BE UNSHAKEABLE - Ultimate Stoic Quotes Compilation
1,454,706 views • Jun 26, 2020
1.4M views - 4 months ago RedFrost Motivation
691K subscribers
@ 0:58
"The object of life is not to be
on the side of the majority,
but to escape finding oneself in
the ranks of the insane."
@ 2:37
"The impediment to action
advances action. What stands in
the way becomes the way."
The same for impediment of marriage, immorality stands in the way of morality and impede against morality.
What immorality stands in the way of marriage becomes immorality, even as those who immorally try to impede against the morals of marriage try to make the engaged couple in marriage become immoral as they wish, against morality and impeding against it.
48,757 views • Oct 26, 2020
48K views - 18 hours ago (I saw the new video thumbnail yesterday, but, didn’t watch it then) Dark Footage
179K subscribers
CDC partenership: When in an indoor space with too many people, phone begins playing "We like to party! (The Vengabus) at slowly inceasing volume until everyone leaves.
Some scenes towards the end are filmed in my city, Barcelona (specially the beach ones). Also the bus has a vintage Barcelona license plate: B +5 digits, used until 1977 IIRC when it was replaced with B +4 digits +2 sequential letters AA to ZZ. My dad’s last car was in the NV series (B-****-NV). The KK series wasn’t used since “KK” in Spanish is pronounced the same as “caca” (poop)…
Ugh, About time for me to get a new phone. The battery on my old iPhone 8 is about shot.
I’ve been thinking about if it’s feasible to just replace the battery on this phone or not. I really don’t want to get a new phone.
I hate the mess that is android. Maybe I can find a good deal on older model iPhones somewhere.
I initially used to like android but it’s became such a mess over the past few years and I hate the lack of system updates after a year or maybe two.
I know I can always get a cheap android and put a custom ROM on it but I like my contactless phone payments at stores and I really don’t want to have to mess around with putting a custom ROM on it.
those memories,
those moments,
that those moments would be like memories,
which memories would be forgotten,
in time,
if it was not saved by some entities,
like a RAM system,
or other storage device,
or through a processing system.
– 1 minute later:
That those moments would be lost in time,
like those memories would be lost in time,
also as memory is a faculty which forgets,
even if it’s possible to, and even as it’s possible to, remember what was lost,
and, remember what was forgotten,
and that it takes memory to remember moments,
which moments would be lost without it,
from before, and after, until remembered.
You should find good prices for a 9 or 10 now that they’re 2/3 generations behind cutting edge…
And now I’m off to bed… nighties lovelies!
Also: another start up with another flying vehicle and a 3D promotional…
Seriously people. Flying cars are dead. No way citizens will take the ■■■■ about their bloody noise and VTOL is a energy guzzling endeavour. Plus, 3D navigation in 3D environment is ages away from us. We can’t even have fully autonomous cars moving in 2D, they pretend to automate vehicles moving in 3D…?
One of the Bashar’s Facebook group admins got usurped and overpowered by rest of the admins and mods. The reason behind it was the now removed admin wanted to keep the group Bashar content only, while the other admins would allow other entity channelings to be shared. Somewhat average levels of drama ensued.
What is my take on this, you ask? Well…I would keep the group Bashar only with the exception of allowing Abraham(another channeled being) quotes to be shared for comparison and contrast. I would even favor for a metaphysics encyclopedia to be compiled and I even proposed some years ago to the admins of the group to create one but only the now kicked admin was eager towards it. Sigh…
In Turkish “kaka” is a children’s word for .
There is also the worldwide famous footballer with the same name.
Also there was a funny commercial in Turkey 8 years ago:
Man: Mr. club president, I found a young Brazilian footballer with good technique,the new number one of the future.
President: Who is it?
Man: Kaka!
President: What kind of name is that?! Nevermind him, get the African one.
Maybe in air there is more freedom of movement and obstacles can be easily omitted.
