The 9-4RP2 Collusions

CUDA is the future of massive client side graphic computations and visualization. In the example above there are 32700 objects rendered under 160fps based on PhysX interactions between them. I watched many CUDA samples and they look impressive. Sadly, current CUDA is used in science mainly to emulate, for example, molecular or biological reactions.

[updated] Here, I found that impressive sample I saw long time ago

Moreover, CCP should create a kind of exchange protocol to send and receive data between server and clients in different channels (if it’s not yet implemented), like current ATM works, to mitigate delayed user commands. And the data in protocols should be well compressed like is JSON, for example.

TiDi has absolutely nothing to do with client-side lag. Yes I agree that’s also a problem, but that’s a problem that can be assisted by turning down your graphics, turning off brackets, etc.

The graphical load on the client is absolutely important, but it is unrelated to server lag. The server doesn’t render anything.

TiDi is an artificial server latency to mitigate the crash or shutdown. It is a sum of downgraded grid thread cycle time + a computation time + DB I/O time (read/write to HDD). Total latency is TiDi + pack and process data in routers + packets travel time to clients.

Moreover, CUDA can be used for server-side computations only without 3D visualization, but this usage of the technology isn’t popular yet and well known. The tech is new (from 2008-2010) and for true server parallel computation should be used some tricks. I’m not familiar with these ‘aspects’ yet.

Actually, for the most part we didn’t use drones and that was one of the reasons why. You can’t use sub caps because all the defenders would have to do is use a GTFO module and with the ECM burst fleet that they brought ships would have to re-establish locks every shot. This made fighters the best option.

Like I said…

For example, we all know the type of guy who will be smashing a hotkey as hard as he can while the module is cycling, over and over again. I have to assume the client will send at least some of those through to account for potential client lag. Each of those module availability checks incurs a check that the server must handle. Granted that is small, but amplify it across thousands of players, in a situation where the processors are already very close to thrashing, and it probably matters a lot.

Or d-scan. No real computations required (just a quick subtraction assuming that’s done on the server at all, it would likely be more efficient to return xyz and let the client figure it out) however it has to query the position of every object within 15 AU. 5000 objects to query, results for 5000 objects to return. That adds up quick.

CUDA would certainly help for the actual calculations, such as damage from a weapon firing, but those are only part of the load. Not saying it won’t help, just saying CUDA isn’t a silver bullet.

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I like Grath Telkin a lot, because he just speaks his mind and he has passion. On the face of it he is right from the perception of PL/NC/GOTG, there was no strategic value to that Keepstar in the sense of holding meaningful assets and being unimportant.

Listening between the lines to things it was evident that it was a test for the Imperium, to see what they could do, they wanted to try different tactics to take out a Keepstar when defended by a large force. Their tactics would have worked if they could have reloaded their fighter tubes. What this in reality meant is that if you defend a Keepstar you have to quite simply turn it into a TiDi fest so nothing works. What I did learn from that is that outside of the main TZ’s a super blob without excessive server load will be able to kill a defended Keepstar. I was there at the destruction of the GOTG Keepstar and the DRF dropped Dreads to keep the damage cap up, I was shooting GOTG fighters in a Jackdaw.

Goons are not bothered so much by the strategic importance of that Keepstar, they are coming at it from a different angle, this is a typical Goon thing which is to do it because they can and in doing that they install a certain amount of fear and fear is control. The thing is that they can destroy Keepstars and at some point you will see it happen.

The Goons have built a massive amount of Supers and Titans, it does not really matter where they head in terms of attacking Keepstars, but the simple fact is that they will, they could for a start go after Test, it would not surprise me at all to see the Keepstar which my two mains are currently sitting in to be the one they go for, though that splat between Aryah and Villy seemed a bit like Goon mind games to divert attention away from their real intent.

I believe that the Goons intended to build up their supers and titans to be able to roll up to a target region place strategic Keepstars and use their asset superiority to control said region and gradually dominate Eve that way, it is not total dominance, but it is strategic dominance. And it would be a fun thing to do with that massive economic power that they have developed. Of course I could be wrong because this is just thinking about what I would do as a strategic plan and objective based on what the Goons have, but… why not, it is just a pity that the game was not able to handle it…


The feeding of dreads until the MTO Keepstar went down was great spirit.

9-4RPG2 was endurance and bordrom, but not inspireing in any way.


CCP made a video about this, I approve.

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Exactly. Changes should be implemented not on server side only, but overall EVE system. Let’s say we have like 50% server TiDi (a strong server is running) and 10000 ships on the grid, then the unimproved EVE clients can cause huge lags and low fps without CUDA engine. Let’s not mix low fps with TiDi (latency). You can have 20% TiDi, but the fps can be above 100. It’s important to rotate camera around smoothly and zoom in and out to ships and other objects.

