The EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook

CCP kept stimulates players or either force to deal directly with their online plex store vs. constant isk ingame income. Latest nerf was related to the ability of char transfer fee paid by PLEX cancellation. With uocoming scarcity of recources=income folks would be buying more plex directly from CCP.

You know that the big PLEX sellers manipulate that price, right? It’ll take a lot more lost trade volume to see a really sharp drop in price.

The three months omega + mct might have been worth it if the mct was delivered as a transferable item.

Oh, its all local’s fault is it? Return it all to the days of blackout? Then why not ask for zkillboard to be shut down, or dotlan to have its API calls blocked, or better yet, how about all the crap in “The Agency” window that shows where the richest ESS is gets removed?

Yeah, nobody outside of the super umbrella bothered logging in. Great solution. Not like the MER can tank any worse now can it?

Why not just ask CCP to make filaments that transport the nearest ship in a ratting site get teleported to your blops group of bombers, that’s fair, right?

Whatever, its not like CCTV alts don’t work both ways and Eve has been around long enough that everyone knows a gate activation can be heard from a billion miles away.

Isn’t that what a TCU is for? Don’t they already cost upkeep on a regular basis?

Jump bridges were introduced as being deployable within weapons range of a citadel. That CCP changed this promised mechanic, which was on parity with a POS, was shameful. Adding another structure to be constantly trolled is not adding meaningful or engaging gameplay.

Again, back to blackout with fake ‘delayed’ local? Worked so well last time, didn’t it?

The point is not to watch, its to restrict activity. Makes renters mad, lowers ADM’s. The idea of baiting a cloaky camper is just silly, a procurer mining in a camped system is as obvious as a worm on hook and CCP changed cyno’s so people can’t just roll out a VNI fit with a cyno anymore.

That a noob ship with a cheap cyno module and a tank of liquid ozone was a near zero cost to fly around and drop people on all day long perhaps?

This is exactly a ‘the rich get richer’ problem, where the little groups get adversely impacted by an incumbent power base. Getting counter dropped by the umbrella fleets was always a possibility, though its obvious that CCP decided after over a decade of letting any ship fit a cyno, that blackout wasn’t nearly as scary of those with the super umbrella.

Roaming gangs that do not bother to use a scout, right? Any roaming gangs that get caught have only themselves to blame, what with the fabulous selection of filaments they can use to teleport to the nearest triglavian safe zone.



Shoot at the structures they are hiding in perhaps?

A wise choice.

A bit more randomness to ice belt locality would be welcome, just looking up the places on dotlan makes things too easy.

Don’t be silly, the last thing the PvP crowd want to do is return to the days of having to baby sit a bunch of dirty PvE players.

AFK cloakers running their d-scan scraping bots won’t be affected and there is no way the described change will positively influence a reduction in AFK ratting without also harming genuine ratting.

It would just be botted or macro’d to irrelevance.

Fear factor? zKillboard. Dotlan. Eve stopped being existing for those who have the right tooling years ago.

Why? at least one of the mining ships has to have a better tank than a garbage can lid.

Capital sized gun sound right?

Please stop.

Mining boosts were the whole point of mining command ships before CCP decided they needed to be on grid.

Alpha players already can gas mine. The endurance should be able to warp while cloaked just like the Prospect, or the Prospect needs to be changed to have the same limitations as the Endurance, it makes no sense for them to be different. Alpha players can already do too much. Lock them down to empire factions only and stop them from fitting T2 modules already!

There are no belt rats in 1.0 and 0.9 systems. All these suggestions show a disconnect in understanding the current game mechanics and implementing suggestions based on an incorrect picture would be worse than simply leaving things as they are.

Barely covers the cost of munitions? Aren’t all high security space mission runners using afk drone boats that spit out PLEX into space?

This is a much better proposal, it gives a unique benefit to owning the tcu/I-hub that doesn’t currently exist.

Lol, if the skiff mined 7x as much its other stats would probably be so bad that it has negative resists and 500 m^3 ore hold.

Definitely not.

Its 1 dude with 200 accounts doing the abuse.

Yes, and I would hope that you would abuse it relentlessly until CCP implements a fix.

It is interesting to note that in high security space, those with bad standings to the local faction will be forbidden from cloaking. That is not currently a mechanic in Null, for whatever reason.

Because in High Security you can’t shoot at someone stealing your cans.

Its more dangerous to run missions in High Security space, as gankers can be dealt with on more fair terms outside of empire space. Its quite common to see systems near incursions being used by gankers to take advantage of the resistances reduction to blow people up more easily.

Yep, this seems to be sorely lacking, despite the relaxation around the rules in CCP playing under ‘regular’ accounts.

So there is a point to paying million of ISK a week for TCP/IHUB modules?

There are not many null groups that are going to let you into their space to rat without contributing back in return, even a rental corporation is going to want their cut come end of the month.

There was this guy who annoyed people leeching off his open wifi by using a program to make all the words backwards and flip the images upside down.