But what is doing flying right is only birds and insects. Human designs with flying drones are millions of years behind nature, same with robotics.
Only advantage of human is, human doesnt care about economy or environment in its selfish craze, the proof that intelligence is overrated in that regard. At least the predatory part of it. Humans are like small kiitten still, only learning how to catch the mice, because we are destined for greater things. Fuel guzzling rockets coming into space, sending sattelites on orbit that then make faster internet and making space flight cheaper at the same time. Human existence is inherently environmentally hazardous. But its environment we are not gona spend time in forever.
Humans are the most dangerous predator on earth. About the space, I am not sure. Eventually, the only thing that will be left for humans to inhabit will be another planet. Nature turning on us eventually, and cosmic catastrophes imminent. With that, we have to become interstellar predator that technology findings make adapted to even the most hostile environments.
Humans have to fix the environment which they have to dominate more,
otherwise the environment they dominated the environment in,
may give them some feedback about the results of their domination and interaction with it.
In other words, if humans can’t live in the environment they create and modify,
they will have to live somewhere else,
for actively forcing themselves out from where they’re put on earth from.
Additionally, just because the pyramid shows that human and force built it,
and that it affects the environment,
and that it is designed to function through time,
in that environment,
so will human have to fix the environment part that it damaged.
Good domination is not about being bad, it’s about being good.
If they can’t be good, then, be bad, and suffer the consequence of its own actions.
That includes consequence for being bad, and the results associated with it,
not omitting disregard for others, and trying to coerce them into wrong,
in the hopes that those associating with them won’t be responsible for the additional problems they cause, even more so if they made what little good was left, and what best of good was left, to be made bad,
as the rest of what they did.
Not all caused death can be repaired.
Some caused death lead to more death, not protection of security,
misrepresented as if it was not a global security matter when it is.
SCTV - All Weather Talk Show
35,206 views • Oct 8, 2015
35K views - 5 years ago SCTV
44.3K subscribers
This Satellite Will Bring The Most Accurate Climate Data We’ve Ever Had
6,130 views • Oct 29, 2020
950 views - 12 minutes ago Seeker
4.56M subscribers
Climate change sensors are one thing,
however, the amount of money that can be put into fixing environmental problem can be increased compared to the money put into the sensing and analysis of it.
It may not be good to spend too much on analysis compared to repair if the analysis costs and benefit outweigh the benefit of the potential repair possible to do with those funding.
The same is real with, if we spend too much on repair, and, not enough on analysis of the result of the repair and so on.
In other words, if the repair costs are not efficient enough, the same problems that happened from not being good enough to the environment will happen from the repair, since, the efficiency of the repair may then go under the required benefit to make it worthwhile, compared to as worthwhile and worthless damage to the environment is.
Too much analysis would be a problem, not enough too.
Too much repair would be a problem, not enough too.
The human brain also functions like that, it has thought process and practical motor process.
Just because a judge tries to misrepresent facts in courts and omit how the brain function will not change the fact.
The same for the legal system itself.
Even worse is when they try to cause brain problem by interfering with the brain process, and don’t understand why doctors and people are able to find out.
The same is also true when the court is right, and the other party they intend to represent as bad is not right.
They too may make errors about facts, and, misrepresent omission they may have done, even if the courts refused communication in errors, by trying to obligate them into wrongdoing.
For instance, by trying to make them repeat the same thing over twice,
even though they didn’t intend to.
By trying to interfere against their control and not thinking they could be detected and that it could proven and how it could be, and if it should be, if they intended to attack them in psychological warfare.
Maybe Stanislaw Lem was right when he pointed that at one point in their development, species must choose whether to go fully technological and thus abandon their organic bodies, or go fully biological and abandon machine technology before it destroys the biological foundations of their planet. On both paths, they no longer can contact lesser developed species; fully technological species reach to the stars but have no interest nor the ability to understand biological life, and fully biological species never abandon their planet since biology can’t provide the kind of energy needed by a interstellar civilization. Both resolve Fermi’s paradox with a “whether they’re there or not, we aren’t of their concern”.
