Time to go to bed… nighties lovelies!
Very nice.
…what? Are those drawings related?
Yes, they come from the same hand and brush
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: this is a problem… or don’t?
Gravity works through space AND time, thus whenever traveling backwards in time, you would also be dragged back along with your local gravity frame of reference.
(And now a plot for a time travel story: turns out we can only travel to locations which go exctinct along their own timeline, which explains why we never meet ourselves nor can change our past since we’re visiting “aborted” versions of our past… and then some futuristic looking guys just appear out of nowhere and ask us whether we could be kind enough to, huh, place some blackbox recording equipment at some locations… for the good of all of mankind’s timelines…)
(Extra plot twist: turns out it’s THEIR timeline that goes exctinct, so we are not doomed, yay! Or are we…? Maybe time travel does trigger timeline exctinction…?)
Wonderful drawings and wonderful spaceship drawings.
That would mean also no travel in time without traveling in space on every possible level of existence of things.
There is no way of turning everything back when its all moving forward. There is no all-encompassing time machine and building such isnt possible by any entity from this universe. Metaphysical entities out of known to human universe have to be taken into account for time travel, and that is very much like in concept of simulation.
Changing direction of time isnt possible by human hands. Changing direction of movement is possible, but only locally and the change isnt all-encompassing, so cant be even locally treated as local time arrow direction change.
Localized all-encompassing effect would be about not changing everything around, but only human body and memories. If you could turn back time on someone, from time traveling observer perspective they could eventually turn into a pair of cells…
During that change, a lot of energy would have to be provided to change matter, in accelerated process, person would experience amnesia as effect.
Sounds like you’re talking more about reversal of natural flow of time than jumping from one time slot to the next ( or previous ) in that flow.
Difference between this
and this
If we take into account position that there are no alternative realities and no timelines, its all one, and changing it takes effort. The paradoxes arise if we dont understand the workings of the world, and every time travel is a paradox.
The upper picture as representation of first attempted time travel is more true than the lower, because it doesnt cause any paradox.
It would take a lot of efforts for me discount alternate realities and timelines.
We don’t yet understand time travel. I doubt it’s even possible so talking about paradoxes is premature.
But do you know of any?
I have no proof of alternate realities but I understand timelines thanks to the déjà-vu’s I regularly have.
Here is a joke: Two guys walk into a bar, but the third one was a duck.
That joke gets standing ovation every time.
OK, stop whatever you’re doing stop it and spend 27 minutes watching this video (less if you skip the two commercial bits):
It explains with a lot more detail what I already said, conversational AIs just put together words which they calculate that probably go together… at least in English language.
Art AIs do the same with pixel correlations, based on how the values of hue, saturation and luminance vary in matrixes of different sizes (2x2, 3x3, 4x4… 128x128 pixels), and also how vary in matrixes of matrixes, and matrixes of matrixes of matrixes, and so forth, and how does that correlate to inputs of text strings so it can bruteforce its way into calculating one of different “right” HSL values for individual pixels.
AIs don’t think. AIs don’t know. AIs don’t understand. They take an input and do maths on it in a way someone coded them which renders something we think that makes sense.
Well, humans try to make sense too.
AI is designed to make that what humans do.
Monkey see, monkey do.
That’s what separates machine from man.
The data processing activities could be likened to thinking and the results to Intelligence but behind the curtain It’s only clockwork, no heart no imagination no empathy and the only artifice in Artificial is this
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: looks like some countries are more popular targets for cyber attacks than others…
Can choose to display between 1 and 7 attacks per second (there are hundreds per second, so the ones shown are picked randomly)
BTW, do you remember how blockchain had a massive carbon footprint due to the massive amounts of calculations involved in ledgering? Well, guess what also performs a massive amount of calculations at cloud datacenters powered by mostly fossil fuels because that’s the cheapest… Yep, deep learning AIs. Fact checking is still catching up because available data is a little old and AIs have grown so fast, but probably AIs aren’t cheap to run neither for the companies nor the planet*.
*well, nevermind the planet. Earth will do fine, eventually, but our water, food and us… that’s pretty debatable