AFIK if TQ is down rats wont work. It was not disconnect but whole server went down
I haven’t been playing for a long time. and now i want play but server not online
reconnection bam
I’ve been away about 7 years, same… now just wanna see if my Mac survived
It’s triglavian invasion, phase 4.
I supose the server was DDos
ooooooooooooo maybe they’re doing a mirror for singularity, i won’t hold my breath.
Last words on Tweet:“The extra work has been done without complications. Tranquility is back accepting connections. Fly safe, Pilots o7”
For more updates, view the thread above.
except maybe complications for those reconnecting to abyssal space or trig systems
Another great event - Lighting Strike, and another epic failure with this sudden lag DC, CCP.
now online but for vip… 3 player online.
those 3 players have massive multibox rigs
apolgy for bad english
where were u wen eve online die
i was at house in fleet when disconnected
“eve online is kil”
“what, again?”
works now
No local
Blackout. Again.
fleet chats all died
Correct. Dscan Dscan