Then your comparison is fundamentally dishonest.


Its like a year just to sit in a super and turn the headlights on and off.

Apart from cloaks, these things are called combat probes.

Then remove dotlan, zkillboard and all the ‘free intel’ that gets spewed out by “The Agency” and the in game map!

Its called a cloak.

It is feeling that way more and more every day.

Have to agree here, people who stockpiled are still sitting on the stockpile.

The PLEX illuminati?


There is, I’ve found, very limited value in explaining to people who don’t even know what the mechanics currently are. It doesn’t stop me, because I’m a smart-ass who enjoys blathering on about crap, but, you know, just sayin’.

Nah, just the same market-alts that sell tens of thousands of units of PLEX to themselves in order to establish specific cits as ‘this is where PLEX get traded’.

Instead of posting one giant ‘Wall Of Text’ consisting of multiple quotes & replies to different posters, just take your time and address each poster in a separate reply. That will make it a lot easier to keep track of the various convo’s you’re jumping into. As such, I had to trash 2/3rds of your reply just to isolate all of the posts directed towards me.

Also doing selective quoting of a small sub-section of the entire statement actually portrays that statement out of context. I don’t know if it’s done accidently or on purpose but it certainly derails and misrepresents the actual conversation.

By the way, my replies were initiated by a remark from Arrendis who stated that Mission Running and Ratting both required little effort that rewarded massive ISK generation. I have no desire to continue that discussion but I will address your comments.

Using sarcasm in an attempt to make a point actually makes the point not worth making.

Anyway, the actual point of my reply = rewards from Mission Running do not generate massive ISK.

I partially agree, however my reply was in direct opposition to a statement that High Sec mission / exploration sites are ‘Risk Free’ massive ISK generation.

I agree, however my statement was actually an attempt to explain why Arrendis was so adamant in stating that High Sec content is ‘Risk Free’ massive ISK generation.

And now your reply is doing the same thing that I pointed out earlier, logistics and or location has no relevance to the initial statement that Mission Running and Ratting are the same which require little effort for massive ISK generation.

No it’s not. What’s dishonest is people trying to add extra variables afterwards to the initial statement in an attempt to prove that Ratting requires more time, effort and ISK to engage in compared to Mission Running.

Some people seem to think Ratters only operate in Null Sec space. A brand new player starts the game with no knowledge or access to resources. Brand new players who want to pursue a Ratting career usually start in High Sec and as they gain experience and increase their character skills, they eventually move on to other sectors of space.

As I stated earlier, location and or logistics parameters are not relevant to the initial statement. What your statement does is move the goalposts again by adding extra variables in an attempt to prove that Ratting requires more time, effort and ISK compared to Mission Running.


I would trade no local + improved d-scan for the lack of dotlan and a 4 hour delayed zkill anyday imo.
Yes combat probing exists but its so freaking slow that anyone will know instantly that they are being scanned down. (slow as in 15-20 seconds, everything is gone by then)

As it is now I have reduced my d-scanning of ships in anoms to about 4 or 5 seconds and even then when I land they are already warping out local for each system is op. I would need to reduce scanning to about 2 seconds to make it in time which is asking a bit much.

I would even trade it for a combined constellation local instead of a local for each system with the above as that would be a mass improvement on what we have now.

Oh please stop biting the blackout baits that are being thrown. It is just a rant from the 133t pvpr´s that want the easy fat kills without counter that the AFK cloakcamping was feeding them and that are being fixed.

Blackout will never return, period, no company would shoot at their foot tht way, not twice at least.

They don´t even have to renounce to the riskless fat defenseless kills, that´s what filaments were created for:

Filament in, look for the easy kill of the lone ratter or miner, there is some kind of defensive response?, wait in safes and filament out. But ofc, that requires a small degree of engagement and being active at the computer, of course.

Guess they are angry because they like more the AFK, low engagement style of the cloakcamping. They are almost PvP bots.

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Discourse yells at you if you do that, alas.

Yeah, the lights turn on and off when you get into structure.

All of the little animals in the forest have feelings, even the ugly and the stupid ones.

Ah a practical implementation of that strategy you suggested to counter the DBS and MESS, by artificially controlling the cost of a automatic targeting module. Nice.

The CCP forum bot tells me I can’t so it gets punished with the inverse behaviour its not programmed to flag, as this is Eve.

Ok, I will endeavour to do more complete quoting in future.

Its relative, when everyone starts off on their Eve career your first million ISK is like winning the lottery. Hell, I got into a thrasher and thought I was king of the hill.

I guess I agree with you agreeing?

I guess we agree again? I just don’t think high security space generates a massive amount of ISK as per the MER compared to say, Null.

There are guides on the internet for both, though only Null has a barrier of entry that isn’t always surmountable by in game mechanics, if nobody in Null likes you, you’re not going to be able to operate without constant harassment.

So instead the argument is that the initial statement was incomplete?

