Home from work. Time to whack some weeds! Then time to smoke some weeds!
RNA and DNA is information anyway, transferring it had to have some effect, but I dont think transfering these “memories” would work with humans like it works with snails. Evolutionary paths for deuterostomia and protostomia split very early from common ancestor.
Very early like in the end of Marinoan glaciation, late Neoproterozoic.
RetroAhoy: The Secret of Monkey Island( 1:14).
It’s late… I need to rest… nighties lovelies!
Also: it’s a catchy tune, isn’t it?
PS: the refrain sings “Just wanna be, I wanna bewitch you in the moonlight”.
Hello LAGL II! I have overcome my OCD and finally posted here. In the past I was keeping score with myself, trying to maintain a positive Like:Meh ratio for my stupid posts. Therefore, for the purity and integrity of my LB (Likesboard), I couldn’t have any unearned LAGL likes. I’m proud to say that I have overcome that silly obsession-compulsion. o7
(Also, this: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein)
I’m watching The Expanse season 3, proper sci fi
I forgot likesboard existed, its like achieving the nirvana of likeability not even noticing it.
Timezone everyone
That is maybe why we dont see so much alien signals from space, civilizations just eradicate everything around them, polluting, extracting, influencing climate and in effect tumbling down the civilization ladder back to the level of cave dvellers when nature’s revenge is coming.
Work to reforest Scotland have faced opposition from some groups. Supporters of deer, grouse and pheasant shooting have opposed tree planting on open moors, and some mountaineering groups are worried a loss of “dramatic open views and vistas”.
Star Citizen is real.
I recommend reading this and thinking hard about it.
Tomorrow is the big day…The heart surgery of my old man…I’ve positive expectations about the outcome.