The like and get likes thread II

Before man walked on the moon there was… The Mother of All Demos!

50 Years On, We’re Living the Reality First Shown At the ‘Mother of All Demos’ (Slashdot).



I saw that 10 years ago first time, it was revolutionary indeed.


I tested the black and white video card which had over 4 different format, compared to the monochrome system it was designed to emulate.
Needless to say, the black and white rate was faster (compared to color).
It was more expensive than color though.

…is written in in our content analysis language.
A natural language program, and language editing.
Also useful to compare for conspiracy, or rather, activity which could be a danger compared to others (compared to other activity, not compared to other diversion from securing systems or language systems with propaganda against language).

… Followed by MOL …
at 51:40.
It stands for Machine Oriented Language
compared to object oriented language.

It describes how language can be changed.


This thread still alive?


You mean #2?


ok, I’m new here, where do I sign up for this?


Yes, the payload user guide, I completely forgot about this.
Payload is the series of paychecks that are delivered to destination after loading them in the cargo, as if…

I also keep my original source code, but for reasons other than his.
I use it to upgrade my programs and systems security since they were robbed and I found some systems trying to compete against it and refusing to enforce security , up to warfare.
It has seen all conflicts including the Benghazi attack when I joined, in less than 30 days.
In fact, it’s still in the process of copyright registration for 26 years since 1992 with some contradictions for some of the first times at the last registration which will be included in the subsequent general higher costs registration.

Timezone, lovelies. :heart:

Today I’m a bit ill so I’ll rest.


Good morning LAGLers! Last night I went to bed totally pissed off with my bank for reasons long and boring to tell. Sometimes I just wish people made their effing minds at all…

(OTOH, my boss has been struggling for three weeks so his bank turns on a online feature for him, in a process that’s been taking calls to three different phone numbers and emails to two different departments and a undetermined number of employees in those departments. And then it’s the Government who loves red tape, sure :roll_eyes: )


Its a real ice dwarf, not like those in EVE in event sites now. But holidays there would be really sad, as its dark, cold and no people, no presents and no christmas tree. :pensive:

Timezone everyone :kissing_heart:




He have cars as boots. :sunglasses:


I’m offered a new bank account in a new bank, but my bank’s online service doesn’t work anymore.
They have a new automated agent which automatically takes audio input and misinterpret it as interruption.
The last fact above also is in addition to service charges which total around $179.40 per year at $14.95 per month, although that amount was lower at $10.95, in special.

There are also unauthorized charges, and the system then creates me a new procedure instead of letting me prosecute the perpetrator of the unauthorized charges or overcharge which causes rather peculiar military problems in courts.
They apparently try to catch them by luring them like this for over 5 times now.
It also means that I have to keep track of all records since their authority to do so in similar case of war is non-existent, as for Windows or other.

The same for marriage, I have to do it myself and not rely on them, and they never will.

I’ll probably have 2 bank accounts, but I had 3 more accounts from 3 other banks.
I could also get one more , but they asked for more requirements before getting it, and their costs also are higher, depending.
I need a new bank account in Europe or Germany or France (or even Spain or Portugal), and I’m offered one bank account in the USA for around $1,300 from, and they are offering me bilingual work as agent with perks (like a US Credit card or some cut per transactions, like commission on new clients, and so on), so if anyone from here wants to apply there or get a deal with them…

280 miles per hour(s) = 450.616 km/h


Right to bear … nunchucks? Federal judge strikes down ban on weapon…

Good night, lovelies. :heart:


Nunchucks are legal, just not legal to bring them in from Canada as they are a prohibited weapon.
Buy or make your own while on site and in site.
Thank you, please come again.

Except you do not get to go to court or pass go, or go to jail, or have a record.


Video is unavailable… :woman_shrugging:

Silly copydumb stuff.


It’s so late…better call it quits for today. Nighties loveleis!

Also: 300 years of elementary discoveries…


Jun 19, 2018
so that will probably still be opened when EVE Online comes to Toronto
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