The CSM 13 Winter Summit Minutes are out

Should we suggest gating them behind acceleration gates that prevent supers? and the ones we dont ,delay triggers for waves?

Well, first, I’m a major fan of ‘Band-Aid™ solutions are not real solutions’, so I’m in agreement with you there. But at the same time, small gang content did need some revitalization. Most of the lowsec combat when it was really hopping would’ve fallen under ‘small gang’, especially by today’s standards.

Resource Wars, on the other hand, was an attempt to see what kind of content for newer players could work, and try to get a feel for developing better content. So on that front, I don’t think you can really look at it as a waste of resources. The primary goal—giving the devs some experience with high-sec PvE content aimed at newer or more casual players—was a success. And as long as they actually took lessons from that and applied them to later projects, that’s the way it should work. RW itself didn’t need to be ‘OMG this is great stuff’ for it to be successful as part of a learning process. Each time you learn one more way not to invent the light bulb, you’re still learning.

Meanwhile, POS-Upwell transition should be finished next year, according to the minutes, which squares with the fact that these 3 new structures are literally the last functions of Starbases that aren’t already replaced by Upwell structures. But the thing is, that spaghetti-snarl of code, I mentioned. POSs tie into… everything. I wouldn’t be surprised if the POS code has some weird interaction with wardecs, crimewatch, and a hundred other stupid little things that cause problems. The POS code is notorious for being something that breaks the game in completely unrelated places whenever CCP’s tried to fix things about it. That’s why it’s getting removed. That is a fix to ‘problems’, including some pretty crucial ones. And once that’s done, they’ll be able to fix more of them, better, because the legacy Starbase code won’t be interfering.

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Then why CCP admit that? We need to get rid of the old code, transit pos-citadels because otherwise we can’t move on. On the other hand they still had a time do develope abyss space and RWs. I disagree with you about on RW, new players? Come on, it was transition from passive to active moon mining time. It was not for new players only.

There is no roadmap we can stick to. That’s the problem, CCP opened too much frontlines to deal with it and now they have no time spare to tweak or balance it. This is achilles heel of CCP. For example we were telling them don’t bring new alpha players into the game before resolve major problems you have, did they listen? Lost cause…

Resource Wars had nothing to do with moon mining. It was sites, with rats, where you had a mining ship and you needed to fill up a hauler or three. And yeah, it was aimed at newer players. It gave (still gives, actually) LP from special LP stores. That LP can be used to buy things like frigates, destroyers, etc. Here, check it out from last October.

It was also just in high-sec. When the refineries went in, Moon-mining was just low/null. The two happened at the same time, but they were not connected.

Well, I dunno who ‘we’ was there, because the alpha influx did bring a bunch of new people into the game. And the ones who got into groups with other players stayed at about the same rate as older players had. But yes, we don’t have the roadmap. We don’t have a copy of CCP’s grand vision for EVE that we can look at. And yes, I think that’s a problem. I also think CCP needs to make sure they know how they want it all to fit together… and in broad strokes, what they want life in each section of New Eden to look like. If they have that, I don’t know about it. So don’t get me wrong, I’m not sitting here saying ‘OMG, they’re doing everything right’… but they’re taking steps.

And hopefully, we can get them to take more steps. But we need to stay constructive, or they’re not going to keep engaging with us at all.

It was an unnecessary waste of time as CCP knows full well that high sec people want missions. Instead of wasting time on RW or FOBs, they should have used that time to come up with new missions or more interesting mission concepts augmenting happenings in the cluster (certain new military missions around incursion constellations, for instance).

On the last minutes (or was it the PVE roundtable discussions?), CCP Guard said that they do not want to do new missions because the existing ones work and they would just risk upsetting existing players. And then they went on to change some missions regardless by removing blitzing potential from them. And now they cautiously think that more missions are good after all. :facepalm:

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You don’t see a big picture here. Moon mining was switched from passive to active, more miners might be needed for it. Two addon at the same time including miners, riiight. Time showed it played different than expected.

Honestly, there’s no good answer on the missions issue. When they announce highsec content, it always erupts into a massive screaming match between about 4 different factions of mission-runners:

Group 1: ‘Don’t touch missions, you’ll just break them!’
Group 2: ‘Give us more missions JUST LIKE the ones we like, but different. And get rid of the lame ones.’
Group 3: ‘Give us new missions with more interesting AI.’
Group 4: ‘Give us new missions but don’t you dare touch the AI because I don’t want to have to learn new stuff so make them identical to what’s out there I just want the agent to give me the good ones more often.’

and, predictably, they all spend most of the time yelling at CCP and one another for being so totally wrong and OMG if you do what that person said EVERYONE WILL QUIT RIGHT NAO!!!


Uhm… Moon mining was switched from passive to active, involving timed fracks (which means there was a lag-time of up to 2 months before the first full-sized frack happened) with new ores that produce reaction materials. Resource Wars happened instantly, involved a blatant McGuffin ore, and you didn’t get to keep any of it. One is best done in a Rorqual, in nullsec. The other is best done in a Venture, on the lowest difficulty, and only happens in highsec.

