Same speculation as yours can been made about the current situation. Only it doesn’t match the reality, does it? So what have you actually learned from what CCP has said about their analysis of the current situation on player activity?
Yes the reality is that there are now few good quality people in the game, and when the sandbox has too many kids taking the pail and shovel and using them solely to bonk other kids over the head and then point & laugh, then some adults have to intervene and change things.
Those pirates I attacked with those noobs were friends for a long time and I learned how not to lose ships in wormholes thanks to that corp’s CEO.
My way is better. Yours? Well we have had it your way how’s the game doing?
It isn’t, which is what I’ve been saying above. Only you don’t listen and neither do you listen to what CCP has been saying. I fully get that you want the game to change to be more interesting for you, but this isn’t all about what you want. Do you get this?
The difference there is “back in 2008”.
Now days the likely response to that is “LOL, supers and titans hotdrop” and a good time is not had by all.
The aggressor playerbase has had ten years to build up support systems, tools, and resources since then. And a lot of then are the same players still. It makes a world of difference.
It is not always that easy, new corps are trying to develop a team spirit and an identity and that can totally be destroyed by a war. Often the CEO and directors stay in corp in an effort to keep their people there for example, because generally when people leave a corp to avoid a war, they don’t come back.
The alternative is using an alts, but the newer players have generally put their training into a main character and their alts are no where usable.
You say that, sorry but there is so much ganking in the main choke points. Do you realise that many war deckers also have gank characters? And why is that?
Staying docked or being logged off is to end the war dec, it is their only real option.
You are not going to change that and neither will CCP if they try to force the defenders to defend in some crack handed way, or that will happen is that they will leave the game. Simply put, you cannot force people to be turkey’s in a turkey shoot.
PS. I am only replying to Aaron
That’s actually a curious thing, which CCP has stated… They found the player activity drops during the war, but then doesn’t return afterwards. Not only does this means there is a problem around wardecs, but there is also a problem around NPC corporations, because these are meant to provide immunity.
Why did this not happen? Apparently do the players want to fight and they want to have their own corporation, and when this is being denied do they quit. They don’t want to lose to dominant groups, but they also don’t want to give up their corporation for being active within an NPC corporation. They rather quit before accepting either of the two fates.
These players did not have an interest in fighting in low-sec or to go mining or mission running or to pursue some other activity while in an NPC corporation as an alternative.
It is more likely the poor leadership of not encouraging people to leave during a war or vain leadership of afraid people wont come back if they leave or stupid leadership that don’t know the mechanic exists and is the best option. All 3 would attract a wardec to begin with.
Expecting a leader to do the right thing because it is the best for the player is a false assumption. The very reason it needs to be changed is this assumption has proven to have failed.
What makes you think it’s the leadership’s fault and not perhaps the fault of the corpmates, who might simply not want to follow their leader, but have their own mind?
Generally I am pointing out that there are options, the cold hard truth is that wardeced corps are not using these options to the fullest extent. I can agree that the design of the wardec mechanic is harsh.
I’m pretty sure that every player has been in a war that they couldn’t handle, Did they dock up and quit? No, they did not. If one can not analyse the mechanics of Eve and see the benefits of other play styles then their game will be difficult.
Eve Online is for analytical people who do not quit at the first set of hurdles, I understand that the mechanics will have to be changed to suit other types of gamers.
As you know I have been through a lot in Eve, my decisions made me into a target. I never docked up and quit I just found different ways to progress, I agree it wasn’t great, but I am proud I did not let long wars and corp theft and being camped by 20 pilots dock me up and quit. Eve Online was designed specifically for me. here I am, I am still thriving, I am battle scared but all in all I have had a great experience and I am a proud member of the Eve Online community.
It could just be impatience. Why go through all the trouble of learning, getting self-started and building up something, then lose it to dominant groups, when it has so many games to choose from? It’s not a dumb choice to find something else.
I will have to break this down into a different order, as some points lead into others.
The question you have to ask here is where do they have their fun, are they interested in spending all their time at war when they are only interested in indy and PvE and the occasional war at best. They have a certain play style, and what is also evident is that to develop that playstyle will make them vulnerable even after December.
