The Federation Navy Comet is under preforming right now

Right now, the Federation Navy Comet Is underperforming its competitors in faction warfare and is constantly getting destroyed by its competitors in the same class and same type, it doesn’t have any bonuses to Weapon range similar to the competing ships in its class. and even worst its capacitor keeps on running dry too quickly even with weapons running, electronic warfare systems also running unfortunately and auxiliary armor repair systems which was turned on later in the battle and all kept from being able to use my most effective ammo against these such targets because of capacitor issues keeping me from pinning a target in place. And that happened from several battles with this particular ship against other Empire Faction Navy ships.

Of course, if I was able to drain the capacitor of the opponent to my ship and that would have not been much of a problem except, they stayed out of that range because of the range bonuses they get from using other Navy ships that competes against Federation Navy Comet Class ship.

The problem isn’t the ship.
It’s how you’re fitting and flying it.
Most faction warfare frigates rock an afterburner, not an mwd.
Once you get scrammed, you’re a sitting duck with the enemy able to dictate range and the terms of the engagement.
Rail comets were very popular for a long time, maybe try that.
You also need to know what fights you can take and what you should run away from.
Hookbills, for example, are often dual Web, scram, rocket fit in faction warfare space.

The Comet is literally the strongest faction frigate, objectively. It has the most damage, the most tank, is one of the fastest ones, has a huge damage bonus, the most hull HP of any T1 or Navy frigate by a large margin, a utility high, and three mids. Add that to surprisingly high capacitor capacity and the innate strength of blasters as a weapon system and you have a menace of a frigate.

The only way to beat it is to outplay it. If you go toe to toe with the Comet you will lose. You have to orbit it, pull range from it, kite it out (though that’s trickier because of the insane speed), heavily neut it, or specifically counter it with resist mods.

Comets are very very strong against anything that isn’t double web fit. All you need is a strong kiter suspicion and a quick trigger finger when switching to Null.

Two flights of three drones is also crazy. It’s all around a ridiculous ship. Not as receptive to bling as the Hookbill, not as blisteringly fast as the Firetail, not as good of projection as the Slicer, but an excellent ship for nearly any purpose.

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Here’s a pro tip you won’t find anywhere else - if you fly an Enyo with 2x overdrives and an overclocker booster, it suddenly turns into a Comet (same/more speed than Comet) with 500 dps and a 24k ehp Assault Damage Control.

As for Comet being “objectively the best” this is absolutely ridiculous. The same could be said for the Slicer or Hookbill easily - it’s all situational. There is no “objective” best here, the guy saying that is delusional. The fact that it can be easily outplayed is just reason of many why this is true.

It is, however, more versatile than the average low sec player realized. What you need to do is stop using/following the same old meta setups that literally everyone uses/knows about. There are so many different ways to fly ships, also why not use something different? Use an off meta ship, use something people don’t expect. This should be obvious, it’s the art of war. You’re not going to go in with a cookie cutter setup everyone knows how to beat, and magically win based on sheer DPS number. Everyone knows the Comet, after so many years people are going to have a good idea of how to beat it, and what to expect from it. Think outside the box a little bit here.

I just made a game changing Comet setup, all because of this thread :grinning: - I had an interesting idea and it took me about five minutes. I’m not going to reveal it here because I want to save it for when I come back to the game (also people won’t believe it works without seeing proof anyway). Waiting until I get a new PC. But I will say - this Comet setup is going to completely change the meta when I make my return.

The biggest piece of advice I can give to any newer PvPers is - don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment. Go against the meta, don’t follow what everyone else does. If they say it can’t be done, do it anyway and prove them wrong :rofl:

If you want, I can help trial it in my tanky Scythe (not Fleet Issue). Can’t wait to see the fit!