The CSM 13 Winter Summit Minutes are out

My options are currently open with offers, I must admit this change completely kills my idea of starting a solo hunting mercenary corporation as it would be “Hey I need X corporation taken out?” “Sorry they don’t have a structure”.

For bigger merc groups, status quo still stands except now instead of like 20 big alliances plus 80 - 100 filler wars (most of which resulted in no kills anyway) it will just be big alliances.

People are acting like this is a miracle fix, it’s basically the same option people have before but instead of avoiding the war by dropping to NPC corporation they can sit in a social corporation.

If it improves player retention then all good :+1:

That is a shame and the reason why I did not want this type of fix. I wanted more of this type of war decker to develop. Which is why I suggested five war decs maximum against entities without structures. Sorry to hear that you will not be doing this.

Maybe that is the good thing, I need to see whether it is a structure in hisec being the driver, I said that once as a suggestion because I was aiming to reduce the size of blanket war deckers and that was the only way I could see to do it, take out the nullsec passing farming.

I am not in favour of social corps for this reason which was why I was focussing on the balance side of the conflict more than anything else. At this point it is an initial step before a more detailed assessment.

I agree.

I cannot find the keynotes anywhere, was it mentioned if you need to have a structure to dec an entity?

If so might need to invest in the citadel market

May give it a shot up until December and see what happens.

No you won’t, that was what I was suggesting for this very reason as I did not want to see the real hunter killers blocked, however it could be used to just blanket dec with one man corps as a middle finger, so perhaps it is for the best. There is too much destructive thinking in Eve at times…

I can understand why CCP done it though, I could imagine them putting fixes into a hat and pulling one out just to decide what to do.

Plus it’s a great marketing strategy to get players to come back, just look at the publicity it’s receiving.

I mis-understood, comes of having a bad cold at the moment, for some reason I was still fixated on my 5 war decs possible against corps without structures…

So your question was whether you had to have a structure to war dec someone, there is nothing I can see that would indicate that you have to have one to do a war dec, but making it so would at least give something that can be attacked. I expect we will hear soon enough and yes you might as well invest in one just in case.

Well it is the best short term fix to give options to people, but hisec corps will have holding corps for the structures and have another corp for their activities. It is what I would do. So in affect a social corp in all but name. I wonder if the war deckers will go in a mad kill every hisec structure to make a point in a fit of pique, I hope not.

I hope it brings some people back. To be honest perhaps this is a fix that could work long term because that next step up is to become vulnerable and if enough people come back to the game and hisec maybe fun times can be had.

It’s coming when they can make it work. And that has me bouncing between ‘ok, give Burger his chance’ and ‘Shield Slaves when?’

So… we’ll see.

You don’t dec the corp you dec the structure.

Well, for those who missed it…

I wanna know what CCP considers “fair”.

So do they. That’s why that’s their goals. They need to figure out RoE that both sides can consider ‘fair’.

Do you think a “fair”system is achievable when it’s likely that the same mercs are going to be involved?

Typically it’s one side that has:

  • Blinged and tanky T3s and Battleship with High-Grade pods
  • 1 or 2 alts in T2 logi (with Logi 5) or Nestors per 1 DPS
  • Extensive experience with multiboxing and using alts
  • Experience and knowledge of using and abusing mechanics and loopholes in order to gain an advantage
  • Has historically been better prepared and organized than opposition


  • A rag-tag group of players in T1 ships
  • Don’t have the extensive use of alts
  • Players with less experience and less organization
  • Won’t have a network of alts to use as scouts
  • Typically less knowledgeable and experience in mechanics and loopholes


I’m not saying that what CCP is doing is futile by if they are in search of a system that takes a better player and puts him on an even keel with a lesser, then you’re looking at a system that works to nullify the differences in the two that provide such a difference in skill or preparedness.

I am concerned about their use of the word “fair”. That’s all. I hope we don’t see Highsec wars and pvp be some kind of instanced arena crap :confused:


CCP fix is to try to make war decs so difficult and avoidable that war deckers cant be bothered with them anymore.

When did they do this before? O yes removing every tool possible to hunt people till it became near on impossible resulting in today’s meta of blanket deccing.

None of this changes ■■■■, defenders won’t engage in the mechanics no matter how pretty you make them look. Can tell that by the constant dribble posted on forums since CCP released this information.

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I dunno. I think CCP’s goal of getting hisec wars to invigorate players the way nullsec wars is probably misguided, though. People are in different regions of space for a reason, after all.

Well, apparently that’s mostly going to affect only 5 corps, so…

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We know this will never happen, high sec hasn’t got anything to fight over… they tried introducing moons in high sec hoping everyone would fight over them and no one gives a crap :laughing:

If history has taught us anything is that it starts with the minority and soon you find bigger changes coming in to effect the majority. I mean once CCP are done crapping over wars where do you think they’re going next? Ganking.

When changes come in that start changing/limiting the core principles of Eve it does make you wonder what direction the game is going…

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That depends a whole lot on what you assume are the ‘core principles of EVE’ though, doesn’t it? If one of the core principles of EVE is individual player agency, then this isn’t a change at all. If anything, it’s an attempt to correct something that’s currently limiting player agency.

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The scammer/griefer is concerned about fairness now :smiley:

They don’t say “fair”, they say “perceived as fair”, as opposed to the current rules of engagement being unfair. I’d put my bets on the end of neutral logis -if you assist a war target, then you are/must be at war too. :woman_shrugging:

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Right, and that’s the issue in my opinion. They could come up with as balanced of a system as they can and there will always be players that think it’s “unfair”. We’ll have to wait and see what they actually do, but I am willing to bet that the current set of players that currently dominate Highsec pvp will still be in position to do so under this new iteration of wars.

This isn’t as big of a deal as people would think. It’s currently very easy to deal with neutral logi in that a single blackbird or scorpion can easily negate their usefulness once they go suspect.

If this is done then everyone will move their logi in-house, and the complaint will shift from neutral logi to organized highsec pvp groups have too many alts and/or tools at their disposal.

That they said “fair”, is not an issue.
Its just a choice of a word, and focusing on that alone completely misses the point.

Would you prefer if they said “unfair”?

Neutral logi interfering is a problem and leads to being able to exploit abuse war/aggression mechanics. Its definitely up there in the top 3 of problems with wardec mechanics as they are now.