No, they’re not connected. The only connection is that clearly, the devs had ‘let’s do something with mining’ on their minds because they’d spent months reworking the moon goo.

Jesus man, obsessed much?

We used to hunt targets, all across highsec until watchlist nerfs, citadels, locator nerfs. End of the day people still go “Waaa in favour of attackers”. The biggest issue we have found is CEO’s not training their pilots to avoid us but rather let their members go into the meat grinder.

There is one thing people are forgetting, ganking is FAR easier and cheaper then war deccing. I can confirm most will switch if/when war decs are nerfed.

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Totally legit! LOLOLOL

When teams will actually get their AT ships? Not only tournament players are interested in them but also some small percentage of other players - unique stuff collectors.

That is irrelevant when you do new missions. You can set them up like burners where declining them repeatedly or aborting them after accepting does not impact standing, while not touching the old missions at all. If people do not like them, they can just don’t run them and you can ignore their complaints.

The first part is what new missions are going to accomplish. The second part can potentially be considered after some time and evaluation of how satisfied people are with the new missions. Overall, however, you can create new missions with the old mechanics and missions with more challenging AI side-by-side, which means everyone gets the cake and can eat it.

That can be done with new missions as well, and it can be just as modular and non-mandatory as Burners (but please not as spammy as burners). If people do not want to run the new missions, that’s fine. As long as CCP provides new missions for both the old and new AI, everyone can be happy.

That is an irrelevant concern if new missions are done like burners were repeatedly declining or aborting after accepting does not impact standing. New and old missions can exist and can be developed side by side without problems. After all, we have dull anom rats and more intelligent (good joke, I know) FOB/shipyard rats running side by side as well.

Well, maybe CCP should take a class in communicating changes better. And release fully thought out changes instead of half-baked, incomplete stuff like the Agency window, agency rewards, structures, sov, etc.
Personally, I absolutely don’t like Burner missions and I laugh about losses to burners. However, since I do not have to do them and can decline them as much as I want, they do not impact me significantly (again, the spam should be reduced, though). In contrast to FOBs, which coerce me into doing this activity unless I leave my preferred system for a week, these missions have minimal negative impact on users and allow users who seek more challenging PVE activities to get their daily fix and a good income as icing on the cake.
I can’t remember exactly, but I do not believe there was a lot of negative feedback when CCP introduced the Dread Pirate Scarlet missions, or was there?


Just because it’s true doesn’t mean they believe you. Seriously, check some of the threads, it’s like Lord of the Flies in there. I half-expected to hear ‘Sucks for your asth-mar!’

And they respond that way even when it’s just Guard and Jin’taan asking them what they think of prospective ideas. You could say ‘so we’re thinking of adding a new mission to undock, then redock’, and they’d lose their minds at you.

I don’t remember about the Scarlet missions, but man, everything in the last few years… Burner missions were the worst possible thing they could do. And the best. And damn them for using a new AI. And isn’t the new AI awesome? And you all don’t know what you’re talking about, CCP never should’ve put this stuff in. The rewards are all wrong, even if I haven’t done any yet!


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I would lose my mind because it is underwhelming. :rofl:
However, even if people lose their minds, you can just put in a couple of new missions here and there. Their uptake or the feedback from users cannot possibly be worse than that of FOBs or RW. And just like people ignore RW most of the time, people can also just ignore these new missions with a single click. People will always lose their minds over everything, but that should not be a reason not to augment and expand the pool of existing missions while leaving the proven missions alone.
Or to try new mission and agent concepts. You could even incorporate the failing FOBs into that: Like in my above suggestion with Incursions, you could have new agents move to constellations with FOBs and have them offer missions related to containing BR/Guris. You could even advertise this via the Agency really nicely. Damn, did I just find a way to make FOBs desirable? :thinking:

CCP had a lot more people working on EVE back in the time. After many CCP games later they are less than a half of former employees.

Now they have game that was made by a lot more people, and have to change stuff with a lot less people.

It is going all down the drain. :cry:

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Sorry, bad explanation on my side. The idea was to ask people to make bug reports after a fight. Pretty sure that would motivate people enough to get some done. But then again, if it’s only for very specific issues as CCP Habakuk said (seriously, that name :D), then it’s probably not of much a use and could potentially be spammy.


II’ve thrown this into the mix earlier:

And thanks to the back and forth, there weren’t much thoughts on the idea. I politely ask for thoughts on this.

A regular carrier takes 7-8 minutes, so the nerf would be roughly half of it. A VNI which does 1 1/2 sites per tick would probably barely notice.

Maybe! Though I admit, I love the idea of the FOBs. Africanized rats that will attack your structures and RF them? The only thing better is if they track the timer and come back for the kill!

I’m just torn on if it’s a reference to the minor prophet, or the Dragonlance deity… >.> @CCP_Habakuk any light to shine on this?

As for the spawn delay… yeah, it’d get noticed. Ishtars, VNIs, Taloses, wouldn’t matter. They’ll notice, and they’ll complain. Not that complaining should mean they get their way, but it’s a thing folks need to be ready for.

It’s a reference to the minor doomsday prophet (but Dragonlance is apparently also getting the name from there).

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What prophecy you bring about CCP? :thinking: