The Fall of Origin

You’re not wrong on any count.


We never had the heart to scale down and cut employment contracts once so many of our pilots stepped out-of-pod to become colonists, since we’d always been in a home-building communal mindset. We’ll have to learn and adapt, plain as day.



I wanted to say “Thank you for this unflinching evaluation” but that’s kind of a coldly professional way of saying it. You’ve done us a tremendous service in sharing it, and I don’t think I can adequately express my gratitude in words.


Respect to you as well @Tifida o7

I was the pilot who you warned, saying you would come back. I knew this day would come, and while I tried to rearm structures after their latest firmware updates and keep things maintained those efforts alone were clearly not enough.

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You’re more than welcome. There is actually quite a lot more I could say, at a level of detail and volume of words that would probably put most readers of this forum into a state of shock, but I felt it best to stick to the basic points for now.

I’ve spent a very great amount of time in the last eighteen months studying and theorycrafting wormhole defense and assault methods; if you ever feel like being lectured at I’d be happy to oblige.

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There is no such thing as too much knowledge.


You may come to regret those words :smile:

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The most important lesson to learn from this is that:

important lesson

Kala is a big meanie

2nd important lesson

who is good at her job

3rd important lesson

but mostly a big meanie.


Also, the worst landlord, and that’s considering there’s someone in HK who’s probably close to a trillionaire by now for selling scam wormhole rental contracts.


Am I really a landlord if you never pay any rent? :thinking:


A landlord who is bad even at getting paid, is what!


Literally the worst.

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While I understand emotions are likely running high right now, being rude to the CEO of the group that just summarily evicted you in 48 hours, especially after they compliment you for your fighting spirit and offer you the potential of help in the future, seems rather foolhardy.

Rude? You haven’t seen me rude.

What you think I should have said?

“Prepared for” and “reacted to” are very different things.

Were you in Alexylva Paradox before the eviction? No, so don’t state about stuff you don’t know for sure. “Seeing” because you watched the system and “being inside” the corporation are different things. We prepared for what we could and then we reacted as much as we could.


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It is good to see a foe fall and fall hard. You are on the ground , in the dirt , you are home now stay there . You deserve nothing from New Eden except destruction , it has found you .

I hope my words are of some comfort to you Stitcher .

Well someone seems to have a little chip on their shoulder.


I hope that is a joke of some kind. You realize, pilot, that this hardly counts as a fall to rock bottom, right? This is a fall, but for capsuleers its nowhere near ground. Just a chance to gather momentum to soar even higher.

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Eh. Smug tone notwithstanding he’s more or less correct. Nobody deserves anything: life is about what you earn and what you keep.

We earned Origin in the first place. Then we failed to keep it. Now we’ll earn a different future.

I mean, don’t misunderstand me: he’s just earned himself a punch in the face. But the asshole ain’t wrong.


Don’t worry little pilot, destruction will find you one day too like it found us! And then, you will be able to join us in the dirt! Only that… in the dirt you will be all alone! :smiley:


One does not simply offer to let Jevvles crash on their couch for awhile.


Seriously, people. Wormholes and null space are for making money and Empire space is for living in.

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