Welcome to the internet…
Eve is a game with a lot of freedom and the forums reflect that. Calling someones idea ‘dumb’ is hardly a crime.
ISD’s still chime in when things go too far or completely off the rails, but we are adults here and this is the Internet after all. Thick skins are recommended.
We don’t call each other names, you big meany head!
*shakes fist
Hi! I’m also new.
I want PLEX prices to rise so i can hear more poors complain
That is all
Welcome to the Eve forums Mycella Huren
You are correct in your observation.
I’ll be biomassed in a little over 3 hours, so if you think about it you’re my last official interaction with EVE
Have a nice day.
Worthwhile discussions generally take place away from the official forums. Some of the better places for discussion usually take place on forums owned and managed by corporations / alliances. There’s also a lot of discussion taking place on r/eve.
If you want to engage in actual worthwhile discussions, go join an alliance and chat on their alliance forums. The official forums are a echo-chambery cesspit of highsec carebears who love to do nothing but complain about how the game is unfair.
Actually, the forums here are the only place left in EVE that is bot free…looks hard at a couple above posters
…and there are plenty of people willing to yank just about anyone’s chain to see their reaction/self entertain.
Can I have your stuff?
Yup. This is real Eve players, the rest are boots and RL profiteers …
Spoken like a pesky little Thrasher wannabe ganker player I spotted in Jita the other day.
Go and Plex your account.
Good riddance.
Dutty gyal.
Dutty gyal