Can someone explain to me why some people can afford to fly such fancy and expensive ships, while others can only afford to sneak around in Catalysts and Thrashers? Is it because the former group consists of honest and hardworking laborers who get rewarded for their efforts, while the latter is full of dumb cavemen who can’t comprehend the value and merits of peace and industry? It just seems unfair that some people have so many good things while others have nothing at all and have to feed themselves with scraps, so I’m trying to ascertain if it’s because those who are good get rewarded, and those who are bad get punished.
Why did I read this whole thread? Now I feel even more depressed about the current state of humanity and where it is headed.
If there was a big red button I could press that would erase the entire human race and all signs we ever existed, I would seriously consider pressing it. I think the universe would be better off…
I think, out of all of this, people have been forced to look at themselves like never before. I imagine not all like what they see.
I miss Eve. I miss the old days. I left Eve because it became a bastion of greed, drama, and was destroyed by those who refused to accept the core meaning of the game: Those not willing to fight to keep what they have, don’t deserve to have it. Like everything else, it was changed because people couldn’t accept it for what it was and wanted it to be something else it isn’t. Sound familiar?
The point of the game was to escape rl, not bring it here.
The good days are gone…but the memory lives on.
Some of you know me…some won’t. Those that do…know what I stand for.