Yeah, I’ve read the interview and had an uneasy feeling. Because they’re apparently oblivious to the flogging taken by the gameplay video. The PvE showcased in that video is terrible. An now he tells us it’s the fifth protoype of it? I really hope that the prototypes where the kind of demo stuff made with that cookie-cutter engine whose name I can’t remember now, and not actual protypes made with the game engine.
But anyway this doesn’t looks good. FPS are an extremely competitive niche and although they’re smart enough to save themselves the hassle of a interaction to EVE Online, the standalone product has started with very bad footing. Even if they add music to the matches, the mechanics are terrible and NPC AI is laughable at best.
Nova doesn’tlooks a game I would play. Nor any FPS gamer would. Maybe it’s jsut poor marketing, like tinroducing hQ with the Minmatar ghetto cellroom instead of the much cooler Gallente or Caldari apaprtments, but if they’ve started showcasing Nova with the best(ish) content… well… that will be sad to watch when it’s released.
OK, beddy time is come. Holidays or not holidays, I just need my daily dose of sleep. Nighties lovelies!
Also: There’s some troubles with the Standard Model…
It works well to answer the questions it can answer, but oh my with the ones it can’t… Part of the problem is that the SM is based on data from the 1970s, so in that sense it’s a bit obsolescent… but yet it’s the best model Physics have.
Wow, ISD have taken all wardec threads from Player Ideas and merged them into a giant mess. Including a couple of threads I started which frankly don’t know where they’ve ended… nor anybody else will ever know.
But God forbid they do something about with Salvos’ tirades…
Doing good when the good isn’t half as good is not that good, or good enough.
Also, to escape the sun’s gravity, we need to meet requirements.
The only politics on the LAGL are supposed to be
parody paradox
and we also have to make sure that the fake news level are met.
EVE politics are exempt up to the noxious stagnation system entropy level , minus zero doesn’t exist (at least, not all the time…)
A Unix underpants?
What’s a Unix underpants?
A Unix underpants is when you work on the computer and your heart starts thumping because you think something is wrong.
I’m optimistic, or positive, however, I like to keep my ratios more accurate, and less half more, even if that have to include my fiancée and to save enough resource for our first offspring.
She’s too often targeted with intentional delays and communication problems from sources which are related to entities here to the tune of over $100,000+.
Nothing i can omit to her and hope to live.
I can just imagine where else this kind of communication system can be of good use, intelligence wise.
Now I think that universe doesnt expand. Only the things inside it are smaller and smaller, losing momentum, losing frequency, losing mass, losing energy, converting itself into pure light so timeless that photons stay in place relatively speaking. What happens when photon loses relatively speed, it starts being converted into something that have mass, like elements creating hydrogen??