Understand, however if that hurdle is impossible to get past do you keep trying, that is what they have come up against and many have stopped trying. You see it is a mixture of things, first of all nullsec indy was made very profitable with changes to indy structures bonuses, the ones in hisec have lower bonuses, and using an NPC station means you cannot compete. So to get close you have to have your own structure and that is just too vulnerable.
I know that, however you were operating in an NPC 0.0 region and you did not put POS’s up and were operating in stealth mode and taking your time. Camping someone with 20 pilots is all fine and dandy, but they have to be really focussed for a long time to win and you out lasted them. You did not have anything in space to force a fight on you and you did hit and run.
So you have to compare what you did to what the Indy hisec players can do.
The hisec indy focussed player is not interested. I rather like the war dec mechanics, I would make specific changes to it, the most important is a structure that is always vulnerable which controls the war dec and if blown up ends the war dec, so rush attacks by even indy corps is possible. The objective is to get people in space prepared to fight.
This is like the tactics applied in nullsec by the DRF against GOTG when they dropped a Keepstar in drone space, they just kept hitting it by dropping in dread after dread to maintain the damage cap so as to kill it even with the GOTG super fleet there. What this means is that even the lowest level indy character with a little bit of training can get into say a blaster fit catalyst and keep throwing them at it until it dies.
And fun was had by all…
Yeah even the “pirates” are gone now for a very long time.
I operated in NPC 0.0 because it was the best choice for me. I made a decision to move from hi-sec. There were too many rules and too many people I liked how quiet Stain can be.
I feel the Indy players you speak of were very rigid in their play style. I am infact an indy player with lots of industrial skills. I’ve done lots of mining in my years of playing and I still use the prospect very regularly to mine in Stain. The difference between myself and the players you speak of is that I am happy to adapt to whatever environment i am in, infact I take pleasure in adapting for it is a huge part of my gameplay, I enjoy analysing what my attacker does and developing a strategy to either avoid or fight them.
The Indy players you speak of could have simply accepted that having their own corp is difficult, they could have joined a larger corp with refining structures and given the corp a share of what they mine in exchange for use of their private refinery and defensive capability.
I know what it is like to go at it alone it is very difficult. Solo play is for a select group of people and you have to be reasonably well versed in many aspects of Eve in order to do so. Eve is not the type of game where we can do as we please with no consequence.
Indy guys have to accept that if they choose to remain in a small corp where they have no idea how to defend a structure necessary for refining, then that fact in itself will make them a target.
These convos are about could have’s and should have’s as it looks like change is imminent, so lets just go easy and keep the convo cool.
When they get into bigger corps that makes them a more obvious target for war decs, so being in small or one man corps they hope to avoid being noticed.
In any case, I will leave you to it, I just de-subbed, I will keep an eye on the changes over the coming months… o7
There’s a difference in ‘harsh’ and ‘unfair’ when your corp gets pressed down under the thumb by a mass deccing corp of the cost of measly 50 million ISK.
There is. Well spotted.
Wardecs are the same for everyone. They are fair. Well except that the defenders can have allies, so maybe they are biased towards the defender.
But they could be considered a harsh mechanic. Not everyone wants to be hunted.
That’s the issue - They don’t have a choice whenever they want to be decced or not.
And when they are getting decced, but don’t want to participate it as a defender and have nothing valuable in space that’s at stake, they remain docked up or log out for the duration of the war declaration, effectively denying them any sort activity unless they drop corp or go on alts.
A waste on money, time and fun for everyone.
You do have a choice.
Wardecs are opt-in. By being in a corp you are saying you are ready for wardecs.
That will change this winter but you STILL have a choice. Have a structure? You’re telling the game you are ready for decs. And when ccp make the final change to wardecs, i bet even then you will have a choice.
But no. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
Fine by me when you got structures out.
But otherwise, I could stick to a NPC corp and can have all the cake I want to eat, minus 11% tax, for a 100% wardec protection.
Why not have of a similar protection going for player corps that don’t exceed a certain size in players or assets or whatever can be gauged to determine if they should be deccable or not?
It doesn’t need to be a ‘all-in or no content for you’ situation.