The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

They are focusing on older new players too. It’s just that not every new player has the same tastes as you. I’d definitely have left the game if my early days consisted of sitting in a fleet shooting an inactive structure for example.

There’s nothing inherently more carebear-ish about someone shooting a rock or an NPC than there is someone ganking a frigate or shooting a structure. It’s all a matter of perspective. CCP are starting to understand that the bulk of their playerbase enjoy more than what the most vocal people on this forum claim is the core of the game. It’s not a combat arena or a space combat simulator, it’s a sandbox game where a wide variety of playstyles should be enjoyable.


Neither is sitting in a 300+ F1 monkey blob fleet and applying 0 damage to your target


As you said, we all have different tastes. But I’ll this: it’s very easy to label what doesn’t appeal to you as “carebear.”

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If you talking about Safety. , nonsense as many capsuleers have not been blown up by Safety.

Safety blew you up for a reason, work out why then remove that reason.

Correct. CCP fully understands that those most vocal people want safety and immunity of interaction with other players. They know that those same vocal people are willing to twist and turn every imaginable argument towards their game-breaking goal of creating a “newbie nurturing environment where they can play safe and not be “hurt” by others sharing the same space”. We both know that that is not the type of game that was created, quite the contrary. It was a wise decision, the one that lead to the longevity of the game. Nowhere is safe, not from players and not from npcs.

Let’s hope that that wisdom is engraved in their company’s Credo, and a fundamental design feature of anything in EvE.


nope, I was talking about safety, not [Safety.], which should have been clear if you read the rest of the sentence :thinking:.


Pressing a hot key every 3 seconds is exhausting! I should know. It’s a key tactic to surviving in low sec and WH space. And as casual low sec pirate I can tell you that my poor finger has a callous because of it.

You’re right. It’s too much work to pay attention to a game, especially in high sec!

I think pro gankers just troll lazy in game behavior.

There should be an option to auto-refresh the directional scanner at a chosen interval. I think I’d rather be suicide ganked than manually press the hotkey every few seconds.

I think I have a solution that will solve all ganking issues in highsec: Any negative security status classifies you as an outlaw, but CONCORD will only attack you if you have a criminal timer. This will allow players to proactively defend themselves against potential gankers, while also allowing gankers free roam through highsec, as long as they avoid a criminal timer.


Isn’t that the truth.

We’re all-loving and all-accepting so long as you agree with us.

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Look back over the history of this forum and that’s not the case. These countless ganking threads are often created by the people who whine about carebears and no discussion can be had without one of them showing up and trying to tie it to ganking. Ganking is a niche interest and while it probably should remain part of the game, it’s not overly important, so it doesn’t need to be forced into every single other topic.

I don’t think it really matters what was created, because thing change. Things have already changed. More often than not the only time people get on their high horse about what the game used to be is when something they like is under threat. Personally, I’ll adapt to any change CCP comes up with and as long as I can still blow stuff up and the game continues to have enough players to keep it active.

I do prefer a broader sandbox though, with a larger variety of activities and playstyles available.

The thing you have to remember is that people like Ax’l don’t want people doing PvE. They want a combat arena, and making PvE mechanics as tedious, laborious and unrewarding as possible helps towards that.


I never said that.

Why are you putting words in my mouth?

Is your argument so weak that you have to fabricate mine?




Lol. You’re the one constantly arguing to restrict what people can do.

No-one forces ganking into unrelated topics more than you do.

Yet more gaslighting.


These are lies.

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And this isn’t?

You have a quite a history of lying, making up things, slandering, putting words into people’s mouth, double speak, moving goal posts that spans multiple threads.

Your credibility and integrity is the one in serious question. Not Altera’s.


and yet you took the time to comment on my post
not a graceful exit, rather an eviction

ask 10 forum clones what “ganking” is, you’ll get 10 different answers that will not add up to merely “niche”.

unless it’s the core of the success. Any flavor of coca-cola still has coca-cola as its base ingredient. And when “they” get it wrong, there’s still the basis to fall back to. Right ?

p.s. you still remind me of that other guy you vehemently deny to be.


“He-who-must-not-be-named” lest your post gets blocked, locked and censored?

Ya, it’s strangely uncanny how identical those two are.

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Have you got any evidence that what you are arguing for is the core of the success?

Sure, but that’s mainly because when they bring out another flavor it’s alongside the original. Are you saying CCP should release multiple instances of EVE for people with different tastes?

Oh, evidence, that nasty and highly irrelevant thing when it doesn’t suit your purpose in a thread ? Do you, by any chance, have evidence that it is not the core of EvE’s success ?

CCP does have that evidence you seek. Mr. Hilmar uses the hardship, the friendship, and other -ships in almost all his speeches. Which one of his speeches you ask ? Pick one.

It’s like asking for evidence that gravity exists. Here’s a little experiment. Pick up a rock, throw it straight up and don’t move. If gravity doesn’t exist, you’ll be safe and walk away from the experiment unharmed.
A similar situation exists with the core of the success of EvE Online and its design principles, mutatis mutandis.

EDIT: Oh, almost forgot your other question

Nope :laughing: There’s EvE Echoes, there’s the version on Infinity (if they let non-inhabitants on it, dunno duncare), each with different aspects. That’s more than enough for a niche game, tyvm. Let’s keep the efforts and attention focused on the Main Game.

Keep pounding the tin drum, just change the rhythm once in a while, for entertainment.


Wow. Eve continues to go to ■■■■. Fair play? How, in a future that sure as ■■■■ would not accept your behaviour or beliefs, and would have dusted you at least 2 thousand years earlier would it be okay to suggest there is some kind of equality or reality in a mob of idiots destroying and disrupting progress? Do you honestly believe the future has your blood reserved? Or that maybe parasites like code or them other morons are going to exist? CCP are exstatic with your level of misunderstanding. Lol While you argue about what’s right and wrong about a future you obviously cannot fathom, normal humans who pay to entertain a desire of something that maybe resembles a slightly futuristic space adventure are continuously becomming fodder for psychopaths. Oh, lets entertain the idea of cloning. Really? Do you seriously think humans, in the distant future will get popped, get remapped and just seek death? Lol Go play pure pvp games then. Sure, if eve continues to devolve, fine. Delete my account. I have no further interest or desire to partake in a once was application. But, they make it difficult, which is why i’m informing. And hey, is absolutely not much of a hidden story that CCP devs and GMs have incited and supported your paid disruption. Such is the case of morons referring to Star Citizen as a carebare game… cause they lose the opportunity and goodness of laughing about griefing ■■■■ out of your enjoyment if you move to a game with a slightly better legal system and less overall loss. Why else would the killboard exist!? Twice the laugh is double the fun, for an idiot. Not enough enjoyment to smash your last 4 hours of work or pretend that you can play what you pay for. And you keep paying. No, i never got ganked. Attempted. I bailed out as soon as i realised EVE was going to ■■■■, like many others. Was an excellent pretend back in the day. Cheers CCP. Now, delete my account, stop sending me emails, and i pray to God you keep them here as we all progress to greater thought and better games, fueled by better minds, while EVE slides away into a small cloud of terrorists drooling on keyboards. By them, you know who i am referring to… :sunglasses:

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nu fone, who dis?