The Great 2020 CODE Hunt ( 4B+ in Bounties Paid-out so far!)

Dangerous is fun though~ makes everything 10x as interesting

But…CCP is the largest donor to the Icelandic National Museum of Moss and Lichen…and without you the game will almost certainly collapse…

What kind of sociopath wants to kill off a center of culture and science?

No, the game without me will not collapse, but I will be amused when all that is left are gankbears trying to work out who to gank.

Still I was very close to trashing all my stuff and biomassing. If I come back late April, early May and I don’t like what I see then that is what I will do. Though I might just give all my stuff to certain AG players, if there any left of course.

Am I mining? Seriously do you think for one moment I would give anything to you people, you have more than enough anyway. What mining service, you never make any sense.

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Calm down miner. Just send all your stuff to Aiko. Thank you for your mining service.


Do you possibly have any LSI’s or A-type armor or mag field stabs. I need to fit out my incursion vindi pls

I’ll take them off you if you don’t want them : )

What a pauper? Get off your butt and earn the isk.

What is amusing is that I have an Alpha account and I am doing the 2,500 SP stuff with three characters dotted around and all I see is Ventures mining, which is really amusing.

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No I’m just being smart. Was asking if you had any was all, I mean why let a biomassed account go to such waste. And I am earning isk baby

You were most definitely not being smart. In any case it is my decision to trash all my stuff, but don’t worry, all my stuff will go to active AG players if I come to that, so don’t bother asking again.

So you have no pride then.

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What a weakling.

I have a lot of pride, I’m sure being gay has pride in it?
Also I wouldn’t really care about having no pride. I just had to try, after all you miss every shot you don’t take or however it goes

So you don’t mind begging then, fair enough.

Not at all~ items aren’t the only thing I beg for

Rather than waste your stuff and SP, turn it into plex and donate it to plex4good where it at least might do some RL good. Dang, are you that self-centered?

Why wait? Make a move now.

Ten thousand thundering typhoons man! Are you so utterly obsessed with ganking? Well…I guess you have been going on about it for years…so the answer is probably yes…

That was so funny, thanks for the laugh, I will check if the game is worth coming back to, though it is highly likely that I will be so hooked on the role playing possibilities of Cyberpunk 2077 that I give Eve no more interest, which is what it deserves.

First of all I never use plex. Also I chose which charities I donate to, multinational charities are off my list due to waste and corruption.

I rather like the AG players I have met and as I have a lot of stuff if I can help them why not. As for going on about ganking, only the imbalances that make it so easy, like bumping, but as most of you argue on your own viewpoint of what another thinks and says it hardly matters what you think.

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I too have looked at other boys while Im on an EvE break.

Destiny 2 has had my attention.

But imagine my suprise to find Triglavians everywhere, a Leshak in a cut scene and a laser rifle that ramps up damage the longer you hold the beam on.

Is this the $ingularity?

This is what you get for trying to replace me.


Total Bounties Paid: 48.0M

just received that and i would like to thank @Quint_s_Shark_Hunters for the
generous donation
it will be used to pew pew or booze and hookers

i also like to make a formal complaint to the venerable princess @Aiko_Danuja
i was minding my own business killing some scrubs on jitas undock wen your agent cowardly shot me

he even shot one target of mine preventing the joy of a solo kill with close to no damage made

i beg your majesty to discipline that clown in that special manner that only your highness knows

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Just take a break if you need it , things are changing and the work you do has been a great help to us , it’s also nice to come back and find all your stuff laying around.

We will keep the fight going why your away .

AG has always been hard but I think we are starting to help, our patrol fleet have been teaching miners and mission runners ways to lower the risk and gankers are taking more avoiding measures to warp around ( never seen code move in shuttles before) but my point is with the war and more AG activities the payout and kills are far less than they used to be. This will change and we all look forward to more pay outs and kills and failed ganks🤗

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Good so you are teaching the miners to follow the Code \o/

shuttles are much faster than pods , did you not know this ?

the war has just started and no kills so far and not likely to be any, just another non event.

Have to say i havent seen any of your guys for quite a while so im not seeing this activity you talk about.