And now I’m off to bed, because my biological body needs to rest, and if it was a technological one it would be a rusty teapot… Nighties lovelies!
Also: Let’s light this candle! (and another 99 successful ones)
56,211 views • Oct 4, 2020
56K views - 3 weeks ago The Art of Improvement
430K subscribers
9 Stoic Practices That Will Help You Thrive In The Madness Of Modernity
22,518 views • Oct 11, 2020
22K views - 2 weeks ago
How to Learn Faster: The Feynman Technique
28,897 views • Sep 27, 2020
28K views - 1 month ago
“Age of Pyramid”
The Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have done just that. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt’s Old Kingdom era and were constructed some 4,500 years ago.
“Age of Stonehenge”
c. 3000 BC
“Age of Göbekli Tepe”
12,000 years old
At 12,000 years old, Gobekli Tepe predated humanity’s oldest known civilizations. Its megalithic temples were cut from rock millennia before the 4,500-year-old pyramids in Egypt, 5,000-year-old Stonehenge in England, or 7,000-year-old Nabta Playa, the oldest known astronomical site. ~ Sep 9, 2020
“Age of Sphinx”
Great Sphinx of Giza/Age
c. 2494 BC
15,010 views • Aug 9, 2020
15K views - 2 months ago
Criticism is futile, because it hurts someone. …
… Almost always leads to anger, and resentment. …
… Instead, ask to see the other person’s perspective, first.
– 19 minutes later:
The 6 Habits of Exceptionally Creative People
29,753 views • Jul 26, 2020
29K views - 3 months ago
How to Beat Information Overload
25,973 views • Jul 5, 2020
25K views - 3 months ago
– 38 minutes later:
3 Negative Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Productivity
26,267 views • Sep 6, 2020
26K views - 1 month ago
0:38 - You Don’t Create A Schedule 1:55 - You Procrastinate Way Too Much 3:05 - You Frequently Get Distracted
– 1 hour later:
You’re Not Lazy, Bored, or Unmotivated
834,851 views • Dec 29, 2019
834K views - 10 months ago
Steve Jobs’s Definition of “Smart” Will Make You Rethink Your Actions
32,742 views • Sep 20, 2020
32K views - 1 month ago
Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity
962,102 views • Aug 4, 2019
962K views - 1 year ago
You can use the damage caused to you,
if it interferes against your work, and the benefit your work brings to society.
If they try to misrepresent how they try to make your work seem to be without merit, to transfer your credit to themselves, and embezzle it, they are liable.
Not you.
Even if they lie you are, and they are not, and they are to be credited, it’s not true.
It’s a fraud.
They are not only liable when and if they do, but, you can also use it against them, and,
it’s your duty to use it against them, if it’s interfering against your work,
if it’s interfering against the benefit to society that your work does.
If they try to credit themselves to benefit society when interfering against your work,
you may have to prove how they try to do so,
the same for,
if you have to organize information and systems to prove how those people try to do it to others.
if they cause you severe damage,
make sure to use it,
otherwise it may cause you death.
If they intend to cause you severe damage,
also use it, because you may need it for self-defense to save your life against their attacks.
Not everyone is friendly, and some people seek money to be enemies
and misrepresent their attacks as good and friendly and try to mislead others because they are paid for it.
“For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue , and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself.
That also counts when misrepresentation about unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself, even in marriage or other sought forfeiture .
When you work as programmer and you agree to transfer rights of your work to your employer by default, you accept the part of the contract, if legal.
When that employer in turns, uses that authority to seek to forfeit the work of others who seek to make that dedication and work for others as if it couldn’t be unintended, but, when it should rather be intended instead, there is a conflict.
In fact, if they do that to the wrong person, it’s illegal, criminal, or worse, war.
Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live to see that in the long-run—in the long-run, I say!—success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it”