Which isn’t true in a whole lot of situations
You can’t back up your arguments on this toon either, you get smacked by a CSM and ISD on it too.
Maybe you should
[quote=“Norian_Rever, post:54, topic:110662”]
in 48hrs I will donate the SP I have remaining, and then biomass all characters and terminate all accounts via contact to CCP.
This is it for me.
My time here is over, and I’m never coming back.
[/quote] cough
Anywho, since you can’t prove that everyone always plugs their resist holes, anything further you add will be considered irrelevant to the conversation
To the first bit: Maybe you’re curious about how to fit ships and you don’t know to look things up on zkill. You know, like newbies might not know.
To the second: So what? ‘You looked at someone funny so anyone can shoot you’ isn’t ok just because people don’t always shoot the person. That’s just ridiculous on the face of it. It’s ok to shoot someone because we know you won’t?
Can you please, please, just try to say something that isn’t completely boneheaded?
If I see you walking down a street, peering into each parked cars window to see whats in there for something valuable, you are definitely a suspect with intent to commit a criminal act.
Only legal authorities have the right to inspect a vehicle, and even then only in terms of crime prevention.
… and you’re allowed to shoot them? The ‘suspect’ flag in EVE isn’t ‘I suspect you may have bad intents’ it’s ‘a crime has been committed and this is the guy’.
So we’re calling that a ‘no’, on the ‘not boneheaded’ thing then.
Without a wardec in HS, you have no business scanning someones fit or cargo.
That you would do so, implicitly means you have intent to illegally aggress them, flagging you as suspect.
You’re allowed to shoot people who are suspects because they have committed a crime. The ‘criminal’ flag is ‘CONCORD will intervene if you come into HS’.
Gosh, it’s nice to know newbies mean to aggress everyone.
I am saying scanning a ship for its fit or cargo, if you are not at war should cause a suspect flag. Its an invasive inquiry with intent to commit a future crime.
Yeah, no crap. That’s why I just pointed out the difference there. A ‘criminal’ flag does not mean ‘you have committed a crime’, it means ‘you have committed a crime CONCORD will intervene over’. ‘Suspect’ means ‘you have committed a crime’. It does not mean ‘you are suspected of intending to commit a crime’.
You know what you can do to people you suspect of intending to commit a crime in HS?
Sitting next to someone else’s can and opening it doesn’t give the flag. Only stealing from it does. Why? Because you have to commit the crime to get a suspect flag.