The Great 2020 CODE Hunt ( 4B+ in Bounties Paid-out so far!)

I never wanted this to be high maintenance so it was started with very basic criteria. Maybe at the 6 month mark I’ll change it if the AG efforts expand but other than the new check I’ll be doing for bigger kills, for now things will remain the same.

The sad fact is I budgeted for way more than this but unfortunately, there are so few AG kills, making the restrictions tighter would be extremely limiting.

Sounds to me like you have trouble motivating people, and are in desperate need of a propaganda arm.

It’s okay, all those carebears whose honor you’re protecting and avenging don’t want this to be high maintenance either.

Not at all considering this is all about “CODE” blowing up CODE ships…I mean, that’s rather hilarious.

BTW, I’d like to hit 1000 posts by the 1st so, please: more.

They’re not blowing up their own ships, they’re testing each other’s compliance to the New Halaima Code of Conduct by cross-checking themselves for bot-aspirant behavior.

See, that’s that propaganda thing I’m telling you about. If you want to hire me to write it for you, let’s discuss my rate.

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Actually that has been sugested more than once but RL is pretty busy so I’ve avoided it. I chat with a fair number in game/mail, always asking to ‘spread the message’ but not much more than that. I’m not a leader but rather a behind-the-scenes type.

If you have followed this thread then you should know two things; I not anti-CODE/gankers and this is not about protecting miners/carebears. Quite frankly, they already have tools to avoid ganks. This is actually strictly for the AG’ers who clearly are at a massive disadvantage. The numbers are staggeringly against the AG’ers and that means that they do not have viable counter. Hopefully that will be changing soon.

But the reason for that is because they’re outnumbered, right? If AGs fielded the same amounts of pilots as the gankers do, they could dominate the field with insta-lock, one-shot setups that would prevent ganks from taking place.

And there are so, so many tactics they could employ to dominate the field in terms of maneuvering, et cetera. So really, they don’t have the people to pull this off (because it’s a thankless job), and they don’t have experienced PvPers leading them and making up their ranks. Of course they’ll be at a disadvantage if those two things are true.

Unfortunately that’s not the case as CODE scouts travel system to system looking for targets. There is no way to have an AG on every miner, hauler or runner 24/7. As with any form of warfare, those than can dictate the time and place of a battle are already at a huge advantage.

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Well, first of all, not every person can be saved. That’s just the nature of the game.

Second, here’s when the part about experienced leadership comes into play. From what I’m seeing so far, they don’t have the high-sec warfare experience to pull this off. I see no offensive or defensive information warfare, psychological tricks, or strategic thought happening at all. All I’m seeing is some CONCORD coattail-riding, some predictable logistics tomfoolery, and a bit of random shooting. If these operations were conducted by an experienced mercenary/pirate group, things would be going much differently. But once again, it’s a thankless job, so no such group would be willing to do it. In economics, this is known as an externality, and is usually when the government steps in.

On a tangent, this is why I keep telling new players (and established carebears) to learn how to PvP as the first thing they do, and then to branch out into carebearing if they so wish afterward. The skills you learn are absolutely crucial, even if you want to be a “nice” player. Eighty million skill points and a ship with guns alone do not a warrior make.

I have recently been camping a gate with the intent of blocking some gankers from doing attacks in the system I am in and those behind me. The Gankers don’t like to lose ships to me, so mostly avoid jumping in, therefore I have reduced their range of operation.

Good AG play actually tends to result in no killmails.

This ability to dictate when and where they strike makes AG a rather difficult task if the AG are after kills, in my experience many gankers are actually afraid to risk ships to people they despise, so will avoid them. Even Aaaargh who initially said GF stopped saying that and would just eject from his ship and reduced his activity where I was operating my gate camps.

I have tried to do the protect the obvious miner target a few times, but there are so many targets that it gets a bit difficult. Many gankers use cloaky scouts. The ones using Venture noob scouts are obvious after a while, but they churn them.

Aiko has recently arrived close to where I am operating, but has still been unable to get a kill on one of my characters, I have kills on some of hers however, one was an AFK Tornado tethered to a structure in Niarja a while back, always makes me laugh that one. And she talks about incompetence :joy:

Your bounty is a good idea and I have received ISK from you, but I am not just interested in stopping CODE, but other gankers too. My recent target is more Miniluv then anything else, though he will work with the resident CODE guy at times.

They have an interesting mix of targets and are pretty good at scouting, and having Aiko around with potentially 14 accounts does make it a bit dangerous, but that is when you start using cheap ships and empty clones on alts that you don’t care about.

What I do find amusing is how they pretend that AG is easy. AIko above gives you a waffle thing about you being bad and all but then does not detail anything to prove it as in how would they do it better. Empty words and hot air as per normal.

What Aiko has not acknowledged is that some people made a real go at stopping ganks in Uedama and you might notice that the number of ganks have fallen off a bit. That was two different AG groups by the way and they were rather successful.


Sigh. The game mechanics do not have “part of CODE”, that’s RP’ing just as the kill was not registered as a CODE kill. Mental issue indeed.

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Would seem to be a sensible thing to do, but what do I know, Im just a carebear.

I see what you are getting at but IMO those are all irrelevant as even a brand new alt can act as a scout for a ganker and avoid everything you mentioned. At the end of the day, there is no barrier for gankers once a target has been found (from the AG’er perspective). And respect to CODE is due; they are not going to fall for much in the way of psyops or propaganda (or care).

Camping stations works on occasion but that’s easily beat with BMs.
Camping gates works on occasion but most gankers/agents operate out of systems with multiple gates, drastically reducing the camp’s effectiveness.
Once the gankers have escaped the station/gate, it’s over for the AG’er.

Dracvlad above raises a good point about AG reducing ganks and that is great but my guess is if there are AG’er operating in one area, ganker switch areas or characters/regions. I like the idea of chasing after a specific pilot(s) but as a role in EVE, that’s pretty dry and will get old fast (I’m guessing).

For me, time is more important than ISK so crosschecking was never really at the top of the “to-do” list.

I can see that, and get it.

But if I were to run an initiative to incentivise counter-ganking activities, Id really consider the outcome and the continued assistance of genuine AGs to be more important than time.

Time waits for no man

But no man is an island

So where does that leave the Isle of Mann?

That’s right.

That’s a great point and when RL calms down I hope to talk with the main AG group. But there isn’t much I can do if ISK isn’t the incentive as the mechanics just don’t lend themselves to AG activities as the numbers are all in the ganker’s favor.

It is the hunt that is fun, Mat Otsito is the one I was hunting, he was very very cautious and difficult to catch, so I wanted one kill on him which I got. The fun was the successful hunt on a cautious and able player. Something that many gankers don’t appear to understand.

Still you are right there is no pay in it and if they give up and stop jumping through then it gets boring. The cat and mouse play around it can however be fun, of course the issue with hunting gankers is when and where. In terms of my activities they know the where with my gate camps but not the when and they also do not know the what. Still I have clocked the 14 plus CODE sitting two systems away and this is where we get into when…

I am taking a punish CCP break soon. But drop me a mail in game and I will give you two contact names.

My guess is there is going to be something coming in the next few months (November?) so keep your eyes open on your mail.

I will be heavily stuck in with Cyberpunk 2077 at that time but I will log in my lowly Alpha butt every so often then.

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It’s a long term thing so if you don’t check for a few weeks I’m sure it will be ok.

Enjoy CP77!

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