The Like and Get Likes thread III


The Mysterious Genius Who Patented the UFO

3,447,948 views • Nov 19, 2018

Bloomberg Quicktake
2.44M subscribers


People are still trucking along in LAGL? Neat.


they found that the probability of life emerging based on known factors peaked about 13,000 light-years from the galactic center and 8 billion years after the galaxy formed. Earth, by comparison, is about 25,000 light-years from the galactic center, and human civilization arose on the planet’s surface about 13.5 billion years after the Milky Way formed

This would be perfectly correct we are not alone, same as earth is not the only planet in the universe.
We are where the star is located, its not the best place or time as can be seen from that research.


Funny, but as science goes, I would take that article with a truckload of salt. Drake’s ecuation is a list of unknowns and barely knowns intermixed with pure speculation. How often do intelligent species self-destruct? Well with a science corpus of 1 species and 0 self-destructions, the likely result of Drake’s ecuation is pure speculation…

Anyway I’m off to bed now. Nighties lovelies!

Also: since yesterday I watched deep fake vidoes with (among others) Hitler and Stalin, plus animated videos in Spanish about air disasters, obviously YT suggested this to me today:

I’m not complaining, since the ladies are quite fascinating to see (specially the Asian dancer around 1:35) but, seriously Google? Deep fake + air disasters = techno music with pole dancers?

(Admittedly I’ve watched some music videos by Depeche Mode for Ish’s music thread, and this video came a suggestion after DPM’s, not the air disasters channel)


“how old is earth ?”

4.543 billion years

If you look up the age of Earth on science websites and in publications, you’ll generally find an estimate of 4.54 billion years, plus or minus 50 million years. ~ May 26, 2020

### How Old Is Earth and How Did Scientists Figure It Out …

#BloombergGiantLeap #Space #Future

Microgravity Will Change How We Make Everything

945,571 views • Oct 24, 2019
945K views - 1 year ago
Bloomberg Quicktake
2.44M subscribers


There are things more bothering than deep fakes tho


But HOW did Euler do it?! A BEAUTIFUL Solution to the FAMOUS Basel Problem!

284,010 views • May 24, 2019
284K views - 1 year ago
Flammable Maths
194K subscribers

… solve the basel problem using the weierstraß factorization theorem. Decomposing the SIne into its linear factors and the comparing coefficients with its also established taylor series expansion is going to be the key in finding the peculiar value of pi^2/6 of zeta of 2/The sum of the reciprocals of all the natural numbers squared! …

7 hours later, Sat Jan 9, 2021 at 08:24:

The Longest Day: 75 Things You Don’t Need to Know

1,279,007 views • Jun 6, 2019
1.2M views - 1 year ago
A Million Movies
29.9K subscribers
34 minutes ago.
13 seconds audiovisual.
Wow, Apple car project!

At 08:42:

Where Did Earth’s Water Come From?
509,442 views • Jun 14, 2020
510K views - 6 months ago
History of the Earth
85.1K subscribers

Something Strange Was Found Under the Antarctic Ice Sheet

172,857 views • Jan 6, 2021
176K views - 2 days ago
3.67M subscribers

Obviously, they need to fix this.

Not only that, but they have to reverse the past
 damage done by finding new ways to fix this.

Any other things in the ice will also get on earth, 
including this SARS-CoV-2 virus which may also 
be from there.

Added at 17:49:
The predictions are not pessimistic, they are realistic and more objective than positive, to avoid making people more paranoid than they are.
Such as in, by and with, Object Programming .

16 hours later, 9 hours after the last update at 17:45:

#CivilizationLongevity #CoolWorlds

Why We May Be Surrounded by Older Alien Civilizations

567,145 views • Nov 1, 2020
573K views - 2 months ago
Cool Worlds
290K subscribers

20 hours later, 4 hours after the last update at 21:39:


Time to go to sleep for me… nighties lovelies!

Also: apparently this song/dance challenge has been a thing in 2020, but not in Spain :woman_shrugging:t2:

Austrian Airlines sent a link to this to several travel professional outlets and there’s where I found it.


Good night, lovelies. :heart:
Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:

EDIT: It is daytime now so…
Timezone lovelies. :heart:


Another sunday, another week is gone and tomorrow will be monday… Nighties lovelies!

Also: paint it black…

Quite weird… but also notice how air scatters light around him, so he still is a little visible.


Building a $2,000,000,000 Telescope. What Could Go Wrong?

