Mouse Watch
Okay, it’s not Death Watch.
Today I learned that Sisi is another option in the EVE universe.
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: you learn, then you die… or is it you die, then you learn?
EVE Online’s 20th Anniversary Stream.
20 years! It is…
631,139,040 seconds(not counting leaps)
That’d be a lot of skillpoints!
At this point, i am no longer sure of whether I feel something about EVE Online. Given that Elite: Dangerous took another direction and now has kind of… stalled…?, I don’t know whether EVE Online would have dragged itself up to the 20th anniversary by being a different game with a diversified demographic which included people like me.
All in all, what kind of gamer am I? I’m closing up to 4,000 hours played at War Thunder, a FPS which often gets me on my nerves, in which I am mediocre-to-bad, and which consists of neverending grind of different vehicles to do the same old sh¡t in order to grind the next (slightly) different vehicles which will get one-shot most of the time and will struggle to one-shot enemies irrespective of their stats on paper… because I am mediocre-to-bad player and never bothered to learn the snipe points of maps or study the weak spots of lower level tanks or the one-shot spots of modern tanks… I just merrily rush for the cap and improvise afterwards, and usually never are in the right place at the right time, and usually it’s me vs two or three bogeys, and usually the match will be lost or won based on whether my team of random mediocre-to-godawful players gets their sh¡t right (no, they won’t, and i know it…) and bloody mind the capture points instead of padding their killboards.
But, to the point: give me a mechanic I can cope with, a goal of different and continuously expanded tools & shiny to keep repeating the same mechanic, and I’m a happy plant.
Grinded up most of the Soviet / Russian MBT tree, grinded up to the end the MBT line of the German tree, grinded the whole of the Israelian tree (but SPAAs) and now i’m working on the British tree and eyeing the French one… maybe. Nearly 4,000 hours and some 250 euros later, i’m still playing a game I don’t really like, from a company I despise (them matchmaker cheaters), because of custom and doing the same sh’t in a slightly different way so my hours go away.
Yet CCP (a company I respected) couldn’t give a rat’s ass of players like me in a game I loved and in which I was good for my gameplay style. Their loss.
(And they WILL burn in hell for Incarna & its post-mortem)
Yip… I like warthunder but I’m bad at it… I swear it doesn’t matter where I shoot I do no damage… they turn around and one shot me. I even watch Oddballz, Dollarplays and Spookstons. These guys just have insane knowledge and can recognise a tank from just seeing a speck of it. To me most tanks look the same.
As for Eve… bah not sure why I still play CCP only caters to Nullsec and Highsec, Lowsec Pirates continually get shafted. Most recent comes to mind when they changed FW and removed it from the Lowsec we live in. Sure we could move but me and my corp have so many assests its just not appealing to move again. Sick of having to chase content. Doesn’t help that most players won’t engage us cause we assume we only Hotdrop.
Do you know why we Hotdrop… cause your 20 man gang keeps running from our tiny fleets of 5 or less people. We like to fight… we love to fight out numbered. Yestarday for example we had 10 man fleet (rare for us) and we had a great fight with Eve Uni they had like 40 people and we walked away with no losses and a bunch of kills (Sry Eve Uni but your FCs are teaching you wrong).
This Is Eve.
Love ya all
Your WT skills look like min, but after 4000 hours (and I thought 2,000 was insane…) I’ve learned a few tricks. Most modern tanks have a pathetic low frontal plate since they are supposed to stand behind cover and show only the turret (among a thousand things that make no sense when used in War Thunder), so that’s a palce to try and shot for. In Russsian tanks with any luck you might hit the ammo carrousel in the hull and boom, but most of the time that’s what younger, better sighted, more trained players do to you by the time you’re still considering whether that is a tank or a bush, or shifting to thermals to be sure, or wonder how the f*** do they always one shot your gun (and two crew, and the engine is set on fire, and disable a track all in one shot, because) then proceed to one shot you.
All PvP games have their own personality and WT is no different. I used to play World of Warships until the developers effed up with “golden ammo” ships like the goddamned flamethrower DDs, selling DPS for cash to the expense of everyone supplying those damage points… aka Battleships. One can only be set on fire and sunk by burning to death by an invisible incendiary machinegun DD so many times before telling the game to go f*** itself. And once youv’e been selling DPS grinders to everyone, there is no turning back, nerfing 60 euros DPS machineguns means bye-bye.
