The CODE Troll

The whole point of CODE is to RP.

Thats why the CODE manifesto/org exists.

How retarded are you, that you dont understand that?

Let alone that your entire posting history here is that of angry/upset 12yr old.

Wake up and rememver this is a game.


Whoaa, miner, I’m gonna have to ask you to calm down.

Do you always just go on the attack when you fail to make your case on an internet spaceship forum?

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Is that your best shot? :smiley:

Man, you got issues.

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This is the very definition of roleplaying, because James 315 is only the saviour of High Sec if you roleplay that he is, High Sec is only yours if you rolepaly it is, and mining permits are only a thing if you roleplay that they are.

Not even close to being the same thing imo. I assume they don’t roleplay that the Mittani is anything other than the Mittani. Also, their territory arguably is theirs, it is not just a concept in their minds, it’s enforced. CODE are not even close to being able to enforce any claim that High Sec is theirs.

I’m not sure why it seems to bother you to be considered a roleplayer? Is it too nerdy? :sunglasses:

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Lol says the dude who seems to be always posting in every thread at great length.

Hey, ever notice how I’m missing from these forums on weekends? Yeahh, that’s called a life, you should look into it.

Sorry to break it to ya, brother, but you’ve been defeated in honorable forum PvP by a filthy casual.


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Ive checked and compared our forum stats.
I usually post with my morning coffee and once I get home in the evening and am bored.

Its not the quantity, its the quality.

Almost the entirety of your posting history (which all can view), is trying to piss on someone.

You have issues, man.

To me, your post history is that of an unhappy, isolated person looking for attention and vindication in all the wrong ways to compensate for shortcomings in your own IRL.


You haven’t a claimed a damn thing while I sit there in afk mining in a covetor named “F*** Code”

Says the guy who gets all bent out of shape over internet posts on a spaceship forum.

Perspective, yo.

You carebears are silly!

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Your entire posting history is getting bent out of shape on an spaceship forum over someone you disagree with, and then going further to constantly insult and provoke them.

Look at your own post history, yo, and get some perspective.

Seriously, man. I think its time for you to find some other fulfillment in your life.

Furthermore, you dont get that CODE was always RP to begin with.
You have lost perspective, badly.

EVE is a GAME, with real people playing it.
Remember that, if you can.





Sorry, that ol’ carebear refrain gets me every time. I think we may need a new bingo square!

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Carebear refrain?

Its the truth for all EVE players.
All of them are real people, with real lives, that play this game.

You have seriously lost the plot, completely.

This is not about being butthurt over a forum post or losing a ship.
Its about you no longer understanding that other people on the internet aren’t NPCs, but real people that are playing a GAME with you.

This in reference to your post history.

I think you have lost perspective, completely.
Not only do you not understand CODE is RP, but you salt this forum with constant insults and provocation, as if this wasn’t just a game we are all playing.

You need a reality check. Other players here aren’t your enemy IRL, they are just players like you in EVE. You’ve completely lost track of that simple fact.


The people on these forums who aren’t whiney carebears like yourself seem to like me. Shrug.

Nobody cares, dude. You’re just trying to deflect from your total inability to support the silly claims you’ve made.

Define “roleplaying” and then observe how either:

A) The New Order doesn’t fit this definition.


B) Most everyone does.

It’s really not that complicated unless you’re an obtuse carebear.

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Now you are just flat out trolling, or insane.

Going by your post history it seems the latter.

CODE is, by definition, RP.
Minerbumping website is one long RP tirade.

What really concerns me about you, though, is you have seemingly lost all respect and consideration for other PEOPLE playing EVE, regardless of their opinion.

You see other players as some-kind of garbage reading from your post history, for you to dump your own personal frustrations on by proxy.


Don’t stop now, I’m almost finished!


He has been trolling you almost from the beginning with the whole “It’s not RP” thing, and while most of the arguments you have made I agree with, you just keep coming back and responding to him…

Surely you see that the intent is to prolong this conversation as long as possible right?

You make good points, so does Galaxy, so does Drac, which is why it is sometimes interesting to watch you all go at it… But only when the discussion being made as of an actual serious nature. And but what I mean by that is…

Dude. You gettin rolled & trolled, so, hard right now.

I’d have to buy Galaxy a drink.
(But honestly I’d buy most pilots a drink.)

Now. To go drink!

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i don’t know why this started, but now it looks like all the claims from years ago about how it’s all RP seriously backfire. i don’t know why this changed now, but fighting about it is not helping moving forward. i go with “i don’t give a damn, in EVE we’re all roleplayers anyway”.

This thread deserves bet… wait, who am i kidding. burn it with fire…

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Or Im trolling him.

And tbh, I dont see his history of posting as worthy of the title of trolling.
Its just a long list of low tier run-of-the-mill shiptoasting with no creativity nor purpose except venting frustration online for an unhappy life offline.

Typical case of " I trolled you! Im only pretending to be retarded! LOL!".

For a (relevant) example of good trolling, my pic of CODE toilet-paper licenses is now presented on the office wall of one of CCPs employees. THAT is how you troll with style.

Get on my level, Galaxy Pig.
A 12yr old can troll as you do.


I like passive tanking mods on a Mack and when a couple CODE caped crusaders jumps me, I usually live and steal their gear after CONCORD gives them a “Chuck Norris in space”

I have at least 10 full sets of t2 guns and mods for a catalyst lol.


Believe it or not, this has actually been an honest discussion with Galaxy Pig. I’d wager that fact disturbs your fragile carebear sensibilities even more.

I think an objective third party reader of this thread would conclude that your special snowflake definition of roleplay is poorly defined and much too broad to be useful.

It’s cool, though. We can agree to disagree. You can have your own special snowflake definitions for whatever words you like and I won’t get all bent out of shape about it and cry about how mean people are on the internet like you do. <3



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