Well, people killing NPC’s in low sec are not ratters, they’re just misguided.

Maybe. When I used to recruit, the number of High Security space people that flew ships awfully fit with the wrong shielding or damage types never stopped.

Which is going to cost more, a twink SP gila pilot in Null or High Security space?

Well, maybe CCP will grant that wish via iHUB upgrades?

True, too many times some prat in a imperial navy slicer would come into the area I used to live and just jack off to warping around every time they saw 8 combat probes in d-scan. It was just silly.

It would be nice if a ship is scanned down, you can just keep warping to the sig?

Looking at the most recent MER, it looks like it has.

Filaments or Black Ops bridging, its all just a vehicle for risk adverse gameplay.

That is an excellent characterisation.

If only it did some kind of automatic merging of posts?


Why these posts are that much difficult to read and fallow suddenly? :frowning:

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Readability is down because some people cough Litsea cough put too many unrelated quotes in one post instead of answering topics one by one.

(Sorry about that sneeze, I should get myself tested!)


That Discourse message can be easily X-ed out.

“No EVE Ecosystem post would be complete without discussion of bots and RMT. Please don’t buy ISK from RMTers and don’t let your friends buy ISK from RMTers, either. Botting and RMT negatively affect everyone. Thank you all for reporting bots, the in-game bot reporting tool is being prepared for further improvement.”

You won’t want to exterminate the bots as the bots play the game and keep it alive. At the RMT you also earn or even participate in it. I unmasked a market bot, it is still working today and is ruining my profit. You already know how to influence the market. The whole game with the records for the Guinness Book is a lie and 30 - even 50% filled with bots. I played the game from 2007 to the end of 2013, when there were already bots. An account in Allianz had 20+ bots running. I wanted to take a break, but in 2015 I no longer have access to my accounts and the Corp. Now at the end of 2020 I tried again to start with a new account, the graphics are super cool, the ships look great, but the bots are still there, probably more than before. They rule the market and thus also the game. The blackout in 0 was ok, every player who cried had bots running - 80% of the falling number of players were bots.

And a remedy for the long-term clocky camper is the best, easiest and fastest way to chase meteor showers through the system at indefinite intervals.

Sometimes it comes after 10 minutes and stops twice, sometimes it comes after 3 hours and only lasts 1 minute or 20 minutes.
The particles in the storm are 2-4 km apart and make a decklock 100%.

Every player in the 0 has safespots that he can keep alive during the time-the 95% of the bots stop and can be destroyed.

Unfortunately, the game is contaminated by bots.

At least you know I am reading what everyone says. I’ll try to reign that in as part of 2021 resolutions.

Not an awful idea, might be an interesting new storm type for CCP to implement.

Years ago on my first account I was parked off a jump bridge POS cloaked in a slasher looking at something on another screen. Some red bomber comes out of nowhere and bombs the jump bridge module. Dropped me into armour, if I remember at the time.

Didn’t cause cloak to drop though. Last time I hung around a POS outside the shield though.

More like the operational precedent. They’ve been doing it since citadels went in.

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You think the change to remove %0 fee market citadels was done to slow this kind of price fixing down?

No, it was done to remove ISK from the economy. You’re not going to stop the people who have tons of money AND massive piles of PLEX from setting the price unless you absolutely break supply and demand and set an artificial price-point from NPCs. Which CCP won’t do, because the whole point of PLEX is that players buy them from CCP, and then sell them to other players for ISK, and those other players use them for game time, SKINs, etc.

When you look at all those different sell orders? Dozens of them, hundreds of them, each with a few thousand PLEX, all trying to 0.01 ISK one another? That’s a very small group of people, 0.01 ISKing their own orders. As an example, all the PLEX orders (buy and sell) that went up each time the ‘I CHOOSE YOU’ guy put down another market citadel? Those were all him. Same guy that owned the market they were being traded on. Eat the fees to keep the prices profitable.

They hold the volume, they create the demand w/buy orders. Sell below their price, they snap up your PLEX and relist them. If you’re not willing to completely destroy EVE’s economy, you won’t change that. And by ‘destroy’, I don’t mean ‘bleed assets out of it’ or ‘use scarcity’. I mean ‘buy everything from NPC vendors, sell everything to NPC vendors’.

And even then, player-to-player transactions will still follow simple supply-and-demand rules. That’s how economic activity works.

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I have AlexzanderKormienko and times my account for the dev blogger information can not accurately identify my security sources of my own account or access to the others in my accounts . what time do I have to read 9 to 8 and redo my password in order to get into the forums and look what is brand new in my announcements but I need to learn on EVE Online. And then when I do that it says cellular wrong account like error all the time error message error message over and over again repeatedly and then it says I have to many failed to acknowledge I am the owner of an account read to me by the rented account that I belong to because I’m renting to you guys on EVE Online from CCP

Cake from 9 to 5, reading sun towards baggage - Insalata wordika


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