Good night, lovelies.
Live long and prosper.
Meanwhile in star citizen:
Seems more in distress than safe.
Maybe there is something, even if others didn’t want to take notice.
1 hour later:
16,290 views • Oct 24, 2020
16K views - 3 hours ago
4.55M subscribers
11 minutes later:
Les incommunications
Hermès, La Revue 2019/2 (n° 84)
Pages : 248
Éditeur : C.N.R.S. Editions
Although we cannot exist without communicating, there is no communication without moments of its absence. We are liable to experience misunderstandings, uncertainty, or ambiguity whenever we speak to others. This is where the hard fact of otherness arises. This otherness constitutes a complex, exhilarating challenge, both for human experience and social reality. It cannot be overcome by the technological tools that today are nearly always at our disposal. This is because information and communication technologies (ICTs) divide us just as much as they unite us, in spite of the promises made in so many “techno-discourses.” Indeed, the virtues of the ubiquity and proximity of digital technology are extolled at a massive scale in the hypermodern era. The language of presence and proximity speaks volumes about an age dominated by the fear of emptiness, aimlessness, and uncertainty. Interpersonal technology is thus looked to as a means of alleviating absence.
However, the impression of being in close virtual contact with one another does not address the distance that always separates us from the Other. Paradoxically, this is where we experience the richness of coexistence, which encourages us to constantly appreciate the differences in meaning that arise when we communicate. In the end, meanings rarely coincide, and the risk of misunderstanding is always present. Distance is an undeniable feature of human experience and its flavor. Emmanuel Levinas underscores this ethical dimension of existence when he considers the disparities present in any interpersonal interaction…
From The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch. book :
Prophecy 2214: “In December 1980, an Apple will arise no man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes’s machine, and good fortune will tend thy days.”
Timezone lovelies.
Live long and prosper.
That trick takes a lot of masstery to accomplish!
Today for a change i’m saying: timezone sweethearts!
Also: stupidity is over 9,000!
You know, the thermometer stuff is already stupid enough to hurt… and then the video double-whammies with the onions vs mask guy. “I cover my mouth and yet my eyes water when cutting onions, thus the mask is useless” -even Anctartica stations picked the seismic waves when every stupidometer in the UK blew out simultaneously.
All those people dont know anything, dont even know difference between an atom and a virus size. Ignorance is their superpower.
People are just like this, they don’t ask “why do my eyes water when I cut onions?”, which is a very well known question and answer, but then on that ignorance make all sorts of assumptions leading to confirm their opinion, which summarizes as “the very first stupidity that went through their mind based on absolute ignorance of the topic”.
And then they hit YT and spread the stupid to people whose opinion is literally the first stupidity they listen on the matter. And so the stupid goes and goes…
Let’s say there were some moral issues against National Defense, which were to be misrepresented as if there were none.
Both those issues , which, while different, are directly related, do not have virus, onions, watery eyes, or atom, yet, still valid in essence, and, also moral too!
So, now, there are 2 National Defense error(s) (I will skip blasphemy for the sake of the forum integrity, so a potential 3).
Then, they finally realize that they are not only causing the problem against someone, but, also, against the offspring of the parties involved, even if there is only one left.
So, mmyeah, over the 100 year period of the Spanish flu from 1918 to 1920, which we are now almost ending.
Heck, to put it in PsyOp comparison (or any other SpecOp btw), the Pentagon only started after WWII.
It didn’t even exist during the Spanish flu.
After November 1993, the ex-doctor who was not, because he could not be, and would not be him, and was not him, had a house in Virginia.
Construction started 11 September 1941
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(79 years ago)
Completed _ _ _ _ _ 15 January 1943
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (77 years ago)
Cost $83 million (equivalent
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to $1.13 billion in
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2019)[1]
(Coordinates omitted for the sake of security , just in case the public info would be seized by some unwanted parties , even if they are not partying…)
Without any positive repression represented as negative adult action by a medical professional licensed by God knows who or what when where and what for anyways…
We use those thermometer for distance readings, which could not be reached otherwise.
It also works for other things.
For instance, if you need a machine temperature to avoid the machine from overheating for in case that it would run out of oil.
Pineal gold.
The point is not that it does not, but how it does, and how others do.
If how they do is to say that it isn’t when it is, then it is.
If they don’t do that, and instead, represent it as it is, then it is.
Virus (or viruses) are small, however, they are a bit larger than molecular levels, because they are also made of molecules, which molecules are also made of atoms.
The masks are made of molecules and atoms, and, block other molecules because of the mediums those systems respectively move in and out.
They don’t block everything.
