The like and get likes thread II

@DeMichael_Crimson I summon thee hereforth.


Welcome back, Ria. WoW Classic is now the craze. Everyone’s been playing it. That’s why EVE is so empty of players these days. :smiley:


Uhhhh… I somehow doubt that but whatever.


Tie to go to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: welcome back Ria!


That makes sense, a lot more than sending some wheeled probe :thinking:


So the 2g radio on my internet gateway the ISP provides decided to die. I really don’t want to deal with getting a new one from them or buying my own equipment. Luckily the 5g radio still works fine.

Also the 80’s in 4k! :ok_hand:
This is glorious!


Water Found On Distant ‘Super Earth’ (or Mini Neptune) AND A New Interstellar Comet!

73K views * 7 hours ago
73,292 views •Published on Sep 12, 2019

4.9K Thumbs Up , 53 Thumbs down

Scott Manley
954K subscribers

The comet C/2019 Q4 Borisov is a pretty big deal for me because the previous interstellar object was small, bizarre and only visible for a short time. This time it’s a much large object that’s an active comet and will be visible to telescopes for a lot longer.

The discovery of water in the atmosphere of K2 18b shouldn’t be taken as some sign that it’s habitable, because the planet is so large it likely has a thick crushing atmosphere at its surface, but it’s a good sign that there may be more objects out there holding on to atmospheres while orbiting in the non-uninhabitable zone of M class stars.

To me it’s a good sign they can find water on other planets., except that it’s in another solar system.
That means that planets in habitable zone, or similar gravity can have water, and, well, life form similar to our own.

You tube just changed it’s format to display subscriber’s number where the Published date used to be , below the publisher username.

The World’s First Photo of Quantum Entanglement Could Disprove Einstein’s Theory

3 minutes ago
It seems the particles just get set from the get go.
However, if conditions applied to one changes it’s behavior, and,
this is repeated to the now, non-connected other particles, without changes to it’s conditions,
this would be an entangled effect, compared to the conditions, and it’s conditions that is.
Obviously, more scientific details than dreams and intentions need to be analysed.
Also, how does that camera works.?

The World’s First Photo of Quantum Entanglement Could Disprove Einstein’s Theory

158,962,555,217,826,360,000 (Enigma Machine) - Numberphile

4,059,012 views • Published on Jan 10, 2013
54K Thumbs Up , 894 Thumbs down
3.02M subscribers

Cracking the NAZI Enigma Code Machine

1,011,733 views • Published on Oct 11, 2010
3.9K Thumbs Up , 362 Thumbs down
3.01K subscribers

“…in post-World War 1 Europe, secrecy
between paranoid nations becomes
The growth of international
commerce creates a need for companies to
keep their information secret from

Paranoid nations means that ,
if you worked for intelligence,
you would be expected to be paranoid,
or , perhaps, paranoid schizophrenic,
so to help to keep the interest of the (those) nation(s).

Paranoid, which is a psychological condition, in comparison to others.

That’s no moon…


Cyberpunk is now.

Those are a real thing.

Timezone everyone. :kissing_heart:


First 1000 down and people were actually wondering where I am last year. Daw.


Also, this forum drains phone battery like no tomorrow. 1000 posts ate 60% of my battery wtf.


Also, the forum is super awkward to navigate on mobile, eek.


Let them flow!


New batteries coming, first to Teslas. Thank you Elon Musk and Jeff Dahn. :pray::ok_hand:


My battery is fine, it’s the software that’s too draining. Nothing else kills it as fast.


While you may have software to analyze your battery, it is only hardware, and not software.
CMOS batteries are the hardware required to do the on-off switch, letting you turn a computer on when it’s off, and off when turned on.
It is the binary code if you read it right.
0 and 1, zero for off, 1 for on.



Jordan Peterson: The danger of antisocial males

895,116 views • Published on Apr 26, 2018
20K Thumbs Up , 1.4K Thumbs down
Essential Truth
133K subscribers

Yes, Meningitis is extremely dangerous.
My cousin had this.
He only had 3 daughters and no males, and he’s 3 years older than me and doesn’t want anymore.

I think one EVE Online steamer (not named here at this time) also had this recently, and seems to have recovered.

That’s No Moon - A New Hope [1080p HD]

2,211,885 views • Published on May 4, 2015
Marcelo Zuniga
104K subscribers

Could We Really Sleep in Space for Years?

126K views * 23 hours ago
126,677 views • Published on Sep 12, 2019
8.2K Thumbs Up , 86 Thumbs down
Curious Droid
707K subscribers

As for flood water being up from long term flood caused by astronomic causes, the amount of time that such fluid would be up would be important to record, since it would affect how we live.
Something which, only certain large scale construction would provide , with limited systems to record such events.

The James Webb Space Telescope Is Assembled! Finally! | SciShow News

162K views * 6 days ago
162,638 views • Published on Sep 6, 2019
SciShow Space
1.24M subscribers


WoW is fun again.


Doh, it happened again. How can be SO late?? :facepalm:

Nighties lovelies!


The five most promising ways to quantize gravity

34,720 views • Published on Sep 6, 2019
Sabine Hossenfelder
29.3K subscribers

The real problem is that the naive, perturbative, quantization is not UV-complete.


I hit level 40 and got my mount. I also have the best gear I can have currently. Horde players of my -3 and +3 level range are afraid of me. :smiling_imp:

Good night, lovelies. :heart:


But you’re almost there, how did you level?
Did you do instances?

Perturbative Quantization of Gravity Theories
Z. Bern (UCLA)
(Submitted on 27 Feb 2001)

Synopsis: Wrestling with Infinities
November 23, 2011
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
Volume 88, Issues 1–3, June 2000, Pages 194-203
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
On perturbative gravity and gauge theory☆

On Perturbative Gravity and Gauge Theory
Front Cover
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center., 2000 - 5 pages
0 Reviews

The authors review some applications of tree-level (classical) relations between gravity and gauge theory that follow from string theory. Together with D-dimensional unitarily, these relations can be used to perturbatively quantize gravity theories, i.e. They contain the necessary information for obtaining loop contributions. The authors also review recent applications of these ideas showing that N = 1, D = 11 supergravity diverges, and review arguments that N = 8, D = 4 supergravity is less divergent than previously thought, though it does appear to diverge at five loops. Finally, the authors describe field variables for the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian that help clarify the perturbative relationship between gravity and gauge theory.

Apollo AGC Part 25: Dan Lickly and Charles Simonyi Reflect on the AGC

12,707 views • Published on Sep 5, 2019
53.8K subscribers

SpaceX Starship Update: SpaceX confirms it’s almost ready to test its orbital Starship

41,532 views • Published on Sep 13, 2019
30.6K subscribers

Elon Musk: “Next Gen” SpaceX Starship Could Be Twice As Big!

127,269 views • Published on Sep 8, 2019

SpaceX Starship: Elon Musk Explains How It’s Possible to Make a Self Sustaining City on Mars by 2050

129,071 views • Published on Mar 30, 2019