The Like and Get Likes thread III

Embracer Group is having an end of the year buying spree.

“Nom nom nom nom”

The Nom nom song… it can’t end fast enough.


LEL, I roughly know what of the tiny white specks in Spain match the locations of ski stations… :skier:

Today I found a small plastic folder on the ground, when exiting the underground. I picked it and turned out to hold a credit card and a identity document, so obviously somene was missing it. I was ina hurry to not be late at work so I put it ona bank so it didn’t look like random trash but a lost object. Thus, I shifted the moral burden of what to do with a credit card and a ID document to whoever found it next. With more time, I would have turned it in at the office of the underground station, as it is very likely that whoever lost it did so before or after using the underground.

And now it’s time to go to sleep here in my neck of the woods, and so I say: nighties lovelies!

Also: your Bitcoin wallet private key is here…

…and so are all the other 904,625­,697,166­,532,776­,746,648,32­0,380,3­74,280,1­00,293,4­70,930,2­72,690,4­89,102­,837,04­3,110,6­36,674 pairs of public/private keys… Do you feel lucky? Would you empty a wallet if you stumbled upon a full one? And, are you sure the website won’t use any leys found to be right before you do…? :expressionless:


smol room, but you have to sleep somewhere


So the bed is stored hanging from the roof…? I guess that’s not a IKEA concept… right…?

Today I wnet to order my new glasses, but it has turned that i still have double view on my left eye even after adding al the optical correction. So, since the 24th is a trade holiday at my job, I will go back to the hospital to have this double viewing checked again. Whatever is, it’s not related to the retina as they already checked it and only found the old scars and damages from 15 years ago when I suffered a stroke of macular degeneration… so maybe this means that this time what’s wrong might be something with the cornea or the eye lens. Not cool. :unamused:

Anyway, it’s bed time for me. Nighties lovelies!

Also: a live webcam to a water hole at the Namib desert…

It’s relatively easy to see ostriches and orixes, as well as many smaller animals like different species of birds. The sound is poor but image quality is quite steady. The water hole is lcoated at a private animal park and is fed from a borehole; a solar panel and battery pack feed the control system, a water pump to refill the hole if it’s too low and of course the camera and its commnications.


some filthy antelope has made a :poop: there on the bank of the waterhole, just on edge of it. :nauseated_face:

Remember to not drink from natural reservoirs where animals can be.


Time to go to sleep… very late! Nighties lovelies!

Also: a tour inside the absolutely real sets used for filming the absolutely fictional “Rocinante”

It’s a nice touch how the shelves are actually magnetized as in the series, just in case the actors need to interact with them…


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: unless weather delays it, the JWST (James Webb Sapce Telescope) will be launched tomorrow December 25th at around 12:20 UTC (the launch window lasts for 31 minutes).

A succesful launch will be just the first step. The deployment/unfolding of the telescope will be the real deal in terms of potential failure…


:christmas_tree: :christmasparrot: :gift:


Merry Christmas LAGL! Yippee Ki Yay !


Nice site to see where the Webb telescope is now in its travel. It was launched today.

Go Webb!


I’m having a hard time believing that Webb telescope is actually in space. So many years. Also for those who are not familiar with space: The telescope is named after NASA’s second administrator James Webb, not the British referee Howard Webb, who refereed the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final and 2010 UEFA Champions League Final matches. The more you know. :man_teacher:


I have trouble believing they tested everything as they should, and everything will go smoothly. There are so many operations on this telescope, all the moving parts in space.

BTW, there is Prey now in Epic store. For free.

And that is not everything, more is coming, every day something new.


Well, it’s only 344 single points of failure. What could go wrong after 10 billion dollars, 14 years of delay and 2 near cancellations? :upside_down_face:

(And just wait until the big public figures that it’s a IR telescope, so it will produce no fancy Hubble-esque pics, at best some false colour imagery of otherwise invisible stuff…)


And all will be very outdated information if they will be wanting to see the most far away galaxies. Why even build it if it cant see anything truly new? :upside_down_face:

I wonder how the edges of the visible universe would look now…
Maybe there would be simulations to see that, in future? Based on that outdated information from Webb telescope.


Watching the Webb launch this morning I appreciated a new meaning for “spreadsheets in space.”


Why did the animal cross the Mobius Strip?

To get to the same side

Timezone lovelies. :heart:


The classic rts Total Annihilation is on steam sale for £1.

If that’s not worth a few likes then i dont know what is XD


“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
― Aristotle, Politics

Just leaving this here.


Well, what they will see are very old galaxies when they were very new, so in a way it will be looking at very young stuff, even our universe (they hope) aroudn the 200 million years mark. Conversely, anyone looking at our galaxy from over there, would see our galaxy when it was very young (if it even existed yet). And then anyone as far form those distant galaxies as us but in the opposite direction to us would only see the distant galaxies but not us because the light from our galaxy still wouldn’t have made it there, not even in the whole life of the universe. Or maybe the light of us wouldn’t even be able to catch up with them, if it turns true that space expands faster the emptier it is…

Anyway, JWST is designed to last 5 years, probably will last up to 10 years, and it is possible (in theory) to refuel it and extend its mission farther, although the instruments and modules aren’t serviceable so whatever breaks down will remain broken down.

And now i’m off to bed. So: nighties lovelies!


But what about the light that was emitted before it, when all the universe was closer to us? Or did it all expanded faster than the speed of light from beginning, and the light didnt even came close to us ever? Or the universe was so opaque that the light didnt come to us untill the universe was already very far away and expanding too fast for us to see the stuff far away? The last one seems to be the thing, from what I was able to read and understand. But the background radiation is from the beginning of the universe, so its not completely dark… Maybe Webb will clarify some things.

Also how it is when light have so long wavelength that it is nearly non detectable by us?