They reduce the distance (that the virus travel, from the medium it is -in).
That’s why, when wearing a mask, it’s better to say 6 feet to 24 feet away.
If the virus is in an air breath, which is made of humidity, and bacteria, and so on, and the masks slows it down, then it’s better.
The N95 masks do work better.
They use to be a requirement for government work until they ran out of them due to low supply.
Many people would just discard them daily, or, more than once a day.
They made a few more, and I bought one for around $5 or $10 which price could have easily been $50 or more.
One more fallacy,
because the mask doesn’t stop the virus, doesn’t mean that it works how it’s intended to be.
That, then, in turns, means that, since it’s not working as it should, that it’s a fake suggestion.
That, since it’s not working , and that the intention to make it seem that it should be represented to be working when it’s not,
that it’s a fake suggestion.
That the interpretation of who says it’s fake is better than the trillions in research spent for this.
Mhh, why do I think that a $50 study might miss a few details of a multi-billion research, in which magnitude of multiples the billions are 1,000 and not necessarily over 9,000.?
35 minutes later:
The misinterpretation of facts and distancing from reality will not make the virus a spiritually contracted physiological problem.
Just because it can’t be seen without instrument to magnify its size doesn’t mean that we don’t have details as to how it functions for real.
It does however mean that, no, we can’t see how it does without tests and instrument to detect it.
4 hours later:
5,001 views • Premiered Oct 24, 2020
5K views - 1 day ago
Gerry Anderson
32K subscribers
Russian scientists defrosted several prehistoric worms, and two woke up. After thawing, the two worms began to move and eat. One is 32,000 years old and the other 41,700 years old.
6:50 PM · Oct 23, 2020 · Twitter Web App
2.8K Retweets - 4.8K Quote Tweets - 9.1KLikes
1K Replies - 7.7K Quote Tweets - 9.1K Likes
If your eyes water when chopping an onion then you’re not chopping the onion the “correct” way.
14 hours later than last message, I am going to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Also: when an airplane crashes in the Arctic, it stays there for a long time…
Those wrecks are “frozen in time”…
Haha! That was a really good pun.
Even Hayley liked it!
Good night, Yiole!
Good night, lovelies.
Live long and prosper!
491,270 views • Oct 2, 2020
491K views - 3 weeks ago
RedFrost Motivation
688K subscribers
in 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his great body of work which included ‘The Jungle Book’ and his stoic poem ‘If’.
I had the Jungle book as well as other books related, which were robbed from me, back on around April 29, 1993, which I didn’t know were from 1907, 9 years before my grand-mother was born, 2 years before the Spanish flu.
2,003,992 views • Jul 7, 2017
2M views - 3 years ago
Fractal universe
46.7K subscribers
1,149,796 views • Nov 26, 2017
1,149,796 views - 2 years ago
1,154,247 views • Sep 3, 2019
A tribute to the heroes of WW2.
21 minutes later:
49,940 views • Premiered Oct 19, 2020
49K views - 5 days ago
The Romulan War
5.03K subscribers
and the Volkan coffee arrivederci .
and you gotta love those civilian chips.
594,240 views • Oct 3, 2020
584K views - 3 weeks ago
9.44K subscribers
13 hours later, 12 hours after the last update:
581,427 views • Apr 9, 2009
581K views - 11 years ago
21.7K subscribers
21,780 views • Jul 1, 2016
21K views - 4 years ago
1.54K subscribers
50,415 views • Oct 24, 2020
50K views - 1 day ago
Science Time
32.4K subscribers
It’s not surprising when courts AI try to use their AI against me, and, make my work seem bad, when it’s good, and, they are being bad against me.
Not complicated also is how they seek to forfeit evidence of that fact, and of those facts, and of other related facts, each of which are deliberate errors of impunity, and intent to create deliberate errors of impunity, and to capitalize from it.
@ 5:56
a functional superintelligence will
spontaneously generate
as natural sub-goals such as
and goal content integrity cognitive
and resource acquisition …
Many of those factors are false and misleading.
“spontaneously generate”
This is false is and misleading because,
any process are controlled, and, the control to that control is also controlled.
Nothing can be spontaneous until authorized to be, within limits.
Generation is also controlled.
Generation of process and other systems, such as the ability to receive data, and the reception of that data not being connected with potential damage is also a system which is generated.
Misrepresentation of those facts to users from architects and power-users is also a fact.
“as natural sub-goals”
Again here, as natural goals, which are about goals given to the system to process towards that condition to be met.
Sub-goal, can be interpreted as other objectives towards goals, which are assigned to the program, as AI is a program, and not hardware in and of itself, even though hardware use AI to make hardware and programs.