A boosted server isn’t always a correct solution to improve an application performance. Should be used different mathematical abstraction models and system concepts, like a distributed computation between threads of server and client. For example, as soon on the grid are like over 1000 players the server must open a new thread on a different server and all clients should be redirected there. I don’t know how it works currently, but to open and individual thread for each ship isn’t that bad at all. So, all mentioned operations over ship modules are performed in its own thread. The problem is to synchronize data between all these threads and main server-app thread. D-Scan table must be computed on client side like other UI operations. Local chat must be disabled in that case like other useless extra function in this case.

The application’s performance was never the problem.

The problem was that stuff like controlling fighters, drones, even reloading your guns, they all take server calls. When the server’s too busy to answer, even a 3 way SLI’d 1080 on minimum graphics with all of its rendering done via CUDA will still produce a terrifyingly bad player experience.

What happens when I try to shoot someone on a different server?

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I don’t understand the battles and movements of most SoV alliances they did last year. Like TEST operations in Venal or what is the point for NC/PL to help TRI to destroy Fidelas, for example, or like CO2 movement to TRI/FR. It should have been interesting to see that ‘Trioxide’ coalition in the South-East, it’s interesting to see an evolved Fraternity alliance and their coalition. There are many enough powerful groups in nearby Curse, Great Wildlands and Low-Sec, which can join them. Among them, the Legacy was and is the most vulnerably coalition, based on what’s happening around. The TEST is very strong alliance, but the Legacy coalition… IDK.

The Goons leaders looks like much more angry than usual due to what Progodlegend posted just before that glory battle. I suppose, after that Cloud Ring mess they’ll turn to the East, as you mentioned. They have a great support in Stain and that Sax Keepstar in the middle can be used like a staging point and a local bridge beacon. Moreover, their presence in Curse is high as NC, like their allies The Initiative too. It’s hard to predict what the North will do if the Imperium invasion will happen. As I mentioned, the Legacy vulnerability is based on surrounding general situation. The are TEST and BRAVE. The Proviblock just must help Legacy after all, but without a Capital force. The Imperium will not come to take the SoV space, but, possible, to conquer it and give it to their new allies from Stain and all around to create a new CFC block in the South… Who knows…?

Well, I would like to help TEST in this possible war. I’m in a 30 days interval to jump in a Naglfar, Nidhoggur or Hel and, with 4 Large Skill Injectors, I’m in a 100 days interval (until summer) from their Mastery IV. Sadly, at the same time I haven’t enough free time to participate into that Null-Sec ‘scheduled mess’ and I don’t want to buy a PC for $1500, which will hold all that overloaded swarm invasion of ‘space bees’.

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Heh, you just have to zoom in to see all that what CCP saw.

Why different server?

You can shoot only ships in a range aka on the same grid.

Like I said, the performance can be improved by improving all modules in the system. Events are handled by so called ‘delegates’, which can run in a separate thread, let’s say a ‘ship thread’. But, yes, their overall synchronization is hard. Everything matters.

Same grid, different servers.

And I can agree that if we’re going to fix 100% of issues, leveraging CUDA would allow folks with CUDA-capable cards (which is only a subset of the playerbase) would be a decent approach to allowing said clients to run at higher graphics settings.

But in the case of 9-4, clients unable to maintain a solid framerate were moot… the server was literally pinned at 100%. The server-side requests were what was causing the problem.

I mean same grid on another multicore dedicated server ready for this. Let’s say the common local system thread must generate another main thread with all their sub-threads on other machine. As soon you decided to warp on that grid (it’s 1million km), to a Keepstar, the general local thread of the system identifies it and redirects/exports your ship object to that server. So your ship is primordially on that dedication server during big battles. So, nobody should shoot your ship while in warp. It’s a concept idea.

Fair enough… I suspect that migrating Eve to a stable multithreaded environment would be far more work than just running multiple nodes in a single system. They’d probably be able to re-use a lot more code. Regardless, I see where you’re going with it.

biggest rmt ever … :slight_smile:

“Nah m8, my buddy’s kid is some kind of web genius, really good at that HTTMLP stuff or w/e, he could probably do it for them in a couple hours or w/e.”


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Goon’s could barely fight world war bee, after all their chest puffing on how MIGHTY they are, they were infact, just as everyone see’s them as ALL TALK

So if there is another war, i highly doudt goons will actually be able to Pull off it, unless the enemy force is 2k members :wink:

I made this topic to reveal the possible true purpose of that 9-4RP2 ‘mess’. This is why I called it ‘Collusions’. As Grath asked players in that mentioned stream: “What is the value to assault that Keepstar?”. The value isn’t to show the power and dominance only, as Mittani somehow said: “All should feel fear”.

