Ро си я! Ро си я!
Good morning, lovelies.
Ро си я! Ро си я!
Good morning, lovelies.
Good morning LAGLers!
Recent game world news:
Comments after yestarday announce of Diablo Immortal for mobile, developed by chinese NetEase, the same company that makes new EVE for mobiles in china. Blizzard resorted to deleting comments.
Oh, but they also announced Warcraft 3 Reforged. That apparently has made people very happy even if isn’t Warcraft 4.
Good luck driving that away.
BTW, that text from blizzard
reminds me of when CCP Falcon suggested to get yourself a new phone when people were talking that they would like more forum functionality, not some phone applications, because what if people dont have phones?
PR disaster.
Well, you should see Bethesda’s Fallout 76 letter:
After the panning taken by the open beta, I won’t say that Fallout 76 needs luck. It needs a miracle.
(Note: i had previosuly posted a fake version of the letter. Now I’ve retrieved the original one from Bethesda’s own site)
(<- The miracle is visible on the left. If you can’t see it it’s because you lack faith; insist.)
Actually from old french https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_French
Roots in Vulgar latin
Yep, the word suffered a funny transformation in Spanish. In ancient Spanish it was “miraglo”, which sounds incredibly weird; it was quite the only word where there was a “gl” in the second syllabe whereas there are more cases of having the gr particle in second syllabe. So at some point the “r” and “l” just traded places:
miraglo = weird sounding, odd construction
milagro = pretty sensible, even euphonic
The funny thing is that this kind of transformations are very easy because our brain can recognise wdros as long as the first and last letters are in pacle and there are no letters missing…
Its like I thought, words that are easier to pronounce, that have couples of letters, sounds easier to pronounce, they will take over at the end.
Lazy language and brain
BTW, I always liked to unvcover the story in fallout, its stupid that in fallout game there is no story, only assets. Fallout 76 is like every “open world, sandbox” game out there that could have been, only assets switched. Lazy devs.
There is what is called “principle of economy” in language. It tends to make things easier, shorter and smoother. Of course it has led to funny cases like those of languages with gendered words and male gender being the neutral…
Perro (dog -generic for dog)
Perro (male dog)
Perra (female dog)
Ellos (them -generic for them)
Ellos (them males)
Ellas (them females)
Feminists are crazy with this stuff and are struggling to invent and more or less force the use of a “inclusive” language, with different degrees of stupidity and derangeness.
“Nosotros y nosotras los diputados y diputadas…” (“We male and we female the male deputies and female deputies…”)
Or, in Argentina, some nutjobs are inventing new words since word gender is largely related to the final wovel:
Nosotros (male us, words ending with an o are usually male gender)
Nosotras (male us, words ending with an a are usually female gender)
Nosotres (all of us, since ending with an e doesn’t haves a gender correlation)
To this, some people are sarcastically suggesting to add “i” to mean “idiot”:
Nosotros (male us, words ending with an o are usually male gender)
Nosotras (male us, words ending with an a are usually female gender)
Nosotres (gender neutral us, since ending with an e doesn’t haves a gender correlation)
Nosotris (idiot us, sarcastically)
Prety crazy stuff… if wasn’t that some take it seriously and turn it into a political rally flag.
This is one of the reasons why I say this will be the last Fallout game. It is understandable that after 20 years developing the same kind of game some devs are bored, but their customers aren’t bored, they’re loyal. Screwing them will earn no sympathies, would have been wiser to take all the elements of Fallout series and hand it to a new team instead of letting the old folks reinvent Atom Cola as something that doesn’t tastes like Atom Cola.
That is some usefull stuff, I think they will go far with it.
About the mobile games, EVE players doesnt seem to be interested too in those
Such silence.
Yep, it was such anticlimax…
“Hey? Will somebody clap? Guys?”
“It’s a mobile game, Hilmar. Do you think we traveled thousands of miles and come here for a mobile game?”
What crazy beatch, she not only caused her death but also for 14 innocent people…
But why he turned so sharply to the left? I think something is lost in translation.
Could mean a lot of things. He could have been talking crap and threatened people to drive off the bridge if they don’t shut up, for which he got slapped, but then also followed through on his threat. Or he could have acted out of muscle memory trying to turn the bus around or bring it to a halt, but being distracted as he was didn’t realise he was on a bridge. He could also just have decided it very spontaneously as a jerk reaction to the fight.
Honestly though, he did look like he had enough energy to pull the bus around so he could also have hit back harder or to take the punch and slowed the bus to a halt in a controlled manner. But one cannot expect reasonable behaviour from everyone all day long, and bus drivers are humans, too. So I’d definitely blame the passenger first, who wasn’t in her place but attacked the driver obviously. People need to stay in their seats and leave the driver alone.
Anomalous behavior under the emotions. Hmm, one more reason to use responsibly programmed AI.