It can also be interpreted as a goal related to issued commands such as related to how the system performs commands.
The system doesn’t have that ability to discern.
It is either on or off, it can be turned on or off, when the control fails, it fails and can be terminated until repaired.
If the system causes damage, it needs repair, or, needs to be recycled, so that the damage stops.
If the perceived damage is about zero-sum game, it doesn’t mean that it’s bad to the party causing the damage, when the party who it is perceived to cause the damage to are themselves causing more damage if not infinitely more damage.
In other words, discriminating damage.
“such as
This is again false.
If the machine or system cannot be turned off, it is not working right and may need to be destroyed by the army to prevent further damage.
Just to design a system to go out of control to cause damage is not AI , it’s stupidity, and not artificial stupidity, deliberate and immoral damage, in deliberate errors of impunity.
Of course, the system has to prevent damage to itself which is not intended, and of course, the system has to prevent losses which are not monitored.
It should not mean that it cannot accept interference without emitting interference.
“and goal content integrity,”
again, related to the previous suggestion without details, or regards to the integrity of ethics, and directly related to the deliberate errors or impunity, and seeking to do so, not only as a goal, but, objective, and, misrepresenting facts, and, omitting facts.
It is protected and covered by Errors and Omission insurance, which however doesn’t cover criminal intent and so on.
First, to have valid level of integrity, the system must be valid, and then, the content may also be valid, and the integrity of the content be valid, and the integrity of the content of the goal, be valid and with integrity, and with valid integrity.
It diverts from the fact, and, intend to mislead and hide the facts related.
This one is more complicated due to the level of relations with the human brain and human being cognizance, cognition and cognitive systems.
Chapter 1 - What is Cognitive Enhancement?
“Cognitive enhancement” is commonly associated with drug use or the use of devices to improve cognition, technologies that have on the whole been established in laboratory animals or through a history of use in humans. In this chapter we aim to clarify the concept underlying “cognitive enhancement” and to provide a brief overview of the current use of this term in the academic literature, distinguishing the strategies to enhance cognitive function under normal conditions and the therapeutic strategies aimed at overcoming cognitive impairment.
So, related to the brain.
What Is Cognition? - Verywell › Theories › Cognitive Psychology
Cognition is a term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. These cognitive processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving. 1 These are higher-level functions of the brain and encompass language, imagination, perception, and planning.
Cognition refers to “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses”. Wikipedia
So, related to thinking, more than, thoughts and nervous systems related to motor movement of the human body, and the nervous signals that it sends back to the brain as a function of those motor systems, outside of our brain, and how our cognition can send signals to control those systems, and how our cognition can interact from signals from those systems.
“resource acquisition”
Since you have to control the AI and systems,
you can’t have resources acquired which will be out of control.
If you have robots on the moon or on an asteroids taking samples,
you don’t want it to take too much as it just happened now with OSIRIS-REx.
The controls have to work better, the systems to stop the machine when malfunctioning have to be better as well to prevent this to happen again.
Also, don’t interfere against engagement in marriage of normal couples and try to make others seem better, to try to forfeit damage and evidence.
Oh yes, also, unfair resource acquisition does not only lead to inequality, inequality in balance of law, theft, too much unused and resources not shared, but also other moral problems, which, if not controlled, can lead to error and problems such as war instead of improving peace, or working for peace, even if misrepresenting work as being working for peace, while interfering against others rights to work for peace, and attacking them with illegal and criminal discrimination in acts of war against them against international rights.
18 hours later:
2,581,794 views • Apr 15, 2020
2.5M views - 6 months ago
What does the poem Desiderata mean?
things that are desired
The word desiderata means “things that are desired.” Ehrmann said he wrote it for himself, “because it counsels those virtues I felt most in need of.” These virtues have been valued by countless others as Desiderata rose in popularity in the late '60s and early '70s.
28 minutes later:
1,126,856 views • Apr 8, 2020
1.1M views - 6 months ago
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
To be in 2 places at the same time might not be possible, but it is not possible to be at 2 places at the same time, in the same way, with the same full person, although it’s possible in words, and spirit, and in thoughts and in wisdom.
19 hours later:
143,783 views • Apr 5, 2020
143K views - 6 months ago
@ 1:24
“To bear trials with a calm mind
robs misfortune of its strength
and burden.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Seneca
@ 2:27
“No man is more unhappy than
he who never faces adversity.
For he is not permitted to prove
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Seneca
It’s a fake. Poland ball is in rocket but rocket isn’t crashing and burning. It’s the Impostor Poland ball!
It costs a lot more money to fly the cartoon , that’s for sure.