business…also known as profit, also known as cash, also known as “cabbage”, “clam”, “milk”, “dosh”, “dough”, “shillings”, “frogskins”, “notes”, “duckets”, “loot”, “bones”, “bar”, “coin”, “folding stuff”, “honk”, “lolly”, “lucre”/"filthy “Lucre”, “moola/moolah”, “paper”, “scratch”, “readies”, "spondulicks/spondoolic(k)s
also known as dineros
but you can’t buy Keks with it
itt could if keks where a commodity.
Isnt it interesting that there is not even one guide about how to spill coffee on macbook? All you can find is guids what to do when you spill coffee on your macbook. I mean, where is the first part of the guide?
going to bed with this hot mixtape.
today was a slow day, as opposed to yesterday… less killing more farming, and an arbi+cynabal warped in on me then warped out because they couldn’t keep up with my fast jag.
Tezcatlipoca is too much for some people i guess
There’s only so much time in a day. For the rest of this day its all me time.
Wow, apparently CCP figured they just could go even more stupid with the abysmal pockets… And now turns that (apparently) the low tier filaments will have to be retrieved from relic sites.
Well, it’s CCP. None of the Cs in their company name is for “Competent”…
And now, it’s beddy time. Nighties lovelies!
Good night,lovelies.
Timezone everyone /
I mean, i dont run them, and if they will be good, maybe I will run them. Either way, its like it wil change very little for me.
Yeah, it’s just the sillyness of making a “fast” PvE content and then gating it behind a boring, unrewarding time consuming chore. Guess that selling low tier filaments will also be a thing…
Probably will be hunted by alphas and if drop rate is good enough, it wil be cheap enough.
Yeah, because handing over a “dating proofile” to FB looks like a very sensible idea in the current context of privacy concerns… “So user #986346925 dates Jewish girls? File him to the pro-Trump campaigners!”
There’s no need for that, seriously. Facebook already has all that data. They know you better than you know yourself, even going so far as to show you ads about things you talked about in a conversation just a minute earlier. Without tapping the microphone.