The ability of a dreadnought to stand up to large fleets of small ships

At the moment, a fleet of several dreadnoughts is not able to resist fleets of bombers or Kikimora destroyers. I propose to create a module for KBT class ships that creates stasis field in a radius of 60 kilometers around ship.
This will give KBT-class ships the ability to counter fleets of small ships. They will die just as quickly, while still being able to do good damage! This will lead to Dreadnoughts being fun to fight against fleets. Dreadnoughts will start to be used more often.

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This should be good…

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What do you mean?

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I’ve been in two different chaos-fueled Dread vs Sub-Cap brawls in the last two weeks and brother, dreads do just fine against small ships. Many a Condor got blapped the other night trying to keep some Nourv Gate dreads pinned down in Kinakka.

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Now we just need to tweak carriers (not necessarily supercarriers) so they have some capability vs. subcaps.

Capitals without an escort of subcaps should always be vulnerable and weak against an attacking subcapital force. If anything, HAW weaponry should be nerfed, or better, removed. It shouldn’t have ever made it into the game. Dreads should be and stay siege-machinery only useful to raze enemy capitals or structures, but nothing else. Yes, that includes : no NPCs, except NPC capitals/supercapitals.

Perish the thought. Dreadnoughts are in a good place - don’t f**k’n touch them. Now we just need to get carriers to the same level…

Oh I know it won’t happen, CCP has made the mistake years ago to implement them and they are way too stubborn to correct such obivous mistakes. No worries, nothing bad will happen to them in the near future. It would need Devs with deep understanding for their game to do such things.

And I agree that Carriers should be buffed, by removing FAXes and give them back their Triage Abilities. The capital balance was way better before those nonsense changes that made Dreads Subcapkillers, Carriers useless and FAXes the unnessessary replacement for an ability we already had (Triage).

I don’t think FAXes will be removed anytime soon. Not that I disagree with your assessment with carriers - I just don’t see them removing an entire class of ship that players have invested and trained into.

At one point carriers were good - where they could take on subcaps. You saw a lot of solo play - and it made sense. Then they nerfed them to oblivion and now they’re like a ginger stepchild.

Of course not, see here:


The Dread is not meant to take on smaller ships, such as frigates and even battleships. The Dread is a siege weapon protected by smaller ships.

That was the idea… but HAW killed that and screwed carriers out of their intended role

We really just need to fix carriers.

At this point you either need to remove HAW for that to be possible.

Or ccp needs to come down off that hill and bring capital prices back to around t2 BBs

Do that and the current conduit and mjfd carriers will have a place again for small to mid sized corps. And larger groups can even use them to kick off or punish an escalation.

The massive groups the current build costs were supposed to target have already adapted. Now they are just making it harder for new groups to get their foot in the door. And that’s not just caps but all ships faction cruisers+ are a joke atm.

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I like the idea of HAW personally. What about just bringing the price down to T2 battleships and improving the fighter ability to hit anything (ie: un-nerf, but not to the point when they were at the high point).

If their application is on par with HAW they won’t compete with them. They simply have too many downsides. Hell an ibis can remove 2/3 of your dps by perma jamming two fighter squads. Especially if the hull price of both stay the same.

If you make their application worth while over a HAW you have to push them to a point that they end up breaking.

Reducing it so that the hull+ a full hanger of fighters costs ~10% more than a t2 battleship and you can keep them the same as they are now. They’ll be disposable enough to be used to start larger fights and have the advantage over a solo dread by brining a few support sub caps.

Basically they would fill the role a solo HAW does for small gangs. And be a ‘disposable’ content starter for larger groups.

Ideally Dreads would be made creeper as well. To maintain balance a dread hull should be around the same price if not slightly higher than a carrier + fighters.

The other drastic alternative would be to turn carriers into the support capital. Lean far more into the command bursts, tune them to be the capital ewar platform and focus their dps into the SS fighters so they could deal with small sub caps and super carrier squads.

This option however i think should be reserved for t2 carriers assuming they ever do get around to continuing their plan of making unique roles that t2 caps could fill like the lancer.


Just to add some numbers.

If we reduce the carrier hull price to 1.5b and the t2 fighter cost by 66% a T2 with T1 rig fit nid would cost 3.8b 1.5 hull .5b fighters and 1.8b in fitting. I think this is an okay range for what they can do. Reducing the hull down to 1.2b is in my opinion the absolute lower limit simply do to the conduit ability.

While i think these ships should be cheep if they get to low it basically just becomes a 1b cost to bridge a fleet. Bonus points if the naked carrier somehow lives.

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I actually like this idea the best. Not sure we’re every going to really see “cheap, throw-away” capital ships again.

Maybe Navy Dreads should lose some cargo capacity that would be replaced with a light drone bay.

All ships (regardless of class) should have some ability to deal with drones and frigates. Smartbombs are effective for drones. This isn’t to say you wouldn’t want to bring along some support - but a sole dreadnought or carrier shouldn’t be completely helpless.

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