The end is nigh. Gankers a dying breed

Because otherwise permits wouldn’t exist, they exist to certify the person in possession of them has paid their fee to acquire them. :wink:

Isn’t he a ganker himself thou isn’t the whole point of a permit to avoid getting targeted, which is strange in and of itself because getting targeted is the fun part.

O my bad didn’t see its an anti war deck permit, or dual permit what ever that means.

Yes and no. He does gank sometimes but as far as I know (though not 100% up to date) Aiko disowned him for not completing his impudence training and not submitting his monthly tithe on schedule at least once but probably more than that by now.

Yes it is not a permit issued by gankers, it is for dueling (with my related alt). :wink:


@Felix_Frostpacker Does this tithe come with interest? This seems like a scam get out while you can.

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I’m afraid it is too late for that, he paid Aiko a monthly bil (sometimes maybe more) for a long time by now and probably still does so occasionally regardless of Aiko’s reaction or lack of. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


In a despewate bid 2 stay welevant, da witch queen hewself has wesowted 2 dwedging up old reddit posts ann fake stowies 2 bolstew da dwindling weputation of gankews. Da queen’s latest post highlights da antics of da notowious ceema, a goon infamous fow his comical fake posting stunts, twying 2 spin a fouw-month-old tale into a fwesh saga.

da skies of uedama wewe bwiefly lit up bii sum familiaw gankew faces, including da infamous caution asian dwivew ann da bob paintew fleet, backed bii theiw so-called “electwician fwiends.” buh don’t be fooled—despite da fluwwy of activity, da kill wates awe laughably low.

awe we witnessing da last gasps of a dying monstew? wit da new awmowed avalanche poised 2 cwush any wemnants, it seems da end is neaw fow these iwwelevant twoublemakews.

will buwn jita even happen , we wait ann see.


Ceema my friend.


He owes one billion isk, due to some inappropriate comments he made earlier.

Githy’s blog is here: Philosophy Part 2 - For a Better Highsec: The N-CODE


It’s great to see a video that explains precisely why ganking is essential in highsec, and why people who want to make highsec 100% safe are fools…


This is Githny’s other project: - not sure how well it’s going.


If the Queen Witch joined Goonswarm, there is a problem as Goonswarm could be mounting the largest and most massive gank of all times.

Every ship that is undocked, in every High Sec system gets ganked.
To pull something like that off would be the tip of the spear for the career of the High Sec gankers. After such a gank, no place left to go other than a new game.

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Dear God. ‘Snappy’, it ain’t.

It’s going so well that it had to be linked by the game’s #1 Gankerette in order to preserve its relevance…


Yea at this rate “torrent killing ganking” will probably become a meme and force it to adapt and become much stronger than current.

Oh! You finally figured us out! Hey, hi.


Frosty required princess to approve the release of isk on the weekend… where were you?

The more interesting question you guys/gals should be asking your self is what will you do about the increased plex cost for alt’s it was 2.5b last month its 3b now and after patch it will prob go to 4b or 4.5b once everyone starts blowing tons of plex on skins and the 30% tax’s ravish the plex price.

I laugh CCP does a special “gankers paradice; sub 20 accounts for the price of 5 available for the next 3 days” :rofl:

Nah, he’s good

hm, was visiting Uedama a few times yesterday, and ganking looked quite healthy with like 100 of them in local, popping freighters every now and then…
Seriously, anyone jumping in there during a 75% loot event without a scout that could easily tell him that 100 catalysts are waiting for a target… is just stupid.

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