Wow, that reminded me of that one Sunday Special roam with Ashurman (RIP).
They awox’d me. I’ve got video proof too.
Wow, that reminded me of that one Sunday Special roam with Ashurman (RIP).
They awox’d me. I’ve got video proof too.
Sounds like it was a World Tree. Cool dream.
It would appear Skeln Thargensen was the first to tackle the Itty 5… did someone mistakenly broadcast it as a target? At least the person recording the video only locked it to rep. ;D
Yes, Amazon streams lots of movies, TV shows, and music as well.
They have original TV shows they produce as well as streaming ones other people/networks produced/aired.
Some Amazon Prime is enough to see for free, some you have to pay extra for. Like HBO stuff.
My wife and I are very glad about the Expanse being picked up, we binged season 1 last December, season 2 once it was free on Amazon Prime in March (was $1.99 per ep in January or we coulda kept going right after watching season 1), and are midway through season 3 as it airs “live” now. Good to know it’s not about to die like so many other good sci-fi series before it… (cough)Firefly(cough)
If it gets stuck in your nose …
Fukk my life. I’m considering to come back to EVE Online. I guess i have like 6 or 7 months worth of Omega in PLEX and ISK so can do it without RL monies.
I just can’t keep ignoring the negative impact that WoWs haves on my mental health. I am not well built to sustain frustration, impotence and exposure to human stupidity. And instead of developing resistance to those, WoWs is strengthening the rage fits. I get more angry with less stimulus. I am training my brain to ragefit over a completely optional and unnecessary leisure.
Fukk my life. I am seriously considering to come back to EVE Online for sake of my mental health. And those motherfukekrs in Reykjavik won’t even make it easy by providing an excuse -oh, no. If i am back, i’ll be back to the same exact sh*t I couldn’t stand a minute more. Very probably I STILL won’t be able to stand it a minute more, TBH.
But I can’t keep playing WoWs. I need a game where I can blow stuff and feel achievement and never be bothered with failure, impotence or frustration. And EVE was my b*tch in that sense.
Fukk my life. Will try to sleep on it tonight.
Back to EVE… Even without the CQ?
Honestly, don’t come back. Not trying to be mean. If the idea of playing EVE puts you this much in doubt and self-reflection then you really shouldn’t come back, but try something completely different. Try something that’s not even a computer game, maybe get away from a computer and the Internet for a while, until playing EVE sounds like something you haven’t done in a while.
I think I broadcasted for reps and Ashurman activated a neut or something on me. Since he was also the drone bunny, I got the entire fleet shooting me. At least I think that’s what happened. It’s been 5 years since
And now, off to bed. Nighties loveleis!
Also: let’s shed some light on the history of light…
Try not playing MMO games. There are older games you can play like HOMM 3 or those other you bought. I sometimes play that HOMM 3 and Age of Wonders. It makes me relax, and I can always save and load.
Today I played some GTA online, lost few maches, won few matches. Delivered packages and got some $ for future cars that will be added.
EVE is to me a game I will probably never quit tho. I can sometimes get in and do a mission, maybe some event sites or join converstion in eve radio channel, or do some exploration.
EVE is not frustrating for me at all.
My arms hurt from all the kart riding. To much fun. In about 5 hours I’m gonna wake the kids and see if they wanna go ride some more. They may want to get some sleep. Soon as we arrived home they showered, ate and went to bed lol. Light weights.
First eliminated the birds eating crops, and when there is too much insects eating crops, elimination of insects commences. Last will be humans.
Eliminate too many of either and the entire ecosystem will collapse. The only positive thing out of that would be that humanity would at long last finally eradicate itself. I’m genuinely surprised it hasn’t happened yet, considering how selfish and stupid humans are. Oh well, if it hasn’t happened in 20-25 years, the AGIpocalypse will take care of it.
At least I should stay away from MOBAs. What makes WoWs desirable (no ene otb e speiclaly good to fit in a player tam) also emns that you’re meetign epople much worse than yourself and they ruin everybody’s game. I already have enough with my mistakes, to suffer those from selfish idiots… and there’s an endless supply of selfish idiots.
I’m still thinking baout EVE Online. Haven’t really tried The Agency and maybe it could work. Going back to old games… I played HOMM3 until exhaustion. It wouldn’t work. And fankly, what I expect from games is very niche. I’ve always played, either as a child or an adult, to vent off the aggresiveenss caused by permanent stress. I need to blow up things that cost zill and doesn’t matter if they’re blon up, and virtual worlds are heaven to me. I can’t blow my life, but certainly can blow the sh*t I must endure for being alive instead of effin and confortably dead.
When doing so is worse than the problem, when my sanity resents from additional stress in the attempts to get rid of stress, it’s time to think it. Playign alone is perfect. And EVE still haves a niche that worked well enough for me. Worst case, my guts will turn upside down when I see the description of the very first agent mission and i’ll be in a different kind of trouble.
But under no circunstances, I can’t keep playing WoWs. It’s bad for me and I suspect is feeding back other bad habits i’ve been indulging into. And one of the lessons I learned form my therapist is that often we can’t control the circumstances of our lives, but we’re the masters of our reaction to them.
LOL I guess it’s a thing when we didn’t even had those here in Spain… not at least when I was a child.
Hop into GTA Online and into a tank and shoot police and cause mayhem.
You bet I’ve done it more than a few times. Also “last standoffs” after robbing a shop, get in the back and shoot police showing at the door until they get you… but it’s just siilly fun, there’s no goal or progression which is the other leg I need to stand on. It’s my main concern with returning to EVE, as I was already done with testing new ships against Level 4s and nothing has changed in that aspect. No new ships, old tools are gone (thus making more uncomfortable to test new fits), and of fuckingcourse, No. New. Missions.
Darn, I’m in a melancholic mood…