Today I’m extra tired after a long uneasy night, I barey could sleep. So i’m claling it a day as soon as possible, like now. Nighties lovelies!
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: this is experimental analog high resolution from 1990…
…resolution was 1035i (1035 lines, interlaced), with no compression, in a purely analog videodisc. It’s literally the 1980s in HD, in a way with better image quality than current HD. The contrast to the standard of the time (650 lines with good color quality in Europe, 575 lines in USA and Japan with poor color) was even more stark since analog video recording systems barely reached the equivalent to some 350 to 400 lines in resolution.
The demo discs are one of the reasons why I love the 90’s. They provide awe inspiring content. One can watch them over and over until they get tired of watching. Playstation had such a demo disc. In it there were 9 game demos(including Tekken 2 and Jet Moto 2) with easter eggs. When you select a game and press a certain button combo, the game thumbnail would flip over and a trailer for that game would play. Now I have my suspicions why(the price of a camera to record content) HD analog didn’t take off.
Maybe it would be a too disrupting shift that would change the world abruptly. There have always been “Luddites” that opposed tech. I am not claiming tech would solve every issue, but from what I’ve read in books, tech is the most bang for the buck solution to world’s issues.
When people don’t want to do x job, tech is developed to do that job instead( e.g. sewer unclogging, coal mining).
Timezone Lovelies.
Here is a video I posted 2 threads ago, but deemed it worthy to post it again :
I haven’t forgotten Hayley! :
The infographic of Elon Musk’s life:
Unfortunately it looks like you tube is adding compression to that video. I think it would be a lot better when watched on old analog crt from analog source without compression.
A tad too much Elon fans… Musk didn’t found SpaceX. He was a venture investor and nearly lost it when SapceX was saved from bankrupcy literally at the last minute. He didn’t found Tesla. He invested in it and took away the company from the actual founders. He didn’t found PayPal. He owned shares in a company that was merged into what would become Paypal, then he was appointed CEO and did such a poor work that was fired, but still held his shares. When the company eventually was bought as PayPal Musk cashed up his shares from a company he didn’t start, he mismanaged from sheer ignorance and was fired from… and yet earned 180 million $ from the deal.
Gory details here:
Musk is nowhere near the legend he’s built around him.
And now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!
He is now more like Edison was with his relation with media. And like with him he is not inventor of many things that are atributed to him, in this case the companies. He is investor, with all the tricks investors do to sell their products, like now selling dreams that doesnt have to happen. The real inventors are more in the shade because their work and effects of their work are not so much clickable.
Edison like Musk was working with Tesla too. But back then Tesla was real person, inventor that actually did projects of the electrical machines, and he had better ideas than Edison had. Like now in Tesla work many people that probably have lot better ideas than Musk, but they are all in shade of Musk.
Its like history repeats itself, but slightly changed.
He has consistency at least, we ought to give him credit for that.
I don’t want to get political here, because it is against EVE Forums’ rules, but even the current president of the USA doesn’t like him due to Elon’s jingoism reeking tweets(now deleted) from the days of the previous president.
Time to go to sleep. Was going to write more about Musk but all in all it’s just a internet discussion… nighties lovelies!
Good morning lovelies. Today is the last day of 2021.
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year! This year is going to be the best EVER!
A bit late but… happy new year LAGLers! 2021 kind of bested 2020 (not a difficult task), so let’s hope 2022 bests 2021!
And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Tree of life in a fractal form, you can zoom in and find homo sapiens too.
They are quite hard to find by browsing, almost like they would not be the most important on earth, just one more species that could even get extinct like many others did! Astounding!
“Hi, I am a Iguanodon, and here’s how I scratch myself”.
What’s interesting is that it is a serious attempt at explaining scientific stuff (at 1925 level) to a wide, popular audience who probably didn’t knew anything on the topics exposed. “Dinowhat?”, would they say. There’s a long way from the wrongness of kangaroo style reptilians to the modern wrongness of feathered T-Rex, as the depiction of long dead animals suffers its own cultural evolution…
Anyway, I’m off to bed now. Nighties lovelies!
Also: nothing to see here, just a Chinese orbiter orbiting Mars…
That’s no CGX, it’s an actual image of Chinese orbiter Tianwen-1, taken from a deployable minicamera linked to the orbiter through WiFi. A first in history.
I have not seen there a dinosaur, or any extinct specie. Probaby they dont want to document anything when its not living, as the classification and what to document would make that an unmanagable job. How many species lived ever, where they are on the tree of life? Would need like a second layer on that tree, where dead branches would still exist. But content there would be very inaccurate from definition, or some accuracy levels would need to be introduced.