The, hoped for, Future of EVEMon

I just followed your instructions but once it was installed there was no ESI Tab.

I will try again late today when I have time. I must have downloaded the wrong file as it did not change to 4.0

Thanks for the guide.

Is there a way to use the new evemon without registering your own AppId? I will never understand why the silly restrictions that you need to have paid for your account.

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Its the nature of how oauth works and how ccp is implementing it. There are some other ways to do it but it would require evemon host their own keys on a server the developer pays for or do something like what jeveassets did which I think requires some cooperation with ccp to make a special exception or something else.

Right now I think its best that the development of evemon focuses on making it work better and down the road sort out a better way to handle the secret app keys.

As to the reasons you can look no further then CCPs legal team and the nature of how oauth works.

You’ve understood perfectly: OAuth 2.0 is a bad protocol.

and probably this thread is better continued on EVEMon 4.0.1 BETA - Under New Ownership - Conversion for ESI so we can let this one die quietly



ESI is completely useless for desktop tools.
I don’t understand, why nobody want to see it?