The following chat channels no longer allow referral links: Corporation chat for NPC starter corporations

Patch Notes for 2024-09-18.1

The following chat channels no longer allow referral links:

Corporation chat for NPC starter corporations.

Thank you for finally doing something about this. :+1:

@CCP_Swift cheers dude. CAS chat can now return to its original helpfulness.


Those chat changes are fire. As as stated it’ll help making npc corps an actual thing again as well.

Awesome stuff.

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We know it took a bit, but cheers for the patience!


Now, just permanently lock new players out of Rookie Help Chat who purposely skip the tutorial and we’re good to go…


Glad for the chat changes but honestly characters over a year old should be forced to join an already existing player corp. Zero reason people should be in an NPC corp that long it’s crazy lol
Joining a player corp increases player engagement and community. Yes I specifically said joining a player corp not creating a player corp. I believe that at least spending 6 months in any one player corp should grant you the ability to make your own. Wayyyy to many dead end player made corps doing nothing and going nowhere. Most of those are all dead corps with inactive members anyway which could prob be deleted to open up names for people who possibly wanted them.

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Forced eh?
Fortunately there’s that little thing called freedom, maybe you heard of it?
Here’s a reminder.


I guess they finally got tired of me… er… my friend harassing the GMs constantly over these spammers. My friend can be pretty tenacious when it comes to recruit spam reporting. He’s probably made GMs waste hundreds and hundreds of hours that they could have spent surfing pronhub like they used to before the recruit program.

Sadly, this decision will be reversed sooner than later, in my opinion. Depending on which way new player retention trends over the next month or two.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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now if only hypernet spam was also banned from the same channels…

ccp please

Well…that sure didn’t take long.

You going to nip this in the bud, @CCP_Swift? Because if you don’t, this will be the new spam in all the NPC corps by tomorrow or the next day by all the former link spammers.


Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I like the idea of a permanent banhammer…


You and me both, brother.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Too late. Here’s just a few of the many I’ve seen today. If I had characters logged into all twelve NPC corps I’d have many more to report. I’ve given the GMs plenty of warning this would happen, but from what I can tell, they had no idea the DEVs changed the rule on posting links.

Classic CCP communication breakdown.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I really can’t emphasize enough that these offenders need to be nuked from orbit. Just to be sure… You’re doing saint’s work @Mr_Epeen.

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Yes just as predicted.

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