The combination of big risk and big rewards in the Christmas event was really great as well as the easy access with filaments wherever you are in space. I think that risk/reward as well as easy access was one of the big success factors of this event. Whenever I filamented into low sec I saw an all out PVP war going on in so many different ways. Mining fleets being hunted down by other mining fleets, hunters running around trying to catch hackers and all of a sudden a big fleet comes into the system and tries to take out another that is running the combat sites.
The way in which this event created so many different kinds of battles was great! I never thought I would fit up a Procurer fleet to go out hunting with but I did and it was a blast.
What I would like to see for future events is more sites where only certain kinds of ships are allowed since I think this pushes players to become creative and get into ships that they normally wouldn’t fly or fit up.
T1 Frigate event sites
T1 Cruiser event sites
T1 Battlecruiser event sites
T1 Battleship event sites
T1 Hauler sites where you have to go collect some sort of reward and can battle other T1 haulers
2 more points.
There are so many ships that people rarely fly. You probably know the statistics of who they are better than anyone so it would be really nice to see event sites where these ships are given some love.
The filament journey back to where you came from could sometimes take hours even if I filamented to high sec. For null sec people It was probably almost impossible to filament out from null sec and try and get back easily.
I agree that there should be risk involved with the journey but the journey back shouldn’t have to take many hours and could be more accessible to people in null sec.
Thanks for a great event!