Whoa, THAT is a bump

But that takes effort. I just want to mindlessly push a button and it spits isk out at me.

Used by RL antisocial psychopaths that should be locked up and not allowed to interact with polite society.

You need to caveat that with a trigger warning. You triggered me and made me have an emotional response. And there is no safe space for me.

Why? It’s how I emotionally manipulate people into doing and giving me what I want.


Why should we have to push a button?

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When is CCP going to fix ganking? @CCP_Stroopwafel

That emotional response got a certain 12 year old girl multiple life sentences without any chance of parole.

Takes a few buttons

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You’re right. Why should I have to even log in to make isk?

CCP should fix this right away.

When you work that one out, let me know.

Did I not say:

It’s not my job to figure it out. It’s CCP’s job to keep me happy.

What is it with the round-about way people say things on these forums? Like, if you wanted me to derive any meaning from this stuff at all, just say it. Don’t expect me to scroll back in the thread to try to piece together the clues that lead me to whatever the hell it is you’re on about. Just be normal, say things, coherent things. Thanks! :wink:

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I don’t. You overestimate your importance little pig.



:shufflepartyparrot: :partyparrot: :congapartyparrot:


It is a gaming mechanism that imaginary gives player control over the result even if there is no such control ie. gambling machines.

Peoples just loves pushing and mashing a buttons, they can’t resist.