I can be wrong in assumptions and I’m talking not about personalities, but about game concept.


That was the Meta game and surprisingly Progodlegend won that ‘Meta game’. In other words, Progodlegend just won this ■■■■■■■ game like those before him. He fulfilled something hard and unique in this game. Due to this, he isn’t so ‘binded’ to this game – this game become something like a casual Lego to him, like Grath is less inspired to invest his efforts and time in PL. Therefore, he can be unpredictable for Legacy, in my opinion.

As I mentioned somewhere above, I don’t understand the actions which SoV alliances performed last year. What is the point for NC/PL to destroy the Fidelas? You can say: “Because Triumvirate paid PanFam for this”. Oke, but PanFam isn’t a mercenary coalition and they have enough money. Why they should work for Triumvirate? Well, Fidelas was friendly to Legacy and was the weakest nexus in their new coalition. Now they gone to Low-Sec and that space is occupied by Read Alliance, Dream Fleet, LUMPY, which aren’t so friendly to Legacy. So, behind all this is hidden not a financial or SoV resource purpose, but a SoV political purpose.

The EVE Null-Sec alliances have their ‘EVE sub-culture’. I’d like to call it sub-culture. As for me, the Goonswarm is an aggressive concept of NC an Triumvirate. Between NC and Goonswarm are more similarities than discrepancies. Between them are only the distance and different leaders. At the same time between GoTG and Legacy are more similarities than discrepancies. So, l spectated how the Imperium with Legacy’s hands tried to destroy GoTG and how PanFam with Triumvirate and GoTG/Horde hands tried to destroy the Imperium and Legacy last year. I must be more accurate at this point. The vulnerability of Legacy isn’t based only on surrounding area, but on its sub-culture concept which is to be more ‘open’ and friendly to entire EVE, like Reddit, which is an easy way for spies to perform ‘Doomchincila cases’. As soon the deals between TEST and Goonswarm was revealed last year, this turned into CO2 reaction. Well, we know the standing of GigX and CO2 towards the Imperium. I can’t imagine GigX to play in this Meta concept with Imperium.

I know many players, entire player corporations in TEST, which don’t like to operate with Goonswarm. I know many players and entire corporations from the North, from GoTG, which joined Legacy last years. We know how many times the Mittani announced the wish to destroy GoTG. Maybe at some point Progodlegend, or who is in charge there, realized this and refused to send his people to destroy their friends Citadels. TEST just anounced: “I’m scared, but I’m not afraid!”. Otherwise it should have been a huge EVE political mistake for TEST, which should have been turned into mass actions like CO2 did, but on player and corporation levels. This is a third Legacy vulnerability; the more Legacy is operating with Goonswarm there more players can ‘change mind’ in Legacy.

Russians was in the East alone for many years, based on timezone mechanic. Now they have new opponents from Triumvirate and Fraternity, which are in the same timezone. Maybe it will turn into huge Russians mobilization from entire EVE to those Regions. OMG, the Russians are so many all around the Galaxy. They can show more active (online) players than entire Imperium.

The Meta Diplomacy

I remember how the Fidelas democracy was ‘loled’ with arguments: ‘’The democracy in EVE can’t exist!”. The diplomacy is a tool of democracy. During the imperium era there aren’t diplomacy or diplomats, there are messengers which know different languages. For an easy example, just watch the Star Wars Movies Prequel trilogy: I – The Phantom Menace, II – Attack of the Clones and III – Revenge of the Sith. Well, diplomacy was in the first two episodes, but beginning from episode III the only diplomat in Star Wars was Darth Vader. As @Dracvlad mentioned above, the Imperium built all that ‘Armada’ not to play the ‘diplomacy games’. The Legacy in this diplomacy game has a bad situation: or they have to operate with Goons by generating inside rebellions, or they have to show an independent position by granting to the Mittani a ‘ticket’ to invade Legacy as a good boy. Talking about WWB and WWII, the Imperium should not invent or emulate a reason to invade Legacy, like Third Reich began WWII by official chronology

The “Danzig crisis” peaked in the months after Poland rejected Nazi Germany’s initial offer regarding both the Free City of Danzig and the Polish Corridor. After a series of ultimatums, Germany broke diplomatic relations, and invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. This led to the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe when, on September 3, 1939, the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany.

How it began: The Nazi Germany sent a group of saboteurs on Poland territory to shoot with artillery Germany territories from there.

The 9-4 Collusions are multipurposed:

  • To break the North forces into a TiDi like in BRBRBR;
  • To play anti-Legacy ‘diplomacy’;
  • To demonstrate to CCP the current SoV issues and to CLAIM new SoV and Meta changes for easy conquering. And I believe these changes can be applied and buffed as Loki T3 was…