As for EVE, I would have merrily loved to keep playing missions in different ships/fits (from effective to silly) as long as CCP just added some missions each now and then and they could be played with different ships/fits, from efective to silly. CCP instead focused on choiceless PvE which can only be played one way or else, same as goes for everything in the game. There is one way that works and endless ways that end in wasted time… and being a dynamic system “the way that works” only works for a diminishing amount of people who transition from one meta to another and still find it interesting, or rewarding.
You say it: what works for you in LS? GTFO from hotdrops because hotdrops ruin everybody’s fun but for hotdropers, so then you must hotdrop or else which means both you and your intended targets must play “the right way” or else.
Sid Meier said that “a game is a series of interesting choices”, but both the Civilization franchise and many games around have taken a road to selling the one-and-only right way to play (preferably paying extra buck for it). You can choose to not get oil in Civ 5 or 6, but the endgame will suck. You can choose to honor small gang fights, but your EVE PvP will suck. You can choose to bring T2 drones instead of Navy, but your Abyssal will suck.
And once you learn The Righ Way, either CCP will shift something (which is bad because you might not like the New Right Way) or you’ll be set up doing the same stuff for years as nothing changes (which is the third most common way to win EVE, getting the short end of a change being the second most common way to win, and then being repeatedly bullied out of your fun is the number 1 killer).
I do PvE with fleets, helping kill triglavians, also some exploration but its more about rng loot.
I do some PvP in game, but I am learning, and I am rather carefull solo. In fleet its a lot more fun, I dont feel so unsure about everything, i will be protected by fleet members, and i feel good when i help fleet members survive, rescuing them by reps or just dealing a lot of dps so enemies die fast. Also blingy ships or pods dying to us cause some excitement.
I was shooting Hilmar yesterday, but looks like the killmail was not generated in Zkill.
I’m very pissed at Eve Pve right now.
I was flying around chasing a Player, I lost them. Decided to see what these new sites were… I had no intention of running it. Just wanted to look inside…
Rats should not be right at the entrance… that what I believe…
The sites are designed to be entered by ships described in the event page. Assault cruisers, battlecruisers and such. I always read the stuff before entering first time any site. Lost my deal od ships before I learned how to deal with those surprises. One reason I first try some cheap overtanked and cap oblivious fit, then something more fancy.
Also, I dont play only EVE. I gathered some nice free rpgs in the EPIC store, Pathfinder: Kingmaker that I now play, and Pillars of Eternity that I liked very much, that I have completed already. But I play them on story modes, the fights are pretty hard on “normal” difficulty, and my heroes stories have to be heroic, not struggling in some cave and getting almost killed fighting some oversized rats.
I keep meaning to finish Pathfinder so I can justify buying the new one
Time to go to sleep… but only for a night. Nighties lovelies!
Also: some people don’t get the “eternal rest” concept…
Another day came and went by, time to go to sleep. Nighties lovelies!
I amar prestar aen…
New Eden is changed
Han mathon ne nen…
I feel it in my capsule goo.
Han mathon ne chae…
I feel it on the PI planets.
A han noston ned gwilith…
I smell it in space…
Much that once was lost is now returning. For those who have forgotten, only recently begin to remember it.
History became legend, legend became myth, and for three and a half years, the EVE Online passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared a new player.
EVE Online came to the capsuleer LordOdysseus, who took it deep into the tunnels of his hard drive. And there, it consumed him.
EVE Online brought to LordOdysseus unnatural amounts of skillpoints. For fifteen years it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of his mancave, it waited. Darkness crept back into the forest of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the east, whispers of a nameless fear, and the MMO of Power perceived its time had now come. It would’ve abandoned LordOdysseus if he didn’t regain self moderation, self-discipline and time management just in the nick of time.
He now plays it in moderation and he is a happy, redeemed capsuleer.
Time to go to bed… nighties lovelies!
Also: 1960s meet 2020s…
The camera is too heavy for the drone, the image quality is all-its-glory Super 8 and it just makes sense as a hobby project… but someone had to try and it’s been done.
I think music have been doing a lot for that video.
Now for something different:
when it comes to water little by little does the trick also, just takes some time
When I was younger, I always used to think they were using the water as a coolant for a blade or a saw whenever someone mentioned “cutting with water”. The idea of cutting with water itself is really cool I gotta admit.
Something is not right here Raitaru | Rockline Tool And Die | Killmail | zKillboard