The first highsec system flipped!

This guy was implying that lowseccers would have trouble with bubbles. My response was that the lowseccers would figure it out, no problem. No matter what CCP throws at them.


I wouldn’t say “not anymore” quite yet. They still have to properly fix high-sec wars and make bounty-hunting meaningful. Even the systems we had in place over ten years ago were better than what we have now.

That would mean only wormholes would be the entry point to ocupied systems, hardcore. Maybe also cynos, but triglavians could use cynosural jammers systemwide. If I would want to keep the system for myself, as a trig, I would do that. :thinking:

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So desperate! Here, have a candy. :dango:

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Three, you missed one.

The collective IQ of a mob is the IQ of its dumbest member divided by the number of people in the mob.


Does anyone know if they can yet? Because if they can, they will.

I am not convinced you really know what you are talking about.

This is covered under “apathy” and “comfort zone”. There are people out there smarter than both of us combined and yet they’re just mainstream morons you could not blindly trust to know what’s good for them and society as a whole.

The vast majority of adults work all day. They feel accomplished. They want to come home, to some family or not, and enjoy the rest of the day before the next work day begins. They’re not aware of the fact that they do not have a life. They enjoy the granted right of vacation and they’re not aware that the state is raising and propagandizing their children just so they can go to work.

And there’s of course too much propaganda. Psychopaths who fool their populaces into believing they’re idiots, so they can do whatever they want. Mind control is a reality and it’s not just happening everywhere else.

The feeling of “I can’t do anything about it” is something people are being raised into, just like the “current norm” is, which makes the whole situation possible in the first place. The “current norm” is whatever children are being raised into. They accept it blindly, because it’s the norm for them. So when children are being raised into loving the state, then they will love the state.

The japanese have a guaranteed two weeks of vacation per year. Two.
Their society has some major problems, despite them being really good and smart people.
The people don’t get together to say “stop”, it’s enough, we need to fix this.
They mostly don’t have the time required to think and realize the status quo.

They’re too busy with their lifes.
All their necessities are being provided.

People need to feel like they’re useful/having a purpose/feel accomplished.
– Jobs, hobbies, gaming

People need to have relaxation periods as opposite to feeling accomplished.
– Vacation from job, reading a book instead of gaming, netflix instead of gaming, going outside instead of netflix, weekends

People need food.
People need water.

Many people can do without jobs, because they have hobbies and will never ever run out of hobbies, because they’ll always be able to find new hobbies.

Some people require jobs, because they’re too braindead to find hobbies. They’re dumb enough to “entertain” themselves all day via TV etc if there is no assigned task to be done.

The smarter people will revolt when there’s a lack of opportunities to do smart things.
Entertainment does not work as a long time technique of keeping them distracted.

The dumber people will revolt when there’s no task and no entertainment.

Everyone revolts when there’s a lack of food/water.

The sole reason, why people are getting dumber every generation,
is because politician from decades ago, just like the current ones,
want that to be the case.

Wait, this is wildly off topic?
Oh no, it isn’t!

What we’ll see coming in EVE is a militarization of our “children”.

They will be raised into having a purpose.
Those who need that will flourish!

CCP Hilmar does not forget about those who don’t, though. He hinted at wanting to have room for all kinds of people, including those like me who skipped any tutorials (haha, tutorials :crazy_face: ) because we’re simply better than that …

… but many people literally need to be assigned a task and they just love it.

So you invent a threat (commies/socialists/terrorists),
you declare martial law,
and suddenly every child has a future.

To make sure no one degenerates ever again,
the economy is being nerfed and scarcity is being introduced.

Reduced wealth = reduced comfort = more hardships = more feelings of accomplishment.

The game will grow, flourish and we will always be at war with Eurasia.


Are you manic?



All good, don’t worry. :slight_smile:


Good gripe though! :rofl:

@Solecist_Projekt nice :heart:

I can see the day when all of EVE is either null or trig. Null will probably never fight to save a highsec sys unless they get to keep it null. Highsec will probably never organize enough to drive them out. Checkmate? :grinning:

so many kill mails

It may be a case that not all gates turn off. Or it may be a case that gates turn off whilst the system is reset to lowsec. Similar to the delay of systems switching occupancy.

Imagine if FW had the Amarr being lowsec, with Capitals & Supers, while the Minmatar were highsec but only Battleships. Now imagine how lopsided this fight would be. The Amarr can always downsize their ships to Battleships for highsec, but the Minmatar can’t upsize.
This is why this whole thing of flip flopping sec status is silly, because it’s not two equivalent sides in a fight.

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I don’t understand…

No matter what the sec status of the system, both sides can bring the same ship sizes.

If amarr is low, both sides can bring caps. If minmatar is high, both sides can’t bring caps.

Sure, ‘In theory’.
But in practice if you live in highsec you don’t have meaningful opportunity to build up a capital force, because… you can’t build caps or fly them in highsec.

And no, don’t even try and argue ‘but you could just build them up in lowsec’. Because that puts you in direct opposition to the same lowsec groups who will be stopping you flipping the systems back to high, and they will kill your lowsec build up.
10 years down the line, sure, you might be able to build a meaningful cap force up to fight these groups, because that’s how long some of these lowsec groups have had to establish themselves. But it’s not going to happen on a relevant timeline to these updates.
And once you’ve done that… congratulations, you are now a lowsec group anyway and have no interest in fighting to flip systems to highsec anyway, so highsec still has no meaningful cap forces.

So yeah… it’s not an equal system.


Don’t worry, whatever dramatic mountain we imagine this will be, it will turn out to just be more underpaid PVE grinding with little relevance. Yeah, maybe an outlier system or two changes sec status for a few days. Unless they do it to Uedama, of course.


Ok, so with faction warfare in particular, i don’t understand what there is to worry about. All sides have capitals already. But they don’t see much use because capitals are ill suited to 90% of FW mechanics. Groups in fw without capitals today are functioning just fine in low sec already.

The worst thing that can happen is peoples structures in systems that turn into low sec get dread bombed. But we don’t know if capitals will be able to enter converted systems.

But look at it this way:
You get better ore and your mission agent pays out more.

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fighting for the trigs to capture a high-sec system and turn it to low-sec (or whatever) sounds so much more interesting than fighting on the side of the empires. it may be that all of the invasion systems get captured by the trigs very quickly due to a lot of bored players fighting for the most disruptive outcome.