The Like and Get Likes thread III

Well, AIs imitate text and graphics by statistical analysis of what-uses-to-be-near-what-else, be them words or pixel clusters. Dealing with reality would require them to actually think, which is nowhere near what they do.

“These pretty numbers use to be by these other pretty numbers, so let’s try it” -sorry but reality doesn’t works like this. The numbers must be right, and there might be different ways in which they are right but also wrong because often a machine is a balance of things that are neither the best on all parameter nor bad in any criticla parameter.

And then there’s innovation, making somethign never done before… without right answers towards which compare outcomes and be trained to share only “good” and not “bad”, the Ai can’t tell the difference. Any new thing is an unknown answer, not a random collection of stuff which uses to be near other stuff.

AIs are good bullshiters, but bullsheet can’t stand reality checks.

And now i’m off to bed… nighties lovelies!

PS: the fact that we human must think in order to write or create images does not mean that AIs think when they produce a text or an image. They just imitate what has been fed to them. It’s like when the Mayan civilization was collapsing and new temples and steles featured meaningless glyphs rather than actual text: somewhere along the road the last stone carver who knew the meaning of the “pretty drawings we put on stuff” died before transmititng the knowledge of writing and reading and so future stone carvers just randomly copied and mixed the “pretty drawings the ancients put on stuff” and even improvised new ones.

“Hmm… so what about bunny jaguar vvasejm storm gjiejs eleven tree nwyn?” “I like the curved one better and the zigzag should go to the left… so it will be storm fireplace vvasejm bunny gjiejs eleven tree nwyn”


They actually understand what is written or said right now. Thinking is kind of fuzzy process, innate to the neural network. AI can understand and visualize what is dreamed or thought when connected to brain. But nobody knows where is the thought, as its the distributed process. Its somewhere in the network…

Hmm, its like understanding and computing all of the physics while riding bicycle.

You dont have to finish physics to ride a bicycle, and you dont have to read above article explaining how things work while you ride a bicycle. You dont have to stand there first before riding a bicycle and compute the path, It all comes instinctively, that means your brain learns how to do it in realtime, using feedback signals to its aide. It was evolved around applied physics, uses it everyday from day one.

You can see a trace of thought there, but its nowhere near the thought thats specifically yours. Its someone else thoughts, you are only trying to fill the gaps.


Ais don’t understand. They produce a statistically relevant output from a statistically relevant input.

We are in a weak AI version of the Chinese Room. Our AIs simulate creating graphics and simulate reading and writing, but only as it suits their programming and the task they’ve been given.

But then, both the Chinese Room device and our current AIs can only produce statistically relevant outputs from statistically relevant inputs. Unusual inputs will render nothing because there is no thought process to deal with them.


Hmm, what if we are such statistically relevant output from input. Only the naturally evolved kind. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Without environment, without that statistically relevant input, what would human brain look like? What would be the thoughts? What language would be used?

If you dont teach Ai or a person, if you dont give it data, what would be there really? Both work on principle of statistics, relevance, and neural patterns, holding memories, recognition of patterns.


My natural intelligence (whatever it is) tells me it would be smart to go sleep right now, thus, I will psot here and then go browse my smartphone for like half an hour until it’s really late and I wonder why didn’t I just drop on the bed from the computer desk. Nighties lovelies!




LordO: Snipe!
Everyone else: There are no pages in Discourse!
LordO: I can dream, capsuleers!


So, now I am 49 years old… not as pretty as 48 nor as interesting as 50. Its only redeeming quality is that it’s 7x7, or 7^2. Weee. :woman_shrugging:t2:

And now that I am one year older than yesterday, there I go to bed and sleep for a while. Nighties lovelies!

Also: legs are not just for walking…

…it just climbs up the wall like a dog would, then pushes the button like a… robot? Can you imagine actual hands with fingers on those legs? Uncanny…


Time to go to bed… nighties lovelies!


I still love this meme. <3


Time to go to sleep, as 123,000 songs have been released to the Internet today… on average… it makes no sense at all as art is involved. but maybe people hoping to luck out, go viral and make a fortune… infricting copyrights to no end (who can enforce copyright against such a flood of different files?), trashing everything in their path, diluting whatever valuable can be found by the sheer stupidity and faulty logic of greed. With no entry barrier, anything goes…

Time to go to sleep for me. Nighties lovelies!

Also: I wonder how does this fare to a foreign audience… does it make sense? Is it funny?

(The play takes place in a haunted castle, where three actors play different monsters. Here they are playing Hellhound pups)


This is where I see A.I. generation in future used, coming to people. Providing the entertainment, personalized entertainment, for which you have to pay a subscription. A.I. would tell stories, read them to you in voice preferred by you, it would make music the kind you like, with mood you like. It would make images, photos, paintings, landscapes that it would display on the walls of your room. The kind that is prefferred by you, not created for masses to see. it would improvise, it would make it interesting, and it would be cheap.


I don’t like likes :smile:


Then you’re in the wrong 'hood, foreigner. Here you WILL be liked.


Aye ma’am! :saluting_face:


I’m wondering why I can’t find the Faction Adamantium-Reinforced Bulkhead II on the market :thinking:


In this age of ready and fast consumption we people often get desensitized. All of us are so spoiled that as we are picky about our clothes, food, drinks, methods of communication, places we live, and even the people we date/marry we lose joy of enjoying simple things in life. The video is clearly a decent and simplistic comedy where we used to laugh when we were young & pure. Nowadays, sadly even the funniest comedy doesn’t make people laugh. Something something dopamine sensitivity gone something.

At least that is how I interpret it.



Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!