The Great Escape

Who said to remove PVE? Not I.

Just remove CONCORD. Simple and everyone can agree.

Is this why new players don’t keep on playing? Low skill (slow) equals high fun entropy.

What happened to make the new warp stabs -3?! :rage:

You’re severely misinterpreting the way that the term is used. It has nothing at all to do with doing PvE. In fact, a player doesn’t even need to do PvE in order to be a carebear.

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rabble rabble rabble,
misdirected passion and misinformation,
rabble rabble rabble.

smells: tragic, amusing and predictable.

the great escape of flatulence continues,
better out than in,

might take a while to clear the air,
like Ace said; “Don’t go in there!”.

PvE and industry aren’t the problem, people that expect to be able to do them in complete safety are.

I’m a PvE biased player and there’s no shame in that, what I do is an essential part of the whole, as is PvP.

I’m no carebear though.


Unfortunately, the greater macro health of the game necessitates that ships die in large quantities and die often, and that those ships cannot be easily replaced.

Eve is a game about choice and consequence. When choices cease to yield consequences, then the choices become irrelevant, and that’s boring. And it’s why other MMOs don’t endure, yet Eve has, in an industry prone to short attention spans and shiny objects. Eve’s still here.

In this case, CCP is not allowing players to have an inconsequential choice of moving a flimsy mining craft into dangerous space with a GTFO button called warp stabs as a passive response system. If a pilot chooses to move a defenseless barge into dangerous space, the player chooses to be in harm’s way. Passive stabs mean that’s not the case for most situations. Now the choice requires a higher degree of attentiveness by the pilot.

Industry is the same way. Previously you had things called ‘throwaway dreadnoughts’. You could choose to drop one in a fight, and replace it for a couple billion. Now these things will be worth 7+billion, choice to use it is very different.

If you want to mine in wormholes, mine! CCP’s just not giving you a get out of jail free card like they have the past 18 years.


i have no opinion on the subject
but i will post anyway
im not posting much
im afraid to not being able to fulfill the monthly quota
my boss is giving me weird looks …

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Also, anyone who’s been around here from the beginning (or close to it) knows that the original design of the game called for a full integration of industrial and military activities. Miners, haulers, et cetera were intended to be protected by military escorts (with whom income was shared for their contributions), and for a couple of years, this was SOP. I actually mined (shocking, I know) in null-sec when I started playing over 15 years ago, and we always had people in combat ships on standby to deal with threats, most often recons as kind of a quick response unit.

This whole “this is a sandbox so that means I should be able to play how I want, even if it means grinding alone for 12 hours a day with you being unable to effect me in any way” is an entitleist attitude that players came up with and adopted after the game existed for some time. The carebear derps above will absolutely hate hearing this, of course - it doesn’t particularly fit their victim complex narratives.


only one sub for 10 years. now revert to alpha june 11th

Can I have all your stuff that requires Omega to use?


nope. im gonna sell it all and buy loads of inties to SD in jita

You’ll have more fun giving the stuff to me.

selfish bear is selfish!

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I am predicting nano nerf (again) in a year or less. Since it will leaned on more since more will go well I am screwed on gate…lets’ drop align time.

I am also predicting them looking at sig ratio again. Since clearly campers needed easier lives…it will be a hardship if the cheap noob scanner can’t find a low ratio ship

So they will adjust sig radius or strength. Since the cloaky will be decloaked…but then the whines they can’t find them since they are sensor skill 5, SEBO and SIG amp fit with racial implants.

Are you taking all skills 5 covert ops pilot with sisters implants and gear?

well no…its some dude been in game 2 months. no money and no level 5’s. Still its not fair…

that would be the issue. but they will nerf this too.

Feels conceited to reply to myself but here is the missing element:

DrSpodumain - The anti-cloak thing is weirdly still called ‘gas-beacon’ in the files.

Uhhhh no. These things would, if anything, result in lower prices.

Lack of destruction means that people are buying less ships, less modules, etc. than if destruction had ramped up. Lack of destruction means that mining continues generally uninterrupted so lower HS mineral prices.

Scarcity on the other hand will not just result in inflation which is a monetary phenomenon, but it will lead to what is known as real increases in the cost of many in game items.

That doesn’t mean that prices aren’t increasing. I believe they are and the in game indices include items that are not produced in game and so hide the effects of scarcity. That is, prices are going up for quite a few items in game, but CCP has fooled itself by looking at a faulty measure of price increases and the “cost of living” in game.

How do you know this? This sounds like extreme hubris to me. “I don’t approve of these players doing this because I wouldn’t have…”

Nobody is making anyone do anything in game. Heck you don’t even have to log in. This is just a variation of “you aren’t sand boxing correctly” which is pure Bravo Sierra.

CCP didn’t need those subs anyway.


Whereas yours is the inverse of that.

Which is also myopic and incorrect.