LEL, I roughly know what of the tiny white specks in Spain match the locations of ski stations…
Today I found a small plastic folder on the ground, when exiting the underground. I picked it and turned out to hold a credit card and a identity document, so obviously somene was missing it. I was ina hurry to not be late at work so I put it ona bank so it didn’t look like random trash but a lost object. Thus, I shifted the moral burden of what to do with a credit card and a ID document to whoever found it next. With more time, I would have turned it in at the office of the underground station, as it is very likely that whoever lost it did so before or after using the underground.
And now it’s time to go to sleep here in my neck of the woods, and so I say: nighties lovelies!
Also: your Bitcoin wallet private key is here…
…and so are all the other 904,625,697,166,532,776,746,648,320,380,374,280,100,293,470,930,272,690,489,102,837,043,110,636,674 pairs of public/private keys… Do you feel lucky? Would you empty a wallet if you stumbled upon a full one? And, are you sure the website won’t use any leys found to be right before you do…?