The Intergalactic Summit refuses to comment on the Human Trafficking Auction of KIDNAPPED O.R.E RESEARCHER

You cant even hide your envy for just ONE of my posts? Can you ?

What on earth are you even talking about? My Corps done more in a year with just 2 Capsuleer’s than 4k of your headless group of chickens could … and why speak of my Alliance? Your beloved peers speak quite highly of my Alliance

Respectable , beloved individuals they are , nothing like yourself

Is this really about our skill or …, wait a second… lemme check something here … oh yes ahahahah
Now I see why

We were the last ones to kill you :slight_smile: Now all you do is dock n talk - An alliance of 30 capsuleers has got Mrs HUGE ALLIANCE NUMBERS too scared to leave ya home and fight

It’s been a year , get over us

Yeah, I did something amazingly stupid, didn’t refit to the cloaky/nullified config, and got caught. So what? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. That’s how the cluster works, and nobody’s immune.

Honestly, kid, if I gave a damn who’d killed prior iterations of myself, I’d have a whole lot of people ahead of you idiots on the list.

BTW, don’t flatter yourselves. Last ones to kill me? Newp. And nice job not even lying well, since you can see the red banner of the Reaper lossmail from July at the top of your shot. And even that was only after I managed to play more stupid games and win more stupid prizes:


(Specifically, I fell asleep I was so damned bored.)

Congratulations, you’re as terrifying as Angel rats in a 0.8 system. OooOoOoOOooh. :stuck_out_tongue:

But not as scary as Blooder FOB rats. They got the pod. You didn’t.

Get over you? I hadn’t even noticed you. I promise, my retirement had absolutely nothing to do with you morons.

As for ‘my beloved peers’… why should I care what the idiots say? What, because people go and release video of themselves saying stupid things, it’s somehow less stupid?

And on ‘is this really about our skill’ nonsense… seriously, camping WHs with a dictor is about as low-effort as it gets, and it has been since Anoikis was found.

We missed you too :wink:

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