Some interesting random stuff I found on the web…

First hello, then goodbye. Nighties lovelies!
Yea but what does it all mean?
It would not be the first or last time something we made killed us. Even simple cigarette have potential to kill.
Paper cut at the right place & its adios bambinos
Humans won 1rst place at the intergalactic life snuffin pageant.
I see a lot of exaggeration and attention whoring by a bored colonel… AIs are not in a place where they can find a target on their own not even if you tell them where it is, which precludes targetting the wrong thing at the wrong place.
It works like that with humans too.
It will never cease to amaze me how clever motherfuc*ers will misrepresent everything that challenges the misconceptions that favor their masters.
The ability to meet your daily needs without giving business to Big Auto, Big Oil and Big Lobby State is not slavery. It’s freedom to choose how and where do you live.
Chickens were free too, they could have always go into the wild, but they had it good right there.
Its like when something is free, then you are the product.
a nice trick
What misconseptions? Who are their masters & who r the motherflockers? What turkeys havta do wid big buzzness & freedom beside they hav wings but cant fly? If I grill chicken it means I’m patriot or I must grill steak noifsandbutts? Daily needs without big oil, lobby big auto is not freedom its survival. Freedom doesn exist, its a scam to get people to sell their lives for peanuts.
Well, the thing with chickens is that the ones who would run to the wild still are there… the ones we use are those who wouldn’t run away too often.
Anyway it infuriates me how that reactionary scumbag misrepresents 15 minute cities. Puto gilipollas hijo de mil leches…
Also: seriously, this video is a magic trick…
…a video magic trick which consists of stop recording, shake the bottle, and start filming again as bubbles build up and the bottle is about to pop.
(Seriously, the bottle goes from no bubbling activity to full pop in a couple of frames… that’s not how reality works).
There are two sides to every medal, you cant make an omelette without breaking few eggs.
Humans do better than the rest of earth animals thanks to what they would also sometimes call that sophisticated scam. But in reality its really good living, if it wouldnt be so, people would all run away into the woods.
Some medals r 1-sided. Do a search for one-sided medals.
Eggs hav colestorol, bad for ya.
The woods r private property. Police come & bust up your campsite, lucky you dont go to jail.
Only liberty with enough money.
Time to point out that all medals are at least three sided*…
*even the ones with two convex sides (like a lentil), there is one thin side where the surfaces of the sides change direction