121,860 views • Jan 9, 2021
121K views - 1 day ago
3.67M subscribers


The Tech That Could Fix One of Wind Power’s Biggest Problems

5,276,498 views • Jun 22, 2016
5.2M views - 4 years ago
Bloomberg Quicktake
2.44M subscribers

What Is Lurking on The Outskirts of The Solar System

705,385 views • Jan 19, 2020
705K views - 11 months ago
Planet X could be 10 times the mass of the Earth.

19 hours later at 22:43 Mon Jan 11, 2021:


The Mathematics of Consciousness

62,880 views • Jan 9, 2021
64K views - 2 days ago
Sabine Hossenfelder
185K subscribers

#Science #Mathematics #Consciousness

0:00 Intro
0:48 Integrated Information Theory
4:02 The Penrose-Hameroff microtubules conjecture
5:19 Palmer’s Quantum Creativity
6:26 Erra’s Optimal Synchronization
7:23 Mason’s Information Maximization
8:52 What is it good for?

Plus, if someone or entity tried to take advantage of communication by making that communication seem to be creating vulnerability which they intend to misrepresent as if they did communicate too much, and do communicate too much, so as to try to suggest them not to communicate anymore, and, not communicate the restriction of the communication, and how this restriction is applied, even though it coincides with the problem first sought to be caused, and intended to forfeit the evidence of, which would not only perpetrate the problem, but, also, seek to justify ill gains, and, yes, ill gains from it, as well, on top of it, while actively seeking to interfere against it which associates would not be able to solve, and which would require a greater moral system to solve, although that this greater moral system to solve that problem was already active and able to see their actions to do so, when they already were.


Welcome to jumbled dreams! Or, when you’re dreaming several dreams at once and they just become a chaos! Last night I dreamed… but can’t remeber exactly what since there were three or maybe different storylines/dreams going on and shifted from one to another without order. Weird stuff even compared to my usual weird dreams which, at least, are weird in a single, straight line… now i’m off to bed, let’s see whether I sleep or dream tonight… nighties lovelies!

Also: wooden satellites so they burn almost completely when decomissioned…?

Wood in space, I don’t think anyone ever tested that… how stable is wood against extreme temperature shifts? And void…? :thinking:


I thought Vantablack was the blackest black, but science improves, apparently. Also I think that for movies they don’t use black paint but less lighting and lower ISO settings on their camera to get the lighting effect like in the video you shared. Darn, I haven’t used a real camera in ages. I’m forgetting stuff. :thinking:

2:20 A.M.
I should go to bed.
Good night, lovelies! :heart:
Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:


Oct '20

Why Microsoft left dozens of servers on the ocean floor for two years

1,443,687 views • Dec 22, 2020
1.4M views - 2 weeks ago
2.93M subscribers

The Nuclear Salt Water Rocket - Possibly the Craziest Rocket Engine Ever Imagined.

257,182 views • Jan 10, 2021
255K views - 1 day ago
Scott Manley
1.19M subscribers

Ion engines in deep space, 
I never knew we studied ionized reaction before for that.

That was indeed pretty advanced for a 
secondary school (chemistry) science course.

15 minute later at 09:41 Tue Jan 12, 2021:

Tesla Model 3’s motor - The Brilliant Engineering behind it

1,107,313 views • Dec 18, 2020
1.1M views - 3 weeks ago
Learn Engineering
4.11M subscribers


I always wondered, if all that stone is being created from material, from where it actually comes? Is it like some mountain have to be erased for new one to come, or is it just material falling from sky like in meteorites and dust from them. :thinking:


Time to go to bed… for a change I watche lilsteel’s videos and they were pretty interesting, both the Microsoft one and Scott Manley’s. Unfortunately I usually don’t have time to watch videos when I could be reading quite faster than video can speak. Anyway I’ll think about salt water rocket engines… it’s very itneresting cocnept. Nighties lovelies!

Also: those days when a Nigerian scam sells a non-existant airport to a bank for 242 million $…

Even accounting for how it was before the Internet was a big thing, it’s baffling how the bank manager just kept sending money without even bothering to check whether actually there was an airport being built…


Thought it was going to end in some kind of 1970s thing.

:snake: :snail: :butterfly: :bug:
Wow, cool man.


#Top10 #MovieCars #MuscleCars

Top 10 Forgotten Car Chase Movies

375,716 views • Sep 23, 2020
375K views - 3 months ago
MFP - Map Film Productions
7.79K subscribers




Must have been one of a kind experience.

No way the first Musk’s starship goes to Mars in 2022. But we